% Aberystwyth University \uni{Aberystwyth University}{Sep 2018--Jun 2022}{BSc Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) [G401]: 1\textsuperscript{st}} Class Honours \textit{Including the following modules:} \begin{itemize*} \item System and Network Services Administration (77\%) \item Open Source Development Issues (89\%) \item Agile Development and Testing (77\%) \item Modelling Persistent Data (80\%) \item Machine Learning (73\%) \end{itemize*} % Uckfield College \college{Uckfield College}{Sep 2011--June 2018}{ \begin{tabular}{@{}l l} {A-Level}: & French, Maths, Physics\\ {GCSE}: & 11 A*-C including Maths, English and Computing \end{tabular} }