\item[\faUsers]\textbf{Ethical \& Open Source technology} -- I'm a big advocate for ethical and open source technology. I used to volunteer and act as Technical Director for a community-driven organisation (\href{https://web.archive.org/web/20201124092230/https://hfet.org/}{\textit{hfet.org}} | \textit{Humans For Ethical Tech} - which sadly doesn't exist any more) that raised awareness for ethical technology. We provided security/privacy guides and hosted several user-respecting alternatives to popular services. I also attend numerous Open Source focused conferences like \href{https://fosdem.org}{\textit{FOSDEM}}\&\href{https://osfc.io}{\textit{OSFC}}.
\item[\faServer]\textbf{Self-hosting} -- I self-host and manage many personal services at home and on the cloud. I enjoy learning new technologies to power-up my workflows and lessen my dependence on potentially unsustainable technologies.
\item[\faCode]\textbf{Scripting \& Automation} -- After switching to Linux, I started using the terminal to resolve issues and improve workflows, leading to the creation of many scripts and automations for improved desktop functionality. Ten years on, this expertise has helped in managing server use-cases as well.
\item[\faGlobe]\textbf{Environmentalism} -- Sustainability is a significant aspect of my life. During my time at university, I refurbished damaged electronics - thereby reducing e-waste and financially supporting my studies.
\item[\faHandRockO]\textbf{Climbing} -- I've recently picked up bouldering as a way to physically challenge myself and develop my problem solving skills in a new environment.