\thispagestyle{empty} %TC:ignore %%% %%% You must sign the declaration of originality. %%% %%% You are submitting this electronically. Therefore, to sign, you %%% type your name and date to replace the .... characters. %%% \section*{\centering Declaration of originality} I confirm that: \begin{itemize} \item{This submission is my own work, except where clearly indicated.} \item{I understand that there are severe penalties for Unacceptable Academic Practice, which can lead to loss of marks or even the withholding of a degree.} \item{I have read the regulations on Unacceptable Academic Practice from the University's Academic Registry (AR) and the relevant sections of the current Student Handbook of the Department of Computer Science.} \item{In submitting this work I understand and agree to abide by the University's regulations governing these issues.} \end{itemize} \vspace{2em} Name: Oscar Pocock\\ \vspace{1em} Date: \today \\ %%% %%% We would like to make a selection of final reports available to students that take %%% this module in future years. To enable us to do this, we require your consent. You %%% are not required that you do this, but if you do give your consent, then we will have %%% the option to select yours as one of a number of reports as examples for other %%% students. If you would like to give your consent, then please include the following %%% text and type your name and date to replace the .... characters. %%% %%% If you do not wish to give your consent, please remove this from your report. %%% \vspace{1em} \section*{\centering Consent to share this work} By including my name below, I hereby agree to this project's report and technical work being made available to other students and academic staff of the Aberystwyth Computer Science Department. \vspace{2em} Name: Oscar Pocock\\ \vspace{1em} Date: \today \\ %TC:endignore