\ProvidesClass{cv}[2021/09/11 Oscar Pocock CV class]

% Packages

% Name title

% Last edited
		\footnotesize\textcolor{gray}{(Last updated: \today)}%

% CV Sections
\newcommand{\cvsect}[1]{% The only parameter is the section text
\vspace{0.5\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the section title
\noindent\raggedright\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{white}{\MakeUppercase{\textbf{#1}}}}\hrulefill\\% Section title
\vspace{0.25\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the section title

%\titleformat{\section}       % Customise the \section command 
%{\Large\scshape\raggedright} % Make the \section headers large (\Large),
%                             % small capitals (\scshape) and left aligned (\raggedright)
%  {}{0em}            % Can be used to give a prefix to all sections, like 'Section ...'
%  {}                 % Can be used to insert code before the heading
%  [\titlerule]       % Inserts a horizontal line after the heading
%  \titleformat{\subsection}
%  {\large\scshape\raggedright}
%  {}{0em}
%  {}


  \section[#1]{#1 \hfill #2}%

  \subsection[#1]{#1 \hfill #2}%

% Work experience entry
\vspace{0.5\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the section title
{\faBriefcase\ \textbf{#1} at #2, \faMapMarker\ #3 \hfill #4}\\

% Work experience entry description

% Work experience entry description
\begin{itemize}[topsep=-0.5em, itemsep=-0.25em, leftmargin=1em]

\vspace{0.5\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the section title
{\faCode\ \textbf{#1} \hfill #2}\\
{\small #3}\\

\vspace{0.5\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the section title
{\iconGitea\ \textbf{#1} \hfill #2}\\
{\small #3}\\

%\href{mailto:#1}{\faEnvelope #1}
            #1 {\large\textperiodcentered} #2 {\large\textperiodcentered} #3
            \ #4 \ \ #5%
    #1\hfill {\large\textperiodcentered}\hfill #2\hfill
    {\large\textperiodcentered}\hfill #3\\
    #4\hfill #5%

\footnotesize{#1} & \footnotesize{#2} & \footnotesize{#3} & \footnotesize{#5}  & \footnotesize{\href{#6}{\textsc{\faLinkedin} #7}}

\vspace{0.5\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the section title
{\faGraduationCap\ \textbf{#1} \hfill #2}\\

\if 1#1%
{1\textsuperscript{st}} Year
\if 2#1
{2\textsuperscript{nd}} Year
\if 3#1
{3\textsuperscript{rd}} Year
\if 4#1
{4\textsuperscript{th}} Year
%\if 1#1%
%{1\textsuperscript{st}} Year
%\if 2#1
%{2\textsuperscript{nd}} Year
%\if 3#1
%{3\textsuperscript{rd}} Year
%\if 4#1
%{4\textsuperscript{th}} Year

\multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textit{Semester #1}}\\

%\multicolumn{3}{l}{\textit{Semester #1}}\\

#1 & #2 \hfill & #3\\

\vspace{0.5\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the section title
{\faGraduationCap\ \textbf{#1} \hfill #2}\\

\vspace{0.5\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the section title
{\faCertificate\ \textbf{#1}, \textit{#2} \hfill #3}\\

\vspace{0.5\baselineskip} % Whitespace before the section title
{\faCertificate\ \textbf{#1} \textit{(in training)}, \textit{#2} \hfill (Exp. #3)}\\

  {\begin{itemize}[itemsep=-0.25em, leftmargin=1em, topsep=0em]}%


\faBriefcase\ & #2\\
\faBuilding\ & #3\\

\faPhone & \href{tel:#1}{#2}

\faEnvelope & \href{mailto:#1}{#1}

\faUser & \textbf{#1}

\faBriefcase & #1

\faBuilding & #1


%\fontello \char"E802

\newcommand{\iconGitea}{\icons\char"E80C \normalfont}


%  \includegraphics[height=3\fontcharht\font`\B]{img/microsoft-certified-associate-badge.pdf}%
%  \endgroup