diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_colemak.c b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_colemak.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4fe348268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_colemak.c
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+        /*                            Redefine a layer in this file
+         *
+         * _Activate_ one or more of the below BASESFILE_LAYER_..., to redefine the layer
+         * in this file. The version in ./keymap.c will be ignored. Keep in mind to use
+         * transparent keys (_______) for “hold” layer switch keys on the BASE map, for
+         * your new layer.
+         */
+        /*  ⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._BASE: Qwerty, normal BASE layer and 'default' layer
+     *
+     * - Dual use keys create a delay in the key (tap/hold keys), therefore
+     *   space is not dual use (most ued key), neither is hyphen.
+     */ 
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+# if   defined(BASE_COLEMAK__DEF_BASE)
+    [ _DEF_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# elif defined(BASE_COLEMAK__ALT_BASE)
+    [ _ALT_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._BASE (Letters). This is Colemak, except backspace/tab 
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        qQ    wW    fF    pP    gG    | jJ    lL    uU    yY    ;:         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    rR    sS    tT    dD    | hH    nN    eE    iI    oO           '"
+         LSht+_PAD  zZ    xX    cC    vV    bB    | kK    mM    ,<    .>    /?    RSht+_FUN 
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) LGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (RGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+//      <pink2            , <pink, <ring, <midd, <indx, <ind|, indx>, inde>, midd>   , ring>  , pink>   , pink2>        ,
+//      -*!-              ,      ,      ,      ,      ,    <|,>     ,      ,         ,        ,         ,               ,
+        KC_ESC            , KC_Q , KC_W , KC_F , KC_P , KC_G , KC_J , KC_L , KC_U    , KC_Y   , KC_SCLN , KC_BSPC       ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB ) , KC_A , KC_R , KC_S , KC_T , KC_D , KC_H , KC_N , KC_E    , KC_I   , KC_O    , KC_QUOT       ,
+//      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , MO ( _PAD )
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1_BASE
+# endif
+                           , DUO_HOLD , CHOLTAP_ACCE 
+# else
+                           , CHOLTAP_ACCE , DUO_HOLD
+# endif
+                                                     , LT__MOV__KC_ENT
+                                                     , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                                                       , KC_SPC , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI
+                                                                                                      , MO ( _FUN )
+# endif
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                                      , MORE_key2  
+# endif
+                                                                                                      , CHOLTAP_LAYR
+//                         ,              ,          ,               <|,>       ,          ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2           , <3       , <4             |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._NSY: Numbers and symbols, to work with the Colemak base layer above (unchanged from Qwerty).
+     *          Off hand Number input (-.Bksp ent (shft)tab).
+     */
+    // KC_TILD does not work there, because of a limitation with shifted keys (nov 2019).
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+# if   defined(BASE_COLEMAK__DEF_BASE)
+    [ _DEF_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# elif defined(BASE_COLEMAK__ALT_BASE)
+    [ _ALT_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols). This fits the above Colemak layer _..._BASE
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    -_    \|    =+    | +     |     _     {     }  `~+RSht // limitation prevents ~
+                          ^^                              ^  // Only differences with normal version _..._NSY
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   LGUI  Right+RAlt
+                     -*-       <|>    -*-                                         //(hold) Access on _..._BASE
+       <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+            ^                                   ^
+          (RGUI)                              (_MOV)
+//      <pink2             , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>  , index>  , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>  , pink2>             ,
+//                         , -*-     ,         ,         ,         ,       <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,         ,                    ,
+        CTO_BASE           , KC_EXLM , KC_AT   , KC_HASH , KC_DLR  , KC_PERC , KC_CIRC , KC_AMPR , KC_ASTR , KC_LPRN , KC_RPRN , KC_DEL             ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB )  , KC_1    , KC_2    , KC_3    , KC_4    , KC_5    , KC_6    , KC_7    , KC_8    , KC_9    , KC_0    , RCTL_T ( KC_GRV )  , 
+//      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , XXXXXXX
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1  
+# endif
+                           , _______ , _______ , KC_ENT 
+                                               , TRANS_MIDLEFT  
+# endif
+                                                               , KC_DOT , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI
+# ifdef TRANSMINIVAN_RIGHTSIDE                               
+                                                                                              , XXXXXXX
+# endif                                                      
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                      
+                                                                                              , MORE_key2  
+# endif                                                      
+                                                                                              , RALT_T ( KC_RGHT )
+//                         ,         , -*-     ,             <|,>       , -*-      ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2      , <3      , <4           |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_colemak.md b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_colemak.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cafd7ddf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_colemak.md
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Minifan layout
+Compiled for: Colemak
+This file details the compile version `#define BASE_COLEMAK__DEF_BASE, BASE_COLEMAK__ALT_BASE`.
+This is a Colemak layout.
+Control follows Unix logic here (left/center), not Colemak Backspace.
+Colemak keymaps
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_colemak_ve.jpg)
+Layer: `..._BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_qwerty_vb.jpg)
+Layer: `..._NSY`
+──────────in common────────────
+For more about the other layers, see ➡ ![readme.md](./readme.md) ⬅
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Colemak](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization-by-key_colemak_2000_vh.jpg)
+Layers (text)
+        ───────────────Colemak────────────────
+     Layer _..._BASE (Letters). This is Colemak, except backspace/tab 
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        qQ    wW    fF    pP    gG    | jJ    lL    uU    yY    ;:         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    rR    sS    tT    dD    | hH    nN    eE    iI    oO           '"
+         LSht+_PAD  zZ    xX    cC    vV    bB    | kK    mM    ,<    .>    /?    RSht+_FUN 
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) RGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (LGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+Remarks: The left modifiers have a slight delay in combination with an outside pointer device (mouse, stylus).
+It seems this will be difficult to fix, because it is spread over two devices. To avoid the
+±0.2 second delay, activate a layer where the modifiers are direct (`_PAD`), using the layer toggle on left shift. 
+The two keys with ';' (Del;`_ACC`, Right;`_RAR`) do not auto-repeat on double tap, like QMK normal layer-tap keys.
+There is an uncluttered _Delete_ on `_PAD`, an uncluttered _Right_ arrow on the `_MOV` layer.
+Holding both `_DEF_NSY` keys left and right of the "split space bar" (enter, space) results in layer `_DRA`.
+Holding either one of the just above mentioned `_DEF_NSY` layer keys (<3 and 3>), with the `_ACC` layer key
+(on <2) results in layer `_BON`.
+- - -
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols). (Same as Qwerty numbers layer.)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    -_    \|    =+    | +     |     _     {     }  `~+RSht // limitation prevents ~
+                          ^^                              ^  // Only differences with Dvorak version _DEF_NSY
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                 Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   RGUI  Right+RAlt
+                                 -*-       <|>    -*-                 u      //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        ^                                   ^
+                      (LGUI)                              (_MOV)
+- - -
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak.c b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be9685632c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak.c
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+        /*                            Redefine a layer in this file
+         *
+         * _Activate_ one or more of the below BASESFILE_LAYER_..., to redefine the layer
+         * in this file. The version in ./keymap.c will be ignored. Keep in mind to use
+         * transparent keys (_______) for “hold” layer switch keys on the BASE map, for
+         * your new layer.
+         */
+        /*  ⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._BASE: default BASE layer (Dvorak)
+     *
+     * - Dual use keys create a delay in the key (tap/hold keys), therefore
+     *   space is not dual use (most used key), neither is hyphen.
+     */ 
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+# if   defined(BASE_DVORAK__DEF_BASE)
+    [ _DEF_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# elif defined(BASE_DVORAK__ALT_BASE)
+    [ _ALT_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._BASE (LeTteRs, standard Dvorak)
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        '"    ,<    .>    pP    yY    | fF    gG    cC    rR    lL         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    oO    eE    uU    iI    | dD    hH    tT    nN    sS           -_
+         LSht+_PAD  ;:    qQ    jJ    kK    xX    | bB    mM    wW    vV    zZ    RSht+_FUN
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) LGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+          …                                                                    …
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ³) 'South paw' hardware configuration 
+     ⁴) 'Arrow' hardware configuration 
+     ³ ⁴) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ⁵) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ⁶) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+//      <pink2            , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl , <indx, <ind|, indx>, inde>, midd>, ring>, pink>, pink2>        ,
+//      -*!-              ,         ,         ,        ,      ,    <|,>     ,      ,      ,      ,      ,               ,
+        KC_ESC            , KC_QUOT , KC_COMM , KC_DOT , KC_P , KC_Y , KC_F , KC_G , KC_C , KC_R , KC_L , KC_BSPC       ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB ) , KC_A    , KC_O    , KC_E   , KC_U , KC_I , KC_D , KC_H , KC_T , KC_N , KC_S , KC_MINS       ,
+        CHOLTAP_LSHFT     , KC_SCLN , KC_Q    , KC_J   , KC_K , KC_X , KC_B , KC_M , KC_W , KC_V , KC_Z , CHOLTAP_RSHFT ,
+//      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , MO ( _PAD )
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1_BASE  
+# endif
+                           , DUO_HOLD , CHOLTAP_ACCE 
+# else
+                           , CHOLTAP_ACCE , DUO_HOLD
+# endif
+                                                     , LT__MOV__KC_ENT 
+                                                     , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+# endif
+                                                                       , KC_SPC , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI
+                                                                                                      , MO ( _FUN )
+# endif
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                                      , MORE_key2  
+# endif
+                                                                                                      , CHOLTAP_LAYR
+//                         ,              ,          ,               <|,>       ,          ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2           , <3       , <4             |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._NSY: Numbers and symbols.
+     *          Off hand Number input (-.Bksp ent (shft)tab).
+     */
+    // KC_TILD does not work there, because of a limitation with shifted keys (nov 2019).
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+# if   defined(BASE_DVORAK__DEF_BASE)
+    [ _DEF_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# elif defined(BASE_DVORAK__ALT_BASE)
+    [ _ALT_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    /?    \|    =+    | +     |     ?     {     }  `~+RSht // limitation prevents ~
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   LGUI  Right+RAlt
+                     -*-       <|>    -*-                                         //(hold) Access on _..._BASE
+       <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+            …                                   …
+//      <pink2             , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>  , index>  , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>  , pink2>             ,
+//                         , -*-     ,         ,         ,         ,       <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,         ,                    ,
+        CTO_BASE           , KC_EXLM , KC_AT   , KC_HASH , KC_DLR  , KC_PERC , KC_CIRC , KC_AMPR , KC_ASTR , KC_LPRN , KC_RPRN , KC_DEL             ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB )  , KC_1    , KC_2    , KC_3    , KC_4    , KC_5    , KC_6    , KC_7    , KC_8    , KC_9    , KC_0    , RCTL_T ( KC_GRV )  ,
+//      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , TRANS_LEFT
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1
+# endif
+                           , _______ , _______ , KC_ENT
+                                               , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+# endif
+                                                        , KC_DOT , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI
+                                                                                       , TRANS_RIGHT
+# endif
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                       , MORE_key2  
+# endif                                     
+                                                                                       , RALT_T ( KC_RIGHT )
+//                         ,         , -*-     ,      <|,>       , -*-      ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2      , <3      , <4    |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak.md b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dabcc7ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak.md
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Minifan layout
+Compiled for: Dvorak
+This file details the compile version `#define BASE_DVORAK__DEF_BASE,
+BASE_DVORAK__ALT_BASE`. This is a Dvorak layout.
+Dvorak keymaps
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef-alt](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_dvorak_ve.jpg)
+Layer: `..._BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image NSYdef-alt](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_dvorak_vb.jpg)
+Layer: `..._NSY`
+──────────in common────────────
+For more about the other layers, see ➡ ![readme.md](./readme.md) ⬅
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Dvorak](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization-by-key_dvorak_2000_vh.jpg)
+Layers (text)
+         Layer _..._BASE (LeTteRs, standard Dvorak)
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        '"    ,<    .>    pP    yY    | fF    gG    cC    rR    lL         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    oO    eE    uU    iI    | dD    hH    tT    nN    sS           -_
+         LSht+_PAD  ;:    qQ    jJ    kK    xX    | bB    mM    wW    vV    zZ    RSht+_FUN
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _DEF_NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _DEF_NSY(_DRA) RGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (LGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _DEF_NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+Remarks: The left modifiers have a slight delay in combination with an outside pointer device (mouse, stylus).
+It seems this will be difficult to fix, because it is spread over two devices. To avoid the
+±0.2 second delay, activate a layer where the modifiers are direct (`_PAD`), using the layer toggle on left shift. 
+The two keys with ';' (Del;`_ACC`, Right;`_RAR`) do not auto-repeat on double tap, like QMK normal layer-tap keys.
+There is an uncluttered _Delete_ on `_PAD`, an uncluttered _Right_ arrow on the `_MOV` layer.
+Holding both `_DEF_NSY` keys left and right of the "split space bar" (enter, space) results in layer `_DRA`.
+Holding either one of the just above mentioned `_DEF_NSY` layer keys (<3 and 3>), with the `_ACC` layer key
+(on <2) results in layer `_BON`.
+- - -
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    /?    \|    =+    | +     |     ?     {     }  `~+RSht // limitation prevents ~
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                 Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   RGUI  Right+RAlt
+                                 -*-       <|>    -*-                        //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        ^                                   ^
+                      (LGUI)                              (_MOV)
+- - -
+Key associations
+Key placement associations between layers for Dvorak.
+![Minivan layout Image associations](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-relationships_dvorak_1500_vd.jpg)
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak_descramble.c b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak_descramble.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78ad63ca64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak_descramble.c
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+        /*                            Redefine a layer in this file
+         *
+         * _Activate_ one or more of the below BASESFILE_LAYER_..., to redefine the layer
+         * in this file. The version in ./keymap.c will be ignored. Keep in mind to use
+         * transparent keys (_______) for “hold” layer switch keys on the BASE map, for
+         * your new layer.
+         *
+         */
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+    /* Layers _ALT_BASE, _ALT_NSY: Descramble basic layers if the computer itself is
+     *                  applying Dvorak remapping.
+     *
+     *          When a computer is already set to Dvorak, connecting a
+     *          keyboard which is natively Dvorak results in garbage.
+     *          The computer side normal keycodes to Dvorak remapping goes
+     *          on top of the wrong input, resulting in the following being
+     *          effective:
+     *
+     *          _DEF_BASE layer:        |
+     *          Esc  -  w  v  l  f   u  i  j  p  n  Bspc
+     *          Tab  a  r  .  g  c   e  d  y  b  o  [
+     *          Sht  s  '  h  t  q   x  m  ,  k  ;  Sht
+     *                     Enter  Space
+     *          _DEF_NSY layer:        |
+     *          _DEF_BASE !  @  #  $  %   ^  &  *  (  )  Bspc
+     *          [    1  2  3  4  5   \  ]  z  /  =  `
+     *          Sht  0  9  8  7  6   |  }  Z  ?  +  `
+     *                     Enter  Space
+     *
+     *          _ACC layer:        |
+     *          <just semi-random character strings>
+     *
+     *          _DRA, _BON: same as _ACC: garbage.
+     *
+     *          To solve this results in the strange layout given below.
+     *          The result is close to a Qwerty layout. It will not be ideal
+     *          for Qwerty typers because the symbols are not arranged that
+     *          well.
+     */ 
+    /* Layer _ALT_BASE: Descrambled _DEF_BASE layer for a computer already set to Dvorak (see above).
+     *           It is a copy of _DEF_BASE, with moved around stuff, and points to _ALT_NSY instead
+     *           of _DEF_NSY, because that too has some descrambled symbols. The rest is the same.
+     *
+     */
+// This layout is only foreseen on ‛Alternate’.
+    [ _ALT_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     Layer _ALT_BASE (Dvorak descramble mode for letters, end result shown)
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        '"    ,<    .>    pP    yY    | fF    gG    cC    rR    lL         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    oO    eE    uU    iI    | dD    hH    tT    nN    sS           -_
+         LSht+_PAD  ;:    qQ    jJ    kK    xX    | bB    mM    wW    vV    zZ    RSht+_FUN
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _ALT_NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _ALT_NSY(_DRA) LGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━━━━━━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (RGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _DEF_NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+     _ALT_BASE input results in the same as _DEF_BASE with computer side Dvorak remapping. Only shown what changes:
+              '"    ,<    .>    pP    yY    | fF    gG    cC    rR    lL                 // row 4, result
+                    oO    eE    uU    iI    | dD    hH    tT    nN    sS   -_            // row 3, result
+              ;:    qQ    jJ    kK    xX    | bB          wW    vV    zZ                 // row 2, result
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                        _ALT_NSY                           _ALT_NSY                              // row 1, result
+     (Keys for 'aA', '\|' and 'mM' are the same in Dvorak and Qwerty.)
+ */
+//      <pink2            , <pink, <ring, <midd, <indx, <ind|, indx>, inde>, middle> , ring>  , pink>   , pink2>        ,
+//      -*-               ,      ,      ,      ,      ,    <|,>     ,      ,         ,        ,         , -!-           ,
+        KC_ESC            , KC_Q , KC_W , KC_E , KC_R , KC_T , KC_Y , KC_U , KC_I    , KC_O   , KC_P    , KC_BSPC       ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB ) , KC_A , KC_S , KC_D , KC_F , KC_G , KC_H , KC_J , KC_K    , KC_L   , KC_SCLN , KC_QUOT       ,
+//      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT )
+                           , MO ( _PAD )
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1_BASE
+# endif
+                           , DUO_HOLD , CHOLTAP_ACCE 
+# else
+                           , CHOLTAP_ACCE , DUO_HOLD
+# endif
+                                                     , LT__MOV__KC_ENT 
+                                                     , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                                                       , KC_SPC , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI
+                                                                                                      , MO ( _FUN )
+# endif
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                                      , MORE_key2  
+# endif
+                                                                                                      , CHOLTAP_LAYR
+//                         ,              ,          ,               <|,>       ,          ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2           , <3       , <4             |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+    /* Layer _ALT_NSY: Descrambled _DEF_NSY layer for a computer already set to Dvorak (see just above).
+     *
+     */
+    // KC_TILD does not work there, because of a limitation with shifted keys (nov 2019).
+    [ _ALT_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     Layer _ALT_NSY (Dvorak descramble mode for numbers/symbols)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   -_    =+    [{    \|    ]}    | }     |     {     _     +  `~+RSht            // row 2, raw
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   LGUI  Right+RAlt
+                     -*-       <|>    -*-                                         //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
+       <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+            ^                                   ^
+          (RGUI)                              (_MOV)
+     _ALT_NSY input results in the same as _DEF_NSY with computer side Dvorak remapping. Only shown what changes:
+              [{    ]}    /?           =+   |   +         ?     {     }                  // row 2, result
+ */
+//      <pink2             , <pinky  , <ring  , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>  , index>  , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>  , pink2>             ,
+//                         , -*-     ,        ,         ,         ,       <|,>        ,         ,         ,         , -*-     ,                    ,
+        CTO_BASE           , KC_EXLM , KC_AT  , KC_HASH , KC_DLR  , KC_PERC , KC_CIRC , KC_AMPR , KC_ASTR , KC_LPRN , KC_RPRN , KC_DEL             ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB )  , KC_1    , KC_2   , KC_3    , KC_4    , KC_5    , KC_6    , KC_7    , KC_8    , KC_9    , KC_0    , RCTL_T ( KC_GRV )  , 
+//      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , XXXXXXX
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1
+# endif
+                           , _______ , _______ , KC_ENT 
+                                               , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+# endif
+                                                               , KC_DOT , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI  
+                                                                                              , XXXXXXX
+# endif                                                                                   
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                                                   
+                                                                                              , MORE_key2  
+# endif                                                                                   
+                                                                                              , RALT_T ( KC_RIGHT )
+//                         ,         , -*-     ,             <|,>       , -*-      ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2      , <3      , <4           |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak_descramble.md b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak_descramble.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74b69f7ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_dvorak_descramble.md
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Minifan layout
+Compiled for: Dvorak² 
+This file details the compile version `#define BASE_DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE__ALT_BASE`
+which has a special version of Dvorak so that you can type Dvorak on a computer
+*already* set to do Dvorak layout re-mapping.
+This can be useful on for example a laptop, for which the build-in
+keyboard should to be in Dvorak.
+Dvorak² keymaps
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef-alt](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_dvorak_ve.jpg)
+Layer: `..._BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image NSYdef-alt](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_dvorak_vb.jpg)
+Layer: `..._NSY`
+──────────in common────────────
+For more about the other layers, see ➡ ![readme.md](./readme.md) ⬅
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Dvorak](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization-by-key_dvorak_2000_vh.jpg)
+Layers (text)
+          Layer _ALT_BASE (Dvorak descramble mode for letters)
+                                                  | Right hand
+          <pink2    <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>    // Keys by finger
+          -o-                                    <|>                                    ... // -o- BASE access
+          Esc       '"    ,<    .>    pP    yY    | fF    gG    cC    rR    lL         Bksp
+          Tab+LCtl  aA    oO    eE    uU    iI    | dD    hH    tT    nN    sS           -_
+          LSht+_PAD ;:    qQ    jJ    kK    xX    | bB    mM    wW    vV    zZ    RSht+_FUN
+              +_MOV⁵                              |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _ALT_NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _ALT_NSY(_DRA) RGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━━━━━━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (LGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _DEF_NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+     This layer input results in the same as normal Dvorak if computer side Dvorak remapping is occuring.
+     Only shown what changes:
+              '"    ,<    .>    pP    yY    | fF    gG    cC    rR    lL                 // row 4, result
+                    oO    eE    uU    iI    | dD    hH    tT    nN    sS   -_            // row 3, result
+              ;:    qQ    jJ    kK    xX    | bB          wW    vV    zZ                 // row 2, result
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                        _ALT_NSY                           _ALT_NSY                              // row 1, result
+     (Keys for 'aA', '\|' and 'mM' are the same in Dvorak and Qwerty.)
+- - -
+     Layer _ALT_NSY (Dvorak descramble mode for numbers-symbols)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   -_    =+    [{    \|    ]}    | }     |     {     _     +  `~+RSht            // row 2, raw
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                 Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   RGUI  Right+RAlt
+                                 -*-       <|>    -*-                        //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        ^                                   ^
+                      (LGUI)                              (_MOV)
+     This layer input results in the same as regular Dvorak _..._NSY layer, if computer side Dvorak remapping
+     is occuring. Only shown what changes:
+              [{    ]}    /?           =+   |   +         ?     {     }                  // row 2, result
+- - -
+Special feature: 'Descramble' mode
+![Minivan descramble Dvorak](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_descramble.jpg)
+  This is an option to take care of typing normally on a computer already
+  set to Dvorak ('descramble' mode.)  
+  Activation: go to `_RAR` layer, than touch what is space bar on the BASE layer
+  (the key just right from the middle on the first row). This cycles through the modes.
+      ⮚ When the left led is white: normal mode.
+      ⮚ Right led white: full descramble mode (Linux descrambled Unicode input).
+      ⮚ Middle led white: half descramble mode, with normal Unicode input system.
+  With the middle led set to white, you can take advantage of a Unicode
+  input mode that works on your system, if it is the same when the
+  computer is set to Dvorak or not (see `_RAR` layer for Unicode input
+  encoding selection). This more or less means there is one more Unicode
+  encoding option than already standard in QMK: 'descrambled' version for 
+  Linux (Shift-Control-U HEX) encoding, for use on a computer *already* set to
+  Dvorak.
+  To test it, (in Debian/Linux) go to a terminal in X and type (normal user)
+        > setxkbmap -layout us -variant dvorak
+  Undo:
+        > setxkbmap -layout us
+  Unicode on Windos operating system may require to install something special.
+Key associations
+Key placement associations between layers for Dvorak.
+![Minivan layout Image associations](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-relationships_dvorak-descramble_1500_vd.jpg)
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_numpad.c b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_numpad.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4dd5f3ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_numpad.c
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+// See the user configuration file: ./base_numpad.h
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+// This is moved into ./user_config.h, because global #defines are affected.
+//((#include "./base_numpad.h" // Pull in the user configuration))
+        /*  ⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._BASE: default BASE layer (Dvorak)
+     *
+     * This thing is different from the usual different letters arrangement.
+     * It is a numbers pad, one for the left hand, and one for the right
+     * hand. Both are as identical as possible. The use case is the same as
+     * a number pad keyboard: single handed numbers input.
+     *
+     * The number 5 is under the middle finger home row, as expected for blind
+     * number pad typing.
+     *
+     * The left/upper key, where normally BASE is located, is now OTHER_BASE.
+     * That switches the board to the ‛Default’ layout, which is effectively the
+     * same way as a return to BASE in the sense of BASE being the letters/layer
+     * switch layer. “Other Base” reached from the normal letters/layer-switching 
+     * BASE layout will then turn the keyboard into these number pads layers.
+     *
+     * A modified Numbers&Symbols layer _NSY is still supplied with this Numbers
+     * Pad layout (as with other Base layers).
+     * 
+     * The standard numbers pad layer _PAD also still exists. That one has the
+     * numbers arranged differently. 
+     *
+     */ 
+// When putting this layer on ‛Default’, it produced undesired side effects:
+// • _RAR and _MOV hold keys on the ‛Alternate’ letters layer, failed to switch back.
+// • Parts of the Numbers Pad keys got activated through transparent layer switch keys on letters layer.
+// Since there is no use for Numpad on ‛Default’ Base anyway, this is simply not supported, which seems to solve the problem.
+    [ _ALT_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     Layer _..._BASE (Number pad, square layout)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     !AlterGo Bspc  7     8     9     -     | Bspc  7     8     9    -   Bspc  //!AlterGo: to _DEF_BASE
+     =         *    4     5     6     +     | *     4     5     6    +      =
+     _NSY¹     /    1     2     3     ,     | /     1     2     3    ,   _NSY¹ 
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   xxx     0     .     Ent  | NumL  0     .     Ent
+                                           <|>
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3> ±  2>    1>  
+                        …                   |          …²
+     Layer _..._BASE (Number pad, with NumLock off)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring >pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     !AlterGo Bspc  Home  Up    PgUp  -     | Bspc  Home  Up    PgUp  -   Bspc  //!AlterGo: to _DEF_BASE 
+     =         *    Left  5     Right +     | *     Left  5     Right +      =  // modified 5
+     _NSY¹     /    End   Down  PgDn  ,     | /     End   Down  PgDn  ,   _NSY¹
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   xxx     Ins   Del   Ent  | NumL  Ins   Del   Ent
+                                           <|>
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>  ± 2>    1>  
+                        …                   |           …² 
+     ₁) Toggle to the accompanying Super-Sub-Script (_NSY) layer.
+     ₂) Note anomaly: additional hardware key ‛arrow’ shifted one to the left.
+//      <pink2        , <pinky         , <ring   , <middl  , <indx   ,        <ind|, indx>          , inde>   , midd>   , ring>   , pink>       , pink2>      ,
+//      -*!-          ,                ,         ,         ,         ,           <|,>               ,         ,         ,         ,             ,             ,
+        OTHER_BASE_GO , KC_BSPC        , KC_KP_7 , KC_KP_8 , KC_KP_9 , KC_KP_MINUS , KC_BSPC        , KC_KP_7 , KC_KP_8 , KC_KP_9 , KC_KP_MINUS , KC_BSPC     ,
+        CTO_NUMS      , KC_KP_SLASH    , KC_KP_1 , KC_KP_2 , KC_KP_3 , KC_KP_COMMA , KC_KP_SLASH    , KC_KP_1 , KC_KP_2 , KC_KP_3 , KC_KP_COMMA , CTO_NUMS    ,
+//      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        XXXXXXX
+                      , TRANS_LEFT  
+#     endif
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                      , MORE_key1 // Note anomaly, not MORE_key1_BASE: numpad is treated as a common layer here, because that is ± how it functions.
+#     endif
+                      , KC_KP_0    , KC_KP_DOT , KC_KP_ENTER     
+                                               , TRANS_MIDLEFT 
+#     endif
+                                                               , KC_NUMLOCK , KC_KP_0
+// ---⬇
+// Note anomaly: the additional 'arrow' hardware key is shifted one to the
+// left, compared to other Base layouts, and so is TRANS_RIGHT This is to
+// maintain 'window/command' key on the same key between layers.
+                                                                                      , TRANS_RIGHT  
+#     endif                                                                              
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                                              
+                                                                                    //, MORE_key2   
+                                                                                      , KC__YGUI
+// Note anomaly: not the usual configurable key (MORE_key2), but GUI. This
+// is because position has shifted already, and this GUI allows all the usual
+// keys on a 100% keyboard to be reached with all modifiers, including GUIs,
+// if 'command' hardware key is included. Unfortunately this causes a gap
+// in the numpad layout, but pressing GUI by itself in error will unlikely
+// produce serious mistakes.  Maintaining similar keys between layers seems
+// more important. Since Numpad already is a navigation cluster, it seems
+// more important to allow all keys to be reachable with all modifiers,
+// including GUIs, than to have a quick switch over to the _MOV layer here.
+// Obviously it is fair enough to do this differently, but if someone needs a
+// Numpad + either GUI key combination, that could be a real problem without
+// GUIs here, whereas adding a _MOV switch is a matter of convenience. It
+// seems important to be able to type anything a regular 100% keyboard can,
+// or as near to it as possible.
+// These anomalies are the same for all the Numpad layers here.
+#     endif                                                                              
+// ---⬆
+                                                                                      , KC_KP_DOT 
+                                                                                                 , KC_KP_ENTER
+//                    ,            ,           ,             <|,>           ,         ,          ,
+//      <1      ±  ±  , <2         , <3        , <4           |, 4>         , 3> ± ±  , 2>       ,      1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+    /* Layer _ALT_NSY: super-/sub-script numbers numpad, square layout
+     */
+    [ _ALT_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     Layer _..._BASE (super-/sub-script numbers, Numlock on/off)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     BASE     Bspc  ⁷₇    ⁸₈    ⁹₉    -     | Bspc  ⁷₇    ⁸₈    ⁹₉   -   Bspc
+     =         *    ⁴₄    ⁵₅    ⁶₆    +     | *     ⁴₄    ⁵₅    ⁶₆   +      =
+     LSht      /    ¹₁    ²₂    ³₃    ,     | /     ¹₁    ²₂    ³₃   ,   RSht
+     -*-                                   <|>                            -*- //(toggle) Access on Base
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   xxx    ⁰₀     .DEL  Ent  | xxx   ⁰₀    .DEL  Ent  
+                                           <|>      
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>  ± 2>    1>  
+                        …                   |           …¹  
+     ₁) Note anomaly: additional hardware key ‛arrow’ shifted one to the left.
+//High/low numbers guide:
+//¹₁         ²₂         ³₃         ⁴₄         ⁵₅       | ⁶₆         ⁷₇         ⁸₈         ⁹₉         ⁰₀       
+//      <pink2      , <pinky         , <ring     , <middl    , <indx     ,        <ind|, indx>          , inde>     , midd>     , ring>     , pink>       , pink2>      ,
+//      -*!-        ,                ,           ,           ,           ,           <|,>               ,           ,           ,           ,             ,             ,
+        CTO_BASE    , KC_BSPC        , XP_DRA_BG , XP_DRA_BH , XP_DRA_BI , KC_KP_MINUS , KC_BSPC        , XP_DRA_BG , XP_DRA_BH , XP_DRA_BI , KC_KP_MINUS , KC_BSPC     ,
+//      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        XXXXXXX   
+                    , TRANS_LEFT
+#     endif
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                    , MORE_key1
+#     endif
+                    , XP_DRA_BJ , KC_KP_DOT , KC_KP_ENTER 
+                                                          , TRANS_MIDLEFT  
+#     endif
+                                                          , XXXXXXX       , XP_DRA_BJ 
+// See comment on the first layout in this file (double handed Base layer), about the next few keys:
+// ---⬇
+                                                                                      , TRANS_RIGHT
+#     endif                                                                                       
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                                                       
+                                                                                    //, MORE_key2   
+                                                                                      , KC__YGUI
+#     endif                                                                                                   
+// ---⬆
+                                                                                      , KC_KP_DOT   
+                                                                                                  , KC_KP_ENTER
+//                  ,           ,           ,           <|,>              ,           ,           ,
+//      <1    ±  ±  , <2        , <3        , <4         |, 4>            , 3>  ±  ±  , 2>        ,       1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+# else // NUMPAD_BASE_SINGLE is defined ====================================================================
+    [ _ALT_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     * Layer Numbers Pad on Base:
+     *        « See also documentation in keymap.c at _PAD layer, of which this is almost entirely a copy »
+     *        One difference is the key to go to the _ALT_NSY layer (denoted “NUMS:” just below).
+     *        The other difference is the key to switch to default Base and also immediately goes there
+     *        (denoted “!AlterGo” here).
+     Layer _ALT_BASE (Number pad, with NumLock on)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     !AlterGo NUMS: xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | =     7     8     9    -   Bspc  // NUMS: to ¹/₁
+     LCtl     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | *     4     5     6    +   RCtl
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | /     1     2     3    ,   RSht  
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt   Del    Tab   Ent  | NumL  0     .     RAlt      
+                                           <|>           
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3> ±  2>    1>  
+                        …                   |          …¹
+     Layer _ALT_BASE (Number pad, with NumLock off)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring >pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     !AlterGo NUMS: xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | =     Home  Up    PgUp  -   Bspc  // NUMS: to ¹/₁
+     LCtl     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | *     Left  5     Right +   RCtl  // modified 5
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | /     End   Down  PgDn  ,   RSht  
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt   Del    Tab   Ent  | NumL  Ins   Del   RAlt      
+                                           <|>
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3> ±  2>    1>  
+                        …                   |          …¹
+     ₁) Note anomaly: additional hardware key ‛arrow’ shifted one to the left.
+//High/low numbers guide:
+//¹₁         ²₂         ³₃         ⁴₄         ⁵₅       | ⁶₆         ⁷₇         ⁸₈         ⁹₉         ⁰₀       
+//      <pink2        , <pinky   , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>         , index>  , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>      , pink2>  ,
+//                    ,          ,         ,         ,         , -*-   <|,>               ,         ,         ,         ,             ,         ,
+//      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        KC_LALT 
+                , TRANS_LEFT  
+#     endif
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                , MORE_key1
+#     endif
+                , KC_DEL     , KC_TAB , KC_KP_ENTER
+                                                    , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                                    , KC_NUMLOCK , KC_KP_0 
+// See comment on the first layout in this file (double handed Base layer), about the next few keys:
+// ---⬇
+                                                                           , TRANS_RIGHT   
+#     endif                                                                                     
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                                                     
+                                                                         //, MORE_key2   
+                                                                           , KC__YGUI
+#     endif                                                                                                 
+// ---⬆
+                                                                           , KC_KP_DOT  
+                                                                                         , KC_RALT
+//              ,            ,        ,           <|,>           ,         ,             ,
+//   <1  ± ±    , <2         , <3     , <4         |, 4>         , 3> ± ±  , 2>          ,       1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+    [ _ALT_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     * Layer Numbers Pad on Base:
+     *        This layer is the same as the above, except the numbers are in super-/sub-script.
+     *
+     Layer _ALT_NSY (Number pad, with NumLock on/off)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     BASE     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | =     ⁷₇    ⁸₈    ⁹₉   -   Bspc
+     LCtl     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | *     ⁴₄    ⁵₅    ⁶₆   +   RCtl
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | /     ¹₁    ²₂    ³₃   ,   RSht  
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt   Del    Tab   Ent  | xxx   ⁰₀    .DEL  RAlt      
+                                           <|>           
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3> ±  2>    1>  
+                        …                   |          …¹                 
+     ₁) Note anomaly: additional hardware key ‛arrow’ shifted one to the left.
+//High/low numbers guide:
+//¹₁         ²₂         ³₃         ⁴₄         ⁵₅       | ⁶₆         ⁷₇         ⁸₈         ⁹₉         ⁰₀       
+//      <pink2   , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>         , index>    , middl>    , ring>     , pinky>      , pink2>  ,
+//               ,         ,         ,         ,         , -*-   <|,>               ,           ,           ,           ,             ,         ,
+//      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        KC_LALT 
+                 , TRANS_LEFT   
+#     endif
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                 , MORE_key1
+#     endif
+                 , KC_DEL     , KC_TAB , KC_KP_ENTER
+                                       , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                                       , XXXXXXX , XP_DRA_BJ
+// See comment on the first layout in this file (double handed Base layer), about the next few keys:
+// ---⬇
+                                                                             , TRANS_RIGHT
+#     endif                                                                              
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                                              
+                                                                           //, MORE_key2   
+                                                                             , KC__YGUI
+#     endif                                                                                          
+// ---⬆
+                                                                                         , KC_KP_DOT    
+                                                                                         , KC_RALT
+//               ,            ,        ,             <|,>        ,           ,           ,
+//      <1  ± ±  , <2         , <3     , <4           |, 4>      , 3>  ± ±   , 2>        ,       1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_numpad.h b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_numpad.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86baf95a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_numpad.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+        /*                      ➡ Number pad Configuration ⬅
+         *
+         * This concerns this Base layer in the shape of a numerical key pad, not the numerical
+         * key pad layer which is part of the common layer system, which is defined and configured
+         * elsewhere (see ./user_config.h).
+         *
+         * _Activate_ the below to have a single keypad definition on this layer, for the right
+         * hand. Modifiers are also defined.
+         * _Remove_ the below to have two keypad definitions on this Base layer, one for each hand.
+         *
+         * In both cases, you can reach the accompanying number pad layer with the super-/sub-script
+         * numbers. For either option, there is a matching * super-/sub-script layer, which is
+         * automatically compiled with it.
+         */
+  #define NUMPAD_BASE_SINGLE // _Activate_ to resemble a one handed numerical keyboard, for right hand.
+                             // _Remove_ to have two numerical key pads, side by side, one for each hand.
+                             //
+        /* Tip: When in doubt it might be best to choose the single handed layer, because it
+         * resembles a regular keyboard more, and has modifier combinations.
+         */
+        /*                      ➡ Removing the numbers pad _PAD layer ⬅
+         *
+         * You may have no use for this common layer, if you have a numerical
+         * keypad on the Alternate Base already.
+         *
+         * While _PAD layer gives quick uncluttered access to Control, Shift and Alt
+         * to modify your pointer device input, the _MOV layer does the same. You
+         * end up with the same functionality, with or without _PAD, in this matter.
+         *
+         * This does precisely the same as REMOVE_PAD in ./user_config.h, but this
+         * setting here overrides any setting in ./user_config.h
+         */
+//#define REMOVES_PAD // _Activate_ to strip out the _PAD layer, _remove_ to have the _PAD layer.
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+        /*                            Redefine a layer in this file
+         *
+         * _Activate_ one or more of the below BASESFILE_LAYER_..., to redefine the layer
+         * in this file. The version in ./keymap.c will be ignored. Keep in mind to use
+         * transparent keys (_______) for “hold” layer switch keys on the BASE map, for
+         * your new layer.
+         */
+// The below sets some things up based on the above #defines.
+// Stripping out _PAD layer, sets the #define used global configuration file ./user_config.h
+# ifdef REMOVES_PAD         // this file
+#     ifndef REMOVE_PAD     // user_config.h
+#         define REMOVE_PAD  // removes _PAD layer
+#     endif
+# endif
+// Inserting the _PAD layer, even if stripped in ./user_config.h
+# ifndef REMOVES_PAD         // this file
+#     ifdef REMOVE_PAD       // user_config.h
+#         undef REMOVE_PAD   // activtaes _PAD layer
+#     endif
+# endif
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_numpad.md b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_numpad.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ebe9a29d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_numpad.md
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# Minifan layout
+Compile options
+In ![./base_numpad.h](./base_numpad.h) this base layout is configured.
+• Single numpad.
+This number pad choice only has a number pad for the right hand. The
+usual modifiers are in their expected places.
+The single numbers pad variation is also a compile option for the _common
+layer_ `_PAD`, albeit without a super/subscript auxilery layer.
+• Dual numpad.
+This numbers pad choice has a number pad for each hand. There are two 
+number pads together on the keyboard at once.
+Numpad keymaps
+Single numpad
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_numpad_single_vd.jpg)
+Layer: `..._BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_numpad_single_vd.jpg)
+Layer: `..._NSY`
+──────────in common────────────
+The otherwise ‛common’ layers are not directly available in this special layout.
+You can still reach them as normal through your other Base layer.
+For more about the other layers, see ➡ ![readme.md](./readme.md) ⬅
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Numpad single](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization-by-key_numpad_single_2000_vi.jpg)
+Layers (text)
+     Layer _ALT_BASE (Number pad, with NumLock on)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     !AlterGo NUMS: xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | =     7     8     9    -   Bspc  // NUMS: to ¹/₁
+     LCtl     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | *     4     5     6    +   RCtl
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | /     1     2     3    ,   RSht  
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt   Del    Tab   Ent  | NumL  0     .     RAlt      
+                                           <|>           
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3> ±  2>    1>  
+                      LGUI                  |        RGUI¹
+     Layer _ALT_BASE (Number pad, with NumLock off)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring >pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     !AlterGo NUMS: xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | =     Home  Up    PgUp  -   Bspc  // NUMS: to ¹/₁
+     LCtl     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | *     Left  5     Right +   RCtl  // modified 5
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | /     End   Down  PgDn  ,   RSht  
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt   Del    Tab   Ent  | NumL  Ins   Del   RAlt      
+                                           <|>
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3> ±  2>    1>  
+                        ^                   |          ^
+                       LGUI                 |         RGUI¹         
+     ₁) Note anomaly: additional hardware key ‛arrow’ shifted one to the left.
+- - -
+     Layer _ALT_NSY (Number pad, with NumLock on/off)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     BASE     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | =     ⁷₇    ⁸₈    ⁹₉   -   Bspc
+     LCtl     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | *     ⁴₄    ⁵₅    ⁶₆   +   RCtl
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | /     ¹₁    ²₂    ³₃   ,   RSht  
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt   Del    Tab   Ent  | xxx   ⁰₀    .DEL  RAlt      
+                                           <|>           
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3> ±  2>    1>  
+                        ^                   |          ^
+                       LGUI                 |         RGUI¹
+     ₁) Note anomaly: additional hardware key ‛arrow’ shifted one to the left.
+Dual numpad
+![Minivan layout all](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_keycapview_numpad_double_vg.jpg)
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_numpad_double_vg.jpg)
+Layer: `..._BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_numpad_double_vd.jpg)
+Layer: `..._NSY`
+──────────in common────────────
+The otherwise ‛common’ layers are not directly available in this special layout.
+You can still reach them as normal through your other Base layer.
+For more about the other layers, see ➡ ![readme.md](./readme.md) ⬅
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Numpad double](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization-by-key_numpad_double_2000_vi.jpg)
+Layers (text)
+        ───────────────Numpad────────────────
+     Layer _..._BASE (Number pad, square layout)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     !AlterGo Bspc  7     8     9     -     | Bspc  7     8     9    -   Bspc  //!AlterGo: to _DEF_BASE
+     =         *    4     5     6     +     | *     4     5     6    +      =
+     _NSY¹     /    1     2     3     ,     | /     1     2     3    ,   _NSY¹ 
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   xxx     0     .     Ent  | NumL  0     .     Ent
+                                           <|>
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3> ±  2>    1>  
+                        ^                   |          ^
+                       LGUI                 |         RGUI²
+     Layer _..._BASE (Number pad, with NumLock off)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring >pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     !AlterGo Bspc  Home  Up    PgUp  -     | Bspc  Home  Up    PgUp  -   Bspc  //!AlterGo: to _DEF_BASE 
+     =         *    Left  5     Right +     | *     Left  5     Right +      =  // modified 5
+     _NSY¹     /    End   Down  PgDn  ,     | /     End   Down  PgDn  ,   _NSY¹
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   xxx     Ins   Del   Ent  | NumL  Ins   Del   Ent
+                                           <|>
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>  ± 2>    1>  
+                        ^                   |           ^
+                       LGUI                 |          RGUI²
+     ₁) Toggle to the accompanying Super-Sub-Script (_NSY) layer.
+     ₂) Note anomaly: additional hardware key ‛arrow’ shifted one to the left.
+- - -
+     Layer _..._BASE (super-/sub-script numbers, Numlock on/off)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     BASE     Bspc  ⁷₇    ⁸₈    ⁹₉    -     | Bspc  ⁷₇    ⁸₈    ⁹₉   -   Bspc
+     =         *    ⁴₄    ⁵₅    ⁶₆    +     | *     ⁴₄    ⁵₅    ⁶₆   +      =
+     LSht      /    ¹₁    ²₂    ³₃    ,     | /     ¹₁    ²₂    ³₃   ,   RSht
+     -*-                                   <|>                            -*- //(toggle) Access on Base
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   xxx    ⁰₀     .DEL  Ent  | xxx   ⁰₀    .DEL  Ent  
+                                           <|>      
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>  ± 2>    1>  
+                        ^                   |           ^
+                       LGUI                 |          RGUI¹
+     ₁) Note anomaly: additional hardware key ‛arrow’ shifted one to the left.
+Special Base layer Numpad
+This is a layout resembling a “numbers pad”. A “numbers pad”
+is a separate square on a 100% sized keyboard, or separate keypad.
+Unlike more usual base layers choices, which typically contain a letters
+layout and access to all the common layers, this ‛Base’ layer is
+quite different. Once you have switched to it, you lack keys to access
+all ‛common’ layers. 
+You can only switch back to your ‛regular’ base layer, or switch to a
+second form of the numbers pad. This second layer is called “auxilery”
+layer here, but technically it is the same thing as the numbers/symbols
+`_NSY` layer, which accompanies a letters layer like Qwerty or Dvorak.
+Use the top left key from the numbers pad layer, to switch back to the
+other ‛Base’ layer. This is also unique to this special ‛Base’ layer,
+but similar to the way the “common layers” switch back to Base.
+The other Base layer (once you are in this Number Pad layer) for most
+people will be a letters layer with Qwerty, Dvorak or some other layout
+on it, in which the keyboard will start up.  To reach the numbers pad
+Base layer, use the key ‛Other Base’ on the `_RAR` layer.
+Led colors
+The led colors for this ‛Base’ layer are different from the usual. They show
+the state of the Numbers Lock, on or off. Colors are green/light-blue/blue to
+indicate Numbers Lock is off, which means the navigation cluster is active.
+Colors are blue/light-blue/green to indicate the Numbers Lock is on,
+meaning you can type numbers. 
+This follows the same scheme as the `_PAD` layer, which in turn follows
+the logic of the `_NSY` (numbers/symbols) layer being blue, and the `_MOV`
+(movement/navigation) layer being green, in such a way that the left most
+led is the indicator thereof, following reading direction left to right. The
+brightness of the leds is diminished, to indicate the difference with `_PAD` 
+layer (whether or not that layer is compiled).
+Auxilery numpad layer
+With the numbers pad layer comes a second layer, as is normal for
+all Base layer choices. This second layer is the same as the normal
+numbers pad, except the numbers are in super- ⁽¹²³⁾ or sub-script
+The numbers on the second layer become subscript when Shift is pressed,
+otherwise they are in super-script. These super-/sub-script forms of the
+numbers Unicode (see the `_RAR` layer).
+This second form of numbers pad is reached from keys on the numbers pad
+Base layer. You can switch back to the regular numbers pad, with the
+upper/left key.  Another key stroke from there on the upper/left key,
+will bring you back to what is likely your regular typing layer.
+Auxilery numpad layer led colors
+For the second layer that comes with it, with super-/sub-script numbers,
+the led colors are what they “normally” are (for other compile
+choices) for this layer (the ‛Alternate‛ Base accompanying layer,
+usually numbers/symbols): blue/blue/light-blue.  There is no indication
+of Numbers Lock on this layer, although a few keys are altered by Numbers
+Lock (Dot/Delete ‛.’, and Enter).
+‛Arrow’ additional hardware key
+Unlike with other layers: the optional ‛arrow’ hardware key on the
+right hand is not inserted between the last and second last keys on the
+right, and neither is it set to the configurable default value (toggle
+`_MOV` layer). Instead, this key is inserted one key over to the left,
+and it is set to GUI.
+The reason is that this GUI will line up with the GUI on the ‛Base’
+layer. If combined with the ‛command’ hardware key on the right, set
+to the other GUI, you can reach all Numbers Pad keys with all modifiers,
+including both GUIs.
+Another reason is that a typical use of the additional hardware
+key on the right (called ‛Arrow’) will by default lead to a navigation
+layer, however the Numbers Pad already has its own navigation. To add
+a toggle to `_MOV` would be a matter of convenience, whereas not being
+able to reach all Numbers Pad keys with either GUI could represent a
+serious problem.
+Downsides to this design are the loss of default ‛Arrow’ hardware key
+use on this layer, and a sort of gap of one key in the Numbers Pad layout.
+The downsides seem to be matters of style and convenience, whereas not 
+being able to type whatever you can on a 100% keyboard could be a serious
+problem for someone (keyboard shortcuts mainly).
+There is no default solution to type everything with all modifiers
+including the GUIs, without adding the additional hardware key(s).
+Obviously it is possible to just stick a GUI on a free spot, but that 
+makes things chaotic. Single pad Numbers Pad could be re-arranged to
+make room for GUI, which would loose more of its similarity to other 
+Numbers pads everywhere ?
+Perhaps the amount of options for a numberical keypad are a bit overkill.
+It had to do with how it developed.
+For some overview of your options:
+     ①  Common layer numerical keypad. Just another layer, like `_RAR`, `_BON`, etc.
+       1. You can have a numerical keypad in the _common layers._
+       2. You can also remove this layer entirely.
+       3. This “common layers” numbers pad is activated through the Base layer, on Left Shift tap.
+       4. Returns to ‛Default Base’ with upper/left key.
+       5. Variation of form: right hand square form, resembling a key pad on
+                             other keyboards.
+       6. Variation of form: the numbers in a straight line, resembling the 
+                            `_NSY` layer and other layers.
+     ② A numerical keypad on the other ‛Base’ layer, in the dual layout system.
+       1. You can have a numerical keypad on the ‛Alternate Base’ position.
+       2. You can also put something different on ‛Alternate Base’, such as a
+          Colemak layout.
+       3. This layer is activated through the `_RAR` layer, by choosing ‛Other
+          Base’. 
+       4. Returns to ‛Default Base’ with upper/left key, effectively the same as with
+          the common numerical keypad layer, and all other common layers.
+       5. Variation of form: right hand square form, resembling a key pad on
+                             other keyboards.
+       6. Variation of form: dual handed square form, so you have a key pad for
+                             each hand.
+       7. For all variation of form, there is an accompanying layer which is
+          the same, except the numbers are in Unicode super (unshifted) and
+          sub-script (shifted).
+Some examples:
+①  As close to a 100% ‛regular’ keyboard as possible.
+  If you have no use for ‛Alternate Base’ with anything else, you could put
+  the single handed numerical keypad there, and remove the common `_PAD` layer
+  to have less mental clutter.
+  This makes accessing `_MOV` on Left Shift easier, you have modifiers with 
+  the numerical keypad, and you have super/sub-script as well (although its use
+  is probably rather rare).
+②  The predictable numbers typing option.
+  If you want ‛Alternate Base’ to have something else (or nothing
+  at all), keep the `_PAD` layer, and choose straight line numbers,
+  so that you don't have to learn a second way to type numbers, if you
+  ever have a need to type keypad numbers (which could be quite rare).
+  In this version, you are not envisioning the use of keypad navigation,
+  but rather use regular `_MOV` layer navigation. (This was the original
+  programming on the keyboard, before more options developed; it follows
+  the overall logic that the same or similar keys are in the same or
+  similar positions.)
+③  The everything option.
+  You could keep both `_PAD` with straight lined up numbers if you like typing
+  all numbers the same way, and also compile numpad single square on ‛Alternate
+  Base’ to have good access to a regular numerical keypad, should you ever need
+  it, and/or to have an easier to access navigation cluster there (easier than
+  navigation on the straight line numpad variation that is, where navigation
+  is difficult). 
+④  The numerical keyboard specialist.
+  You could compile it for both hands, if you type so much on a numerical 
+  keypad, that it is useful to be fast on it with either hand. 
+  It will be harder to type on the double numerical keyboard with modifiers 
+  (Shift, Control, Alt), but if you compile with the common numbers pad layer, 
+  you can reach such combinations there. To keep things similar, you can compile
+  this common numbers pad layer with numbers in square form, rather than a straight
+  line.
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty.c b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..472233073f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty.c
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+        /*                            Redefine a layer in this file
+         *
+         * _Activate_ one or more of the below BASESFILE_LAYER_..., to redefine the layer
+         * in this file. The version in ./keymap.c will be ignored. Keep in mind to use
+         * transparent keys (_______) for “hold” layer switch keys on the BASE map, for
+         * your new layer.
+         */
+        /*  ⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._BASE: Qwerty, normal BASE layer and 'default' layer
+     *
+     * - Dual use keys create a delay in the key (tap/hold keys), therefore
+     *   space is not dual use (most ued key), neither is hyphen.
+     */ 
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+# if   defined(BASE_QWERTY__DEF_BASE)
+    [ _DEF_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# elif defined(BASE_QWERTY__ALT_BASE)
+    [ _ALT_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._BASE (Letters). This is Qwerty 
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        qQ    wW    eE    rR    tT    | yY    uU    iI    oO    pP         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    sS    dD    fF    gG    | hH    jJ    kK    lL    ;:           '"
+         LSht+_PAD  zZ    xX    cC    vV    bB    | nN    mM    ,<    .>    /?    RSht+_FUN
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) LGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (RGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+//      <pink2            , <pink, <ring, <midd, <indx, <ind|, indx>, inde>, midd>   , ring>  , pink>   , pink2>        ,
+//      -*!-              ,      ,      ,      ,      ,    <|,>     ,      ,         ,        ,         ,               ,
+        KC_ESC            , KC_Q , KC_W , KC_E , KC_R , KC_T , KC_Y , KC_U , KC_I    , KC_O   , KC_P    , KC_BSPC       ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB ) , KC_A , KC_S , KC_D , KC_F , KC_G , KC_H , KC_J , KC_K    , KC_L   , KC_SCLN , KC_QUOT       ,
+//      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , MO ( _PAD )
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1_BASE
+# endif
+                           , DUO_HOLD , CHOLTAP_ACCE 
+# else
+                           , CHOLTAP_ACCE , DUO_HOLD
+# endif
+                                                     , LT__MOV__KC_ENT
+                                                     , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+# endif
+                                                                       , KC_SPC , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI
+                                                                                                      , MO ( _FUN )
+# endif
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                                      , MORE_key2  
+# endif
+                                                                                                      , CHOLTAP_LAYR
+//                         ,              ,          ,               <|,>       ,          ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2           , <3       , <4             |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._NSY: Numbers and symbols, to work with the Qwerty base layer above.
+     *          Off hand Number input (-.Bksp ent (shft)tab).
+     */
+    // KC_TILD does not work there, because of a limitation with shifted keys (nov 2019).
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+# if   defined(BASE_QWERTY__DEF_BASE)
+    [ _DEF_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# elif defined(BASE_QWERTY__ALT_BASE)
+    [ _ALT_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols). This fits the above Qwerty layer _..._BASE
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    -_    \|    =+    | +     |     _     {     }  `~+RSht // limitation prevents ~
+                          ^^                              ^  // Only differences with normal version _..._NSY
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   LGUI  Right+RAlt
+                     -*-       <|>    -*-                                         //(hold) Access on _..._BASE
+       <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+            ^                                   ^
+          (RGUI)                              (_MOV)
+//      <pink2             , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>  , index>  , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>  , pink2>             ,
+//                         , -*-     ,         ,         ,         ,       <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,         ,                    ,
+        CTO_BASE           , KC_EXLM , KC_AT   , KC_HASH , KC_DLR  , KC_PERC , KC_CIRC , KC_AMPR , KC_ASTR , KC_LPRN , KC_RPRN , KC_DEL             ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB )  , KC_1    , KC_2    , KC_3    , KC_4    , KC_5    , KC_6    , KC_7    , KC_8    , KC_9    , KC_0
+// Harmonizes with ‛Qwerty Base Arrow’, so that if both are compiled, the user isn't
+// messing up this key on this Qwerty layout, which has to be different in the other Qwerty.
+                                                                                                                               , KC_SLSH            , // Same as in ‛Qwerty Base Arrow’
+# else
+                                                                                                                               , RCTL_T ( KC_GRV )  , // Default
+# endif
+//      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , XXXXXXX
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1  
+# endif
+                           , _______ , _______ , KC_ENT
+                                               , TRANS_MIDLEFT  
+# endif
+                                                               , KC_DOT , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI  
+                                                                                              , XXXXXXX
+# endif                                                                                       
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                                                       
+                                                                                              , MORE_key2  
+# endif                                                                                       
+                                                                                              , RALT_T ( KC_RGHT )
+//                         ,         , -*-     ,             <|,>       , -*-      ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2      , <3      , <4           |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty.md b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b140981ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty.md
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Minifan layout
+Compiled for: Qwerty
+This file details the compile version `#define BASE_QWERTY__DEF_BASE, BASE_QWERTY__ALT_BASE`.
+This is a Qwerty layout.
+Qwerty keymaps
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_qwerty_ve.jpg)
+Layer: `..._BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_qwerty_vb.jpg)
+Layer: `..._NSY`
+──────────in common────────────
+For more about the other layers, see ➡ ![readme.md](./readme.md) ⬅
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Qwerty](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization-by-key_qwerty_2000_vh.jpg)
+Layers (text)
+        ───────────────Qwerty─────────────────
+         Layer _..._BASE (Letters). This is standard Qwerty 
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        qQ    wW    eE    rR    tT    | yY    uU    iI    oO    pP         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    sS    dD    fF    gG    | hH    jJ    kK    lL    ;:           '"
+         LSht+_PAD  zZ    xX    cC    vV    bB    | nN    mM    ,<    .>    /?    RSht+_FUN
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _DEF_NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _DEF_NSY(_DRA) RGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (LGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _DEF_NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+Remarks: The left modifiers have a slight delay in combination with an outside pointer device (mouse, stylus).
+It seems this will be difficult to fix, because it is spread over two devices. To avoid the
+±0.2 second delay, activate a layer where the modifiers are direct (`_PAD`), using the layer toggle on left shift. 
+The two keys with ';' (Del;`_ACC`, Right;`_RAR`) do not auto-repeat on double tap, like QMK normal layer-tap keys.
+There is an uncluttered _Delete_ on `_PAD`, an uncluttered _Right_ arrow on the `_MOV` layer.
+Holding both `_DEF_NSY` keys left and right of the "split space bar" (enter, space) results in layer `_DRA`.
+Holding either one of the just above mentioned `_DEF_NSY` layer keys (<3 and 3>), with the `_ACC` layer key
+(on <2) results in layer `_BON`.
+- - -
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols). This fits the above Qwerty layer _DEF_BASE
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    -_    \|    =+    | +     |     _     {     }  `~+RSht // limitation prevents ~
+                          ^^                              ^  // Only differences with Dvorak version _DEF_NSY
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                 Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   RGUI  Right+RAlt
+                                 -*-       <|>    -*-                 u      //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        ^                                   ^
+                      (LGUI)                              (_MOV)
+- - -
+Key associations
+Key placement associations between layers for Qwerty.
+![Minivan layout Image associations](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-relationships_qwerty_1500_vd.jpg)
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty_basearrow.c b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty_basearrow.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10ef88b4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty_basearrow.c
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+        /*                            Redefine a layer in this file
+         *
+         * _Activate_ one or more of the below BASESFILE_LAYER_..., to redefine the layer
+         * in this file. The version in ./keymap.c will be ignored. Keep in mind to use
+         * transparent keys (_______) for “hold” layer switch keys on the BASE map, for
+         * your new layer.
+         */
+        /*  ⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._BASE: Qwerty with arrows on Base, normal BASE layer and 'default' layer
+     *
+     * - This version of Qwerty puts arrows on Base, and assumes the 'arrow' hardware key.
+     *   When not compiled with 'arrow' hardware key, Base will not contain ‛down arrow’.
+     *
+     *   This does not mean that this is the recommended version of Qwerty in general for
+     *   the 'arrow' hardware key with Qwerty. Regular Qwerty works with the additional
+     *   hardware key 'arrow'. The regular Qwerty compile option just works differently
+     *   than this version with arrows on Base. Regular qwerty has the additional hardware
+     *   key on the right be a toggle to _MOV layer, where you then have arrows in the same 
+     *   area. Notice further that in all cases, you have a hold key to the _MOV layer under
+     *   what is colloqually known as the ‛left space bar’, which leads to convenient arrow
+     *   keys in the home row.
+     *
+     *   Putting directional arrow keys on the Base layer will cost you several keys on 
+     *   the Base layer: hold _RAR, GUI, and ‛/?’. 
+     *   • The ‛/?’ key is displaced to the _NSY layer.
+     *   • The GUI key is lost. You could decide to also use the ‛south paw’/‛command’ 
+     *     hardware key, which is a GUI by default. 
+     *   • Hold key to _RAR layer is lost. You can only reach _RAR layer, using the right
+     *     shift toggle, which is on a short timer.
+     *
+     *   My recommendation would be: see if you can make things work with regular Qwerty 
+     *   if you are a 10 fingers typist, first. Moving your hand to this arrow cluster 
+     *   seems to be a high cost to pay. You will also loose the default location for ‛/?’.
+     *
+     *   For special need situations regarding this right hand row1/2 arrow cluster, a
+     *   tap to _MOV layer on the ‛arrow’ hardware key, should be a reasonable cost to
+     *   pay, if a situation is already important enough to decide to move your hand there.
+     *   For short uses of arrow keys, holding to the _MOV layer is the most efficient.
+     *
+     *   If you are not a 10 finger typist though, holding a key to _MOV layer seems to be
+     *   inconvenient, and thus arrows on Base could be better for you.
+     *
+     *   Hence my conclusion: only compile ‛Qwerty with arrows on Base’ if the regular
+     *   Qwerty isn't working for you.
+     *  
+     */ 
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+    [ _DEF_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+    [ _ALT_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._BASE (Letters). This is Qwerty with arrows on Base
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        qQ    wW    eE    rR    tT    | yY    uU    iI    oO    pP         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    sS    dD    fF    gG    | hH    jJ    kK    lL    ;:           '"
+         LSht+_PAD  zZ    xX    cC    vV    bB    | nN    mM    ,<    .>    Up    RSht+_FUN
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) Left    Right
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎                      // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (RGUI)                                                               (Down)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration. Set to Down Arrow.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+//      <pink2            , <pink, <ring, <midd, <indx, <ind|, indx>, inde>, midd>   , ring>  , pink>   , pink2>        ,
+//      -*!-              ,      ,      ,      ,      ,    <|,>     ,      ,         ,        ,         ,               ,
+        KC_ESC            , KC_Q , KC_W , KC_E , KC_R , KC_T , KC_Y , KC_U , KC_I    , KC_O   , KC_P    , KC_BSPC       ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB ) , KC_A , KC_S , KC_D , KC_F , KC_G , KC_H , KC_J , KC_K    , KC_L   , KC_SCLN , KC_QUOT       ,
+        CHOLTAP_LSHFT     , KC_Z , KC_X , KC_C , KC_V , KC_B , KC_N , KC_M , KC_COMM , KC_DOT , KC_UP   , CHOLTAP_RSHFT ,
+                                                                                            //  KC_SLSH
+//      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , MO ( _PAD )
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1_BASE
+# endif
+                           , DUO_HOLD , CHOLTAP_ACCE 
+# else
+                           , CHOLTAP_ACCE , DUO_HOLD
+# endif
+                                                     , LT__MOV__KC_ENT
+                                                     , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+# endif
+                                                                       , KC_SPC , DUO_HOLD
+                                                                                           , MO ( _FUN )
+# endif
+                                                                                                      , KC_LEFT
+                                                                                                   // , KC__YGUI
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                                      , KC_DOWN
+                                                                                                   // , MORE_key2  
+# endif
+                                                                                                      , KC_RIGHT
+                                                                                                   // , CHOLTAP_LAYR
+//                         ,              ,          ,               <|,>       ,          ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2           , <3       , <4             |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._NSY: Numbers and symbols, to work with the Qwerty base layer above.
+     *          Off hand Number input (-.Bksp ent (shft)tab).
+     */
+    // KC_TILD does not work there, because of a limitation with shifted keys (nov 2019).
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+    [ _DEF_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+    [ _ALT_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols). This fits the above Qwerty layer _..._BASE
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)       /?
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    -_    \|    =+    | +     |     _     {     }  `~+RSht
+                          ^^                              ^  // Only differences with normal version _..._NSY
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   LGUI  Right+RAlt
+                     -*-       <|>    -*-                                         //(hold) Access on _..._BASE
+       <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+            ^                                   ^
+          (RGUI)                              (_MOV)
+//      <pink2             , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>  , index>  , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>  , pink2>             ,
+//                         , -*-     ,         ,         ,         ,       <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,         ,                    ,
+        CTO_BASE           , KC_EXLM , KC_AT   , KC_HASH , KC_DLR  , KC_PERC , KC_CIRC , KC_AMPR , KC_ASTR , KC_LPRN , KC_RPRN , KC_DEL             ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB )  , KC_1    , KC_2    , KC_3    , KC_4    , KC_5    , KC_6    , KC_7    , KC_8    , KC_9    , KC_0    , KC_SLSH            , // Sacrificing RCTL, because these are major symbols, which seem to warrant being uncluttered. 
+                                                                                                                              // RCTL_T ( KC_GRV )  , 
+        LSFT_T ( KC_MINS ) , KC_LBRC , KC_RBRC , KC_MINS , KC_BSLS , KC_EQL  , KC_PLUS , KC_PIPE , KC_UNDS , KC_LCBR , KC_RCBR , RSFT_T ( KC_GRV  ) , // ` and ~ are often on a diminutive key on mini keyboards, therefore not sacrificing this Shift key.
+                                                                                                                              // RSFT_T ( KC_TILD ) , 
+//      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , XXXXXXX
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1  
+# endif
+                           , _______ , _______ , KC_ENT
+                                               , TRANS_MIDLEFT  
+# endif
+                                                               , KC_DOT , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI  
+                                                                                              , XXXXXXX
+# endif                                                                                       
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                                                       
+                                                                                              , MORE_key2  
+# endif                                                                                       
+                                                                                              , RALT_T ( KC_RGHT )
+//                         ,         , -*-     ,             <|,>       , -*-      ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2      , <3      , <4           |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty_basearrow.h b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty_basearrow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb5ab5ae2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty_basearrow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2021 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+        /*          • Harmonize regular Qwerty
+         * 
+         * If compiling this ‛Qwerty Base Arrow’ base pair with regular Qwerty on
+         * the other base pair (dual layout), the key ‛/?’ is on a different key
+         * in these two layouts. This is bound to cause typing errors. With this
+         * option you can cause the regular Qwerty to also have a ‛/?’ in the same
+         * spot as ‛Qwerty Base Arrow’ has it, sacrificing Right Control/‛`~’ there.
+         *
+         * Regular Qwerty will still also have a ‛/?’ key in the normal Qwerty location.
+         *
+         * The key ‛`~’ can be reached through other means: just below on numbers &
+         * symbols _NSY layer, or on the bonus Unicode layer _BON (on the far left, home row).
+         * This is so by default, it remains unchanged.
+         */
+  #define QWERTY_BASEARROW_HARMONIZE // _Activate_ to harmonize the ‛/?’ key in the regular Qwerty layout.
+                                     // _Remove_ leave regular Qwerty layout unchanged from default.
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+        /*                            Redefine a layer in this file
+         *
+         * _Activate_ one or more of the below BASESFILE_LAYER_..., to redefine the layer
+         * in this file. The version in ./keymap.c will be ignored. Keep in mind to use
+         * transparent keys (_______) for “hold” layer switch keys on the BASE map, for
+         * your new layer.
+         */
+        /*  ⬇ */
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty_basearrow.md b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty_basearrow.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f90ba309cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_qwerty_basearrow.md
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Minifan layout
+Compiled for: Qwerty with arrows on Base
+This version of Qwerty puts arrows on Base, and assumes the 'arrow' hardware key.
+You have to manually set *#define `MORE_KEY__ARROW`* in `./user_config.h`, 
+If not compiled with ‛Arrow’ hardware key, Base will not contain ‛Down arrow’.
+You do not have to worry about what to set the additional hardware key to, on
+the Base layer. This will be set to Down Arrow, to complete that arrow cluster.
+The option `QWERTY_BASEARROW_HARMONIZE` in `./base_qwerty_basearrow.h` is set
+by default, causing the key ‛/?’ in the _regular_ Qwerty layout to _also_ be
+located in the same spot as in this ‛Qwerty with Arrows on Base’ layout. See
+the header file `./base_qwerty_basearrow.h` for more details.
+Is arrows on Base efficient ?
+This variation of Qwerty is not necessarily the recommended version of
+Qwerty for a board with the additional ‛Arrow’ hardware key.
+The regular Qwerty compile option can provide good arrow access. 
+Putting directional arrow keys on the Base layer will cost you several
+keys on the Base layer: hold to layer `_RAR` (power, media, etc. layer),
+GUI, and ‛/?’.
+• The ‛/?’ key is displaced to the `_NSY` (numbers & symbols) layer, and is not 
+  in the default spot for a Qwerty layout.
+• The GUI key is lost. You could decide to also use the ‛south paw’/‛command’ 
+  hardware key, which is a GUI by default. 
+• Hold key to `_RAR` layer is lost. You can only reach `_RAR` layer using the
+  right shift toggle, which is on a short timer.
+Have it both ways
+You could compile regular Qwerty on one of the Base pairs (‛Default’ or 
+‛Alternate’), and Qwerty _with Arrows on Base_ on the other. That way
+you can switch to see what works for you. You could leave it like
+that, and choose what you want depending on what you are doing. 
+Qwerty keymaps
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_qwerty_basearrow_va.jpg)
+Layer: `..._BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_qwerty_basearrow_va.jpg)
+Layer: `..._NSY`
+──────────in common────────────
+For more about the other layers, see ➡ ![readme.md](./readme.md) ⬅
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Qwerty arrows on Base](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization-by-key_qwerty_basearrow_2000_vi.jpg)
+Layers (text)
+        ───────────────Qwerty─────────────────
+     Layer _..._BASE (Letters). This is Qwerty with arrows on Base
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        qQ    wW    eE    rR    tT    | yY    uU    iI    oO    pP         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    sS    dD    fF    gG    | hH    jJ    kK    lL    ;:           '"
+         LSht+_PAD  zZ    xX    cC    vV    bB    | nN    mM    ,<    .>    Up    RSht+_FUN
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) Left    Right
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎                      // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (RGUI)                                                               (Down)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration. Set to Down Arrow.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+Remarks: The left modifiers have a slight delay in combination with an outside pointer device (mouse, stylus).
+It seems this will be difficult to fix, because it is spread over two devices. To avoid the
+±0.2 second delay, activate a layer where the modifiers are direct (`_PAD`), using the layer toggle on left shift. 
+The key with ';' (Del;`_ACC`) does not auto-repeat on double tap, like QMK normal layer-tap keys.
+There is an uncluttered _Delete_ on `_PAD`.
+Holding both `_DEF_NSY` keys left and right of the "split space bar" (enter, space) results in layer `_DRA`.
+Holding either one of the just above mentioned `_DEF_NSY` layer keys (<3 and 3>), with the `_ACC` layer key
+(on <2) results in layer `_BON`.
+- - -
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols). This fits the above Qwerty layer _..._BASE
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)       /?
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    -_    \|    =+    | +     |     _     {     }  `~+RSht
+                          ^^                              ^  // Only differences with normal version _..._NSY
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   LGUI  Right+RAlt
+                     -*-       <|>    -*-                                         //(hold) Access on _..._BASE
+       <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+            ^                                   ^
+          (RGUI)                              (_MOV)
+- - -
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_workman.c b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_workman.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc157d69e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_workman.c
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2021 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+        /*                            Redefine a layer in this file
+         *
+         * _Activate_ one or more of the below BASESFILE_LAYER_..., to redefine the layer
+         * in this file. The version in ./keymap.c will be ignored. Keep in mind to use
+         * transparent keys (_______) for “hold” layer switch keys on the BASE map, for
+         * your new layer.
+         */
+        /*  ⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._BASE: Workman, normal BASE layer and 'default' layer
+     *
+     * - Dual use keys create a delay in the key (tap/hold keys), therefore
+     *   space is not dual use (most ued key), neither is hyphen.
+     */ 
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+# if   defined(BASE_WORKMAN__DEF_BASE)
+    [ _DEF_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# elif defined(BASE_WORKMAN__ALT_BASE)
+    [ _ALT_BASE ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._BASE (Letters). This is Workman 
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        qQ    dD·   rR·   wW·   bB·   | jJ·   fF·   uU·   pP·   :;·        Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    sS    hH·   tT·   gG    | yY·   nN·   eE·   oO·   iI·          '"
+         LSht+_PAD  zZ    xX    mM·   cC·   vV·   | kK·   lL·   ,<    .>    /?    RSht+_FUN
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) LGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (RGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+     ₇) Letters marked by ‛·’ are different from Qwerty.
+//      <pink2            , <pink, <ring, <midd, <indx, <ind|, indx>, inde>, midd>   , ring>  , pink>   , pink2>        ,
+//      -*!-              ,      ,      ,      ,      ,    <|,>     ,      ,         ,        ,         ,               ,
+        KC_ESC            , KC_Q , KC_D , KC_R , KC_W , KC_B , KC_J , KC_F , KC_U    , KC_P   , KC_SCLN , KC_BSPC       ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB ) , KC_A , KC_S , KC_H , KC_T , KC_G , KC_Y , KC_N , KC_E    , KC_O   , KC_I    , KC_QUOT       ,
+//      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , MO ( _PAD )
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1_BASE
+# endif
+                           , DUO_HOLD , CHOLTAP_ACCE 
+# else
+                           , CHOLTAP_ACCE , DUO_HOLD
+# endif
+                                                     , LT__MOV__KC_ENT
+                                                     , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+# endif
+                                                                       , KC_SPC , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI
+                                                                                                      , MO ( _FUN )
+# endif
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                                      , MORE_key2  
+# endif
+                                                                                                      , CHOLTAP_LAYR
+//                         ,              ,          ,               <|,>       ,          ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2           , <3       , <4             |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+    /* Layer _..._NSY: Numbers and symbols, to work with the Workman base layer above. (Same as Qwerty.)
+     *          Off hand Number input (-.Bksp ent (shft)tab).
+     */
+    // KC_TILD does not work there, because of a limitation with shifted keys (nov 2019).
+// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.
+# if   defined(BASE_WORKMAN__DEF_BASE)
+    [ _DEF_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# elif defined(BASE_WORKMAN__ALT_BASE)
+    [ _ALT_NSY ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+# endif
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols). This fits the above Workman layer _..._BASE
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    -_    \|    =+    | +     |     _     {     }  `~+RSht // limitation prevents ~
+                          ^^                              ^  // Only differences with normal version _..._NSY
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   LGUI  Right+RAlt
+                     -*-       <|>    -*-                                         //(hold) Access on _..._BASE
+       <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+            ^                                   ^
+          (RGUI)                              (_MOV)
+//      <pink2             , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>  , index>  , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>  , pink2>             ,
+//                         , -*-     ,         ,         ,         ,       <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,         ,                    ,
+        CTO_BASE           , KC_EXLM , KC_AT   , KC_HASH , KC_DLR  , KC_PERC , KC_CIRC , KC_AMPR , KC_ASTR , KC_LPRN , KC_RPRN , KC_DEL             ,
+        LCTL_T ( KC_TAB )  , KC_1    , KC_2    , KC_3    , KC_4    , KC_5    , KC_6    , KC_7    , KC_8    , KC_9    , KC_0    , RCTL_T ( KC_GRV )  ,
+//      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , XXXXXXX
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1  
+# endif
+                           , _______ , _______ , KC_ENT
+                                               , TRANS_MIDLEFT  
+# endif
+                                                               , KC_DOT , DUO_HOLD , KC__YGUI  
+                                                                                              , XXXXXXX
+# endif                                                                                       
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                                                       
+                                                                                              , MORE_key2  
+# endif                                                                                       
+                                                                                              , RALT_T ( KC_RGHT )
+//                         ,         , -*-     ,             <|,>       , -*-      ,          ,
+//      <1           ±  ±  , <2      , <3      , <4           |, 4>     , 3>       , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_workman.md b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_workman.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66e7a21bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/base_workman.md
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Minifan layout
+Compiled for: Workman
+This file details the compile version `#define BASE_WORKMAN__DEF_BASE, BASE_WORKMAN__ALT_BASE`.
+This is a Workman layout. 
+The number & symbols layer (`_NSY`) is the same as for Qwerty.
+Workman keymaps
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_workman_va.jpg)
+Layer: `..._BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_qwerty_vb.jpg)
+Layer: `..._NSY`
+──────────in common────────────
+For more about the other layers, see ➡ ![readme.md](./readme.md) ⬅
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Workman](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization-by-key_workman_2000_vh.jpg)
+Layers (text)
+        ───────────────Workman─────────────────
+     Layer _..._BASE (Letters). This is Workman 
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
+         Esc        qQ    dD    rR    wW    bB    | jJ    fF    uU    pP    :;         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   aA    sS    hH    tT    gG    | yY    nN    eE    oO    iI           '"
+         LSht+_PAD  zZ    xX    mM    cC    vV    | kK    lL    ,<    .>    /?    RSht+_FUN
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) LGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (RGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+Remarks: The left modifiers have a slight delay in combination with an outside pointer device (mouse, stylus).
+It seems this will be difficult to fix, because it is spread over two devices. To avoid the
+±0.2 second delay, activate a layer where the modifiers are direct (`_PAD`), using the layer toggle on left shift. 
+The two keys with ';' (Del;`_ACC`, Right;`_RAR`) do not auto-repeat on double tap, like QMK normal layer-tap keys.
+There is an uncluttered _Delete_ on `_PAD`, an uncluttered _Right_ arrow on the `_MOV` layer.
+Holding both `_DEF_NSY` keys left and right of the "split space bar" (enter, space) results in layer `_DRA`.
+Holding either one of the just above mentioned `_DEF_NSY` layer keys (<3 and 3>), with the `_ACC` layer key
+(on <2) results in layer `_BON`.
+- - -
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols). This fits the above Workman layer _DEF_BASE
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
+     Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
+     -+LSht   [{    ]}    -_    \|    =+    | +     |     _     {     }  `~+RSht // limitation prevents ~
+                          ^^                              ^  // Only differences with Dvorak version _DEF_NSY
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                 Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   RGUI  Right+RAlt
+                                 -*-       <|>    -*-                 u      //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        ^                                   ^
+                      (LGUI)                              (_MOV)
+- - -
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/config.h b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/config.h
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index 0000000000..eff0c2fa69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * © 2019,2020 by Jos Boersema
+ */
+#pragma once
+// place overrides here
+// Some defines meant to decrease the firmware size. The firmware is otherwise over the maximum (atmega32u4)
+     //Disable old style macro handling: MACRO() & action_get_macro
+#     define NO_ACTION_MACRO // This saves 320 bytes
+      //disable calling of action_function() from the fn_actions array (deprecated)
+#     define NO_ACTION_FUNCTION  // This saves 96 bytes
+# endif
+#define RGBLIGHT_SLEEP // QMK docs: "If defined, the RGB lighting will be switched off when the host goes to sleep"
+// Layer switch TT(layer) tapping amount to make it toggle
+#define TAPPING_TERM_HOLTAP 225 // 175 ms proved unreliable, 225 ms seems ok (personal preference)
+// Attempts to reduce firmware size:
+    //#define LINK_TIME_OPTIMIZATION_ENABLE // Did not decrease firmware size when tested on 26 Jan 2020 
+    //#define NO_DEBUG //disable debugging (already defined)
+    //#define NO_PRINT JJdisable printing/debugging using hid_listen (already defined)
+    //#define NO_ACTION_LAYER //disable layers (obviously need layers)
+    //#define NO_ACTION_TAPPING // This saves 2516 bytes (9%) (keymap uses tapping)
+    //#define NO_ACTION_ONESHOT // This did not reduse firmware size on 26 Jan 2020
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/keymap.c b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/keymap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..035cdfdb3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/keymap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1754 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Authors: This QMK keymap file is a combination of the default
+ * keymap, led code original copied/edited from ../jetpacktuxedo, some
+ * copy/paste from QMK documentation code examples (etc).
+ * Remainder: © 2019, 2020, 2021 by Jos Boersema
+ */
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
+#include "./user_config.h" // Edit this file to set user preference compile options.
+// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
+    /* Configurable keymap for Minivan layouts 44, 45, 46 keys.  
+     * May work for 12×12×12×[11-12] keys as well.
+     * Configuration in ./user_config.h
+     */
+  /* Overview of the code
+   *
+   * The base layers are in separate files;
+   * process_record_user(), unicode macros are defined in unicode_macros.c;
+   * accented characters are defined in unicode_weurope.h
+   *
+   * Unicode macros facilitate recomputing for re-computing the Dvorak with changed letters 
+   * ('descramble'), and exist because space ran out for * XP(…).
+   *
+   * The led color code might be a bit hairy, due to speed/count middle led overlapping layer color. 
+   *
+   *  Preprocessor indentation: # always in column one, #includes and #defines
+   *  are most to the left unless nested, except in the user configuration
+   *  block where room is left for a ‛//’. Logical stuff (#if etc) is
+   *  indented from column two, and then in each nesting goes 4 more spaces
+   *  to the right, so in between the normal code indentations. There should
+   *  be a newline above and below logical statements. This makes preprocessor
+   *  statements stand out, while giving more information in each statement.
+   *  C indentation: trying to follow QMK standard.
+   *
+   */
+#include QMK_KEYBOARD_H
+// Bit masks for the Base layers, to set them as Default, in order to make transparency look back to the right one.
+#define _DEF_BASE_MASK 0x1 // Some functions take a bit-mask, where layer 0 (zero) is called 0x1 instead.
+#define _ALT_BASE_MASK 0x2 // Some functions take a bit-mask, where layer 0 (zero) is called 0x1 instead.
+// Below #defines the internal order of the layers.
+// Notice this order in layer_state_set_user as well, regarding the led indicators.
+enum {
+    _DEF_BASE,  //  Default BASE layer (layer at startup). Typically the letters.
+    _ALT_BASE,  //  Alternative BASE layer.
+# endif
+    _DEF_NSY,   //  numbers and symbols
+    _ALT_NSY,   //  Alternate version of _DEF_NSY
+# endif
+    _MOV,  //  movement arrows and mouse
+    _RAR,  //  keys RARely used, Unicode config, Power keys, Media keys, alternate mode switch, speed/size count, …
+# ifndef REMOVE_PAD
+    _PAD,  //  Numbers pad. These are different versions of the same numbers, that is ‛1’ (_NSY) ≠ ‛1’ (_PAD).
+# endif
+# ifndef REMOVE_ACC // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+    _ACC,  //  Accented letters 
+# endif
+# ifndef REMOVE_DRA // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+    _DRA,  //  Unusual symbols and whatever else
+# endif
+# ifndef REMOVE_BON // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+    _BON,  //  Bonus layer with more Unicode symbols
+# endif
+    _FUN,  //  function keys, layer switcher, given highest order precedence just in case
+} ;
+// The default and alternate base layers needs to have a low order
+// number, so that the other layers can be accessed on top of it.
+// Default Layer is set, according to active Base pair.
+// What BASE layer is active.
+enum {
+    _NORMAL_, // BASE layer is _DEF_BASE
+    _FULL_,   // BASE layer is _ALT_BASE
+# ifdef DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE_HALF // not used with other keymaps
+    _HALF_,   // BASE layer is _ALT_BASE For DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE_HALF keymap: does *not* re-compute letters in Unicode
+              // This is for different Unicode encodings than “Control+U+HEX” (Linux). It will go through what is set on _RAR
+# endif
+// The mechanism is about what layer to return to, once needing to go back to the letters layer (BASE).
+# ifndef STARTUP_ALTERNATE // Startup with in default BASE, normal mode.
+short alternate = _NORMAL_;
+# else                    // Startup with alternate BASE active
+short alternate = _FULL_; // 
+# endif
+//* Shift detection
+bool shift_ison = 0; // keep track of the state of shift (Capslock is ignored). There may be more elegant code for this in
+                     //   QMK (a function seems to do it?), but this is simple and keeps the issue isolated to this file.
+# define TRUE 1
+# define FALSE 0
+bool _fun_stay = FALSE; // for making _FUN layer not return to BASE after pressing an F-key
+bool leds_on; // toggle leds on/off
+# ifdef LEDS_OFF_BASE_DEF  
+bool led_middle_on = TRUE; // Set to off later, if startup setting is off.
+# endif
+bool isolate_trigger = FALSE; // detects if _FUN layer move was pressed, and no other key (no normal use of Shift).
+bool capslock; // keeps track of capslock state
+bool numlock; // keeps track of numlock state
+layer_state_t state_recall; // We are calling the function set_led_colors_ from this file as well.
+// speed measuring
+bool     speed_measure = SPEED_INIT_VALUE; // feature activated or not on startup
+uint32_t speed_counttime; // counts the time
+short    speed_countdown = SPEED_COUNTDOWN; // countdown to next computation/effects
+int      speed; // we store typing result (keys/second) to make reporting less stressful on user, as it doesn't run away after typing
+                // the value is recorded 10 times higher, to allow another digit of precision, needed to calculate Words-Per-Minute
+long int speed_batches = 0; // This counts how many batches of SPEED_COUNTDOWN have been added to wordcount_speed_add
+long int speed_add = 0; // This just adds the speed computed for every batch of SPEED_COUNTDOWN, also times 10 for precision
+// character and word counting, attempting to count the final text being written
+bool     sizecount_measure = COUNT_INIT_VALUE; // feature activated or not on startup
+long int sizecount_blanks = 0; // This counts spaces/enters as a means of counting words, with manual substraction key
+long int sizecount_chars = 0; // This counts characters, substraction for delete/backspace
+bool     sizecount_word; // remember if the last character was whitespace, so a second does not count a word
+bool     sizecount_menu = FALSE; // menu mode for configuring sizecount led color & alert system for maximum size.
+long int sizecount_max = 0; // the maximum system for count, alert user about relative size/limit
+bool     sizecount_max_type; // is size counting by word or by character
+#define SIZECOUNT_WORD 0 // The type of text size counting: words
+#define SIZECOUNT_CHAR 1 //           "                   : characters
+/* This file contains mostly the Unicode and special macros.
+   It contains the function: process_record_user(...)
+   It has been isolated because the source file got long.
+ */
+#include "./unicode_macros.c"
+// Pre-existing function, run when the keyboard starts up.
+void keyboard_post_init_user (void) {
+// Set side leds on/off startup
+    leds_on = FALSE;
+#     else
+    leds_on = TRUE;
+#     endif
+    // Set up RGB effects on _only_ the first LED 
+    rgblight_set_effect_range (1, 1); // Takes a range: 1st arg is start, 2nd how many
+    rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_WHITE); // Startup color of keyboard.
+    // Set LED effects to breathing mode
+    rgblight_mode_noeeprom (RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_BREATHING + 2);
+    // Init the first and last LEDs to a static color.
+    setrgb (0, 0, 0, (LED_TYPE *)&led[0]); // Led[0] is led 0
+    setrgb (0, 0, 0, (LED_TYPE *)&led[2]); // 2nd led
+// The logic seems to be to establish the effect first, and then toggle it on/off.
+#     ifdef STARTUP_MID_LED_OFF
+    rgblight_disable (); // 
+#         ifdef LEDS_OFF_BASE_DEF  // This messes with led effect on/off, so we need to track the state of this setting now.
+    led_middle_on = FALSE;
+#         endif
+#     endif
+    isolate_rgblight_set ();
+// Set startup layer
+    layer_move (_ALT_BASE);
+# else
+    layer_move (_DEF_BASE);
+# endif
+    _fun_stay = TRUE; // startup with F-keys not returning to Base after stroke (_FUN)
+// Writes a number as if typed on keyboard. Typically to show a speed/text size measurement.
+// If last argument is TRUE it prints a dot ‛.’ before the last digit
+int write_number (long int input, short divide10) { 
+    long int step10;
+    short digit;
+    short start = FALSE;
+    short printed = 0;
+    char output[2];
+    output[1] = '\0';
+    if (0 > input) { // number is negative
+        send_string ("-"); // minus
+        printed++;
+        input *= -1; // turn positive
+    }
+    for (step10 = 1000000000; 0 != step10; step10 /= 10) { // assuming 32 bit, ± 10⁹
+        digit = input / step10; 
+        input = input % step10;
+        if (!start) { // remove leading zeros
+            if ((0 != digit) || (1 == step10)) start = TRUE; // If all zeros, always print last zero.
+        }
+        if (divide10 && (1 == step10)) { // print with a dot before the last digit
+            send_string (".");
+            printed++;
+        }
+        if (start) { // print
+            output[0] = '0' + digit;
+            send_string (output);
+            printed++;
+        }
+    }
+    return printed;
+// This function prevents the middle led from being altered by layer
+// switching (showing the layer color, that is), when another 
+// functionality takes precedent over the middle led.
+void middle_led_control (short hsv_h, short hsv_s, short hsv_v ) {
+    if (FALSE == speed_measure) { // only touch middle led if no speed measuring going on
+       if ( ! ((TRUE == sizecount_measure) && (0 != sizecount_max)) ) { // only touch middle led if no text size
+              // counting set to a maximum is going on.
+            rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (hsv_h, hsv_s, hsv_v); // set it
+        }
+    }
+# endif
+// Set middle led color for speed system. Needed in various places.
+void speed_led (int speed) {
+    speed /= 10; // argument is in 10 times its value
+    if ( ! ((TRUE == sizecount_measure) && (0 != sizecount_max)) ) { // only touch middle led if no text size
+           // counting set to a maximum is going on.
+        rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (SPEED_HUE_STEP * speed + SPEED_HUE_START, 255, 128); // full saturation, but half lit
+        rgblight_set (); // only center led is altered, no need to go through isolate_rgblight_set()
+    }
+# endif
+// do this in one place to handle left/right leds being off here
+void isolate_rgblight_set () {
+    if (!leds_on) { // left/right leds are off
+        // overwrite previously colors
+        uint8_t led0r = 0; uint8_t led0g = 0; uint8_t led0b = 0;
+        uint8_t led2r = 0; uint8_t led2g = 0; uint8_t led2b = 0;
+        led0r = 0; 
+        led0g = 0; 
+        led0b = 0; 
+        led2r = 0; 
+        led2g = 0; 
+        led2b = 0; 
+        setrgb(led0r, led0g, led0b, (LED_TYPE *)&led[0]); // Led 0
+        setrgb(led2r, led2g, led2b, (LED_TYPE *)&led[2]); // Led 2
+    }
+    rgblight_set ();
+# endif
+// _FUN layer leds.
+void indicate_fun_stay (void) {
+    uint8_t led0r = 0; uint8_t led0g = 0; uint8_t led0b = 0;
+    uint8_t led2r = 0; uint8_t led2g = 0; uint8_t led2b = 0;
+    // See also below under _FUN layer led
+    if (_fun_stay == TRUE) { // normal mode, 0 (100% normal)
+        led0r = 255; // red
+        led2r = 255; // Yellow
+        led2g = 50;
+    }else{
+        led0r = 255; // Yellow
+        led0g = 50;  //   
+        led2r = 255; // red
+    }
+    setrgb(led0r, led0g, led0b, (LED_TYPE *)&led[0]); // Led 0
+    setrgb(led2r, led2g, led2b, (LED_TYPE *)&led[2]); // Led 2
+    isolate_rgblight_set ();
+// _RAR layer leds
+// It is a function because this is called when the Base layer OTHER_BASE key is pressed
+void indicate_base (void) {
+    uint8_t led0r = 0; uint8_t led0g = 0; uint8_t led0b = 0;
+    uint8_t led2r = 0; uint8_t led2g = 0; uint8_t led2b = 0;
+    // See also below under _FUN layer led
+    if (_NORMAL_ == alternate) { // normal mode, 0 (100% normal)
+        led0r = 255; //  shine white left led
+        led0g = 255;
+        led0b = 255;
+        rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_PURPLE);  // This overrides the speed setting.
+        led2r = 100; // purple
+        led2b = 100;
+    }
+#     ifdef DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE_HALF // not used with other keymaps
+      else if (_HALF_ == alternate) { // alternate mode, 1 (normal unicode)
+        led0r = 100; // purple
+        led0b = 100;
+        rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_WHITE); //  shine white middle led (still breathes)
+        led2r = 100; // purple
+        led2b = 100;
+    }
+#     endif
+      else if (_FULL_ == alternate) { // alternate mode, 1 (recomputed unicode for DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE)
+        led0r = 100; // purple
+        led0b = 100;
+        rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_PURPLE); 
+        led2r = 255;//  shine white right led
+        led2g = 255; 
+        led2b = 255; 
+    }
+    setrgb(led0r, led0g, led0b, (LED_TYPE *)&led[0]); // Led 0
+    setrgb(led2r, led2g, led2b, (LED_TYPE *)&led[2]); // Led 2
+    isolate_rgblight_set ();
+// Sets led colors for all layers. Including Capslock/Numlock changes. See a computer side activated function for that too:
+//                                                                                    led_update_user (…)
+void set_led_colors_ (layer_state_t state) {
+    uint8_t led0r = 0; uint8_t led0g = 0; uint8_t led0b = 0;
+    uint8_t led2r = 0; uint8_t led2g = 0; uint8_t led2b = 0;
+    short color_ddl = 28 ;
+#     ifdef LEDS_OFF_BASE_DEF 
+    // Special case of switching centre led effect on/off
+    if (!layer_state_cmp (state, _DEF_BASE)) { // letters
+        //if (rgblight_is_enabled())
+        if (led_middle_on) { // Follows user setting based on _RAR key.
+            rgblight_enable_noeeprom (); // Would be easier if middle_led_control (…) could set brightness to dark, but seems to not work.
+        }
+    }
+#     endif
+    // The order should be the reverse of the #defines of layer number of the layers on top
+    // because higher layer number is higher priority if activated
+    /* _DEF_BASE 0 _ALT_BASE 1 _DEF_NSY 2 _ALT_NSY 3 _MOV 4 _RAR 5 _PAD 6 _ACC 7 _DRA 8 _BON 9 _FUN 10 */
+    if (layer_state_cmp (state, _FUN)) { // F-keys, and layer toggles
+        middle_led_control (HSV_RED); // purple
+        indicate_fun_stay (); // Indicates state of _fun_stay, but only when it is being toggled.
+        return ; // indicate_fun_stay function already does it all.
+    } 
+#     ifndef REMOVE_BON // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _BON)) {  // Bonus layer with encircled numbers and more symbols
+        // side leds dark
+        middle_led_control (HSV_YELLOW); 
+    }
+#     endif // REMOVE_BON 
+#     ifndef REMOVE_DRA // This cuts out the whole _DRA layer
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _DRA)) { // Unicode drawings and unusual things
+        led0r = 255; // gold red
+        led0g = 128; // 
+        led2r = 255; //
+        led2g = 128; //
+        middle_led_control( HSV_GOLDENROD ); 
+    }
+#     endif // REMOVE_DRA
+#     ifndef REMOVE_ACC // This cuts out the whole _ACC layer.
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _ACC)) { // Accented letters (Unicode input layer)
+        led0g = 150; // With some blue, because it is also a symbol 
+        led0b = 100;
+        led2g = 150;
+        led2b = 100;
+        middle_led_control (HSV_TURQUOISE); // cyan
+    }
+#    endif // REMOVE_ACC
+#    ifndef REMOVE_PAD
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _PAD)) { // numbers pad layer
+        if (numlock) {
+            led0b = 255; // Blue for the numbers part 
+            led2g = 255; // Green for the navigation part
+        }else{
+            led0g = 255; // reversed 
+            led2b = 255; //
+        }
+        middle_led_control (60, 20, 100); // yellow (low saturation)
+    }
+#     endif // REMOVE_PAD
+    //---
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _RAR)) { // layer with special keys
+        indicate_base (); // this function already does it all
+        return; // 
+    }
+    //---
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _MOV)) { // movement layer
+        led0g = 255;// movement is green, "go forward"
+        led2g = 255; 
+        middle_led_control(HSV_GREEN);
+    }
+    //--- (pair)
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _ALT_NSY)) { // alternate, numbers/symbols 
+        led0b = 255; //  first led follows the corresponding default layer: _DEF_NSY 
+        led2r = color_ddl; // Same as DDL, to which it belongs.
+        led2g = color_ddl; // 
+        led2b = color_ddl; // 
+        middle_led_control (HSV_BLUE); 
+    }
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _DEF_NSY)) { // symbols and numbers
+        led0b = 255; // blue for symbols, like ink (writing)
+        led2b = 255;
+        middle_led_control (HSV_BLUE);
+    }
+    //--- (pair)
+    // Alternate BASE layer (alternate)
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _ALT_BASE)) {
+#     if !defined(BASE_NUMPAD__ALT_BASE) // Normal led colors for ‛regular’ base layers like Dvorak, Qwerty. 
+        if (capslock) {
+           led2r = 255; // Brighter version to indicate capslock
+           led2g = 255; // 
+           led2b = 255; // 
+        } else {
+           led2r = color_ddl; // A bit of a white not too bright color on right
+           led2g = color_ddl; // 
+           led2b = color_ddl; // 
+        }
+#     else // BASE_NUMPAD__ALT_BASE: numpad on Alternate Base, which should show the state of NumLock
+        // This is a copy of the _PAD led colors, but less bright
+        if (numlock) {
+            led0b = 80; // Blue for the numbers part 
+            led2g = 80; // Green for the navigation part
+        }else{
+            led0g = 80; // reversed 
+            led2b = 80; //
+        }
+        middle_led_control (60, 20, 100); // yellow (low saturation)
+#     endif
+        middle_led_control (HSV_TEAL); // seems to be the same as CYAN/AZURE, conflicts with _ACC
+    }
+    // Default layer (generally), normal BASE layer
+    else if (layer_state_cmp (state, _DEF_BASE)) { // letters
+#     ifdef LEDS_OFF_BASE_DEF 
+        led0r = 0; // All leds off when in Default Base
+        led0g = 0; // 
+        led0b = 0; // 
+        rgblight_disable_noeeprom ();
+#     else
+        if (capslock) {
+            led0r = 255; // Brighter version to indicate capslock
+            led0g = 255; // 
+            led0b = 255; // 
+        } else {
+            led0r = 28; // A bit of a weak white color on left 
+            led0g = 28; // 
+            led0b = 28; // 
+        }
+        middle_led_control (HSV_TEAL);
+#     endif // LEDS_OFF_BASE_DEF 
+    }
+    //---
+    setrgb (led0r, led0g, led0b, (LED_TYPE *)&led[0]); // Led 0
+    setrgb (led2r, led2g, led2b, (LED_TYPE *)&led[2]); // Led 2
+    isolate_rgblight_set ();
+// Pre-existing QMK function, called when NumLock/CapsLock key is pressed, including on another keyboard.
+// This function sets two booleans that keep track of the current capslock/numlock state, for use in layer led colors.
+bool led_update_user (led_t led_state) {
+    if (led_state.num_lock) { // This doesn't look at the keyboard leds or any other actual leds. It seems to look at whether
+                              // or not the computer has numlock in the on/off state.
+        numlock = TRUE;
+    }else{
+        numlock = FALSE;
+    }
+    if (led_state.caps_lock) {
+        capslock = TRUE;
+    }else{
+        capslock = FALSE;
+    }
+    //layer_state_set_user 
+    set_led_colors_ (state_recall); // Update leds
+    return true ;
+// pre-existing function, called when layer changes
+layer_state_t layer_state_set_user (layer_state_t state) {
+  set_led_colors_ (state); // Update leds 
+  state_recall = state; // Recall this, for calling set_led_colors_(…) on Num/Capslock changes in led_update_user(…)
+  return state;
+// -------------------------------- layers --------------------------------
+const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
+/********************        What base layers to use:        **************/
+//                         * Dvorak *
+# if defined(BASE_DVORAK__DEF_BASE) || defined(BASE_DVORAK__ALT_BASE)
+#     include "./base_dvorak.c" // Regular Dvorak.
+# endif
+//                         * Dvorak descramble *
+# if defined(BASE_DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE__ALT_BASE) // only for ‛Alternate’ base
+#     include "./base_dvorak_descramble.c" // Dvorak for when computer is already remapping to Dvorak.
+# endif
+//                         * Qwerty *
+# if defined(BASE_QWERTY__DEF_BASE) || defined(BASE_QWERTY__ALT_BASE)
+#     include "./base_qwerty.c" // Regular Qwerty.
+# endif
+//                         * Qwerty arrows on Base *
+#     include "./base_qwerty_basearrow.c" // Qwerty + arrows
+# endif
+//                         * Colemak *
+# if defined(BASE_COLEMAK__DEF_BASE) || defined(BASE_COLEMAK__ALT_BASE)
+#     include "./base_colemak.c" // Regular Colemak.
+# endif
+//                         * Workman *
+# if defined(BASE_WORKMAN__DEF_BASE) || defined(BASE_WORKMAN__ALT_BASE)
+#     include "./base_workman.c" // Regular Workman.
+# endif
+//                         * Numpad *
+# if defined(BASE_NUMPAD__ALT_BASE)
+#     include "./base_numpad.c" // Numbers pad
+# endif
+// // ⬇ insert your ./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c #include here:
+//                         * YOUR KEYMAP *
+// #     include "./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c" // Your Keymap.
+// # endif
+// If your keymap also has a ./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h configuration/header file, #include it in ./user_config.h
+// Look for similar inclusions of base header files, similar to the #includes here.
+// You should be able to just copy what you did here, and only change “.c” into “.h”.
+// // ⬆
+        // See the ./bases_*.c file for definition of _DEF_BASE, _DEF_NSY, _ALT_BASE, _ALT_NSY layers, selected in ./user_config.h
+        /* ⬆⬇ (next layer) */
+# ifndef BASESFILE_LAYER_MOV // Use a definition of this layer in the ./bases_* file, where this #define can be defined.
+    /* Layer _MOV: Movement layer: mouse and hands on navigation
+     *          Also delete/backspace, to navigate and delete together.
+     */
+    [ _MOV ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     Layer _MOV (MOVement, mouse movement on right hand)
+     triangle layout (mouse right hand):
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                                        //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE   PgDn  Up    PgUp  Home  Btn3  | xxx   WhDn  MsUp  WhU   WhLft    Bksp
+     LCtl   Left  Down  Right End   Btn1  | Btn1  MsLft MsDn  MsRht WhRht    RCtl
+     LSht*- xxx   Acc2  Acc1  Acc0  Btn2  | Btn2  Btn3  Btn4  Btn5  xxx      RSht      //(toggle) on BASE
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp  PgDn  LGUI  RAlt
+                      -*-<|>                                                             //(hold) on BASE
+     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+        …                                   …
+     triangle layout, 'arrow' additional hardware key, with arrow cluster (difference marked _):
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                                        //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE   PgDn  Up    PgUp  Home  Btn3  | xxx   WhDn  MsUp  WhU   WhLft    Bksp
+     LCtl   Left  Down  Right End   Btn1  | Btn1  MsLft MsDn  MsRht WhRht    RCtl
+     LSht*- xxx   Acc2  Acc1  Acc0  Btn2  | Btn2  Btn3  Btn4  Btn5  _Up_     RSht      //(toggle) on BASE
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp       PgDn   _Left__Down__Right_
+                                      -*-<|>                                             //(hold) on BASE
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>         3>      2>   _±_    1>  
+                        …     
+     triangle layout, 'arrow' additional hardware key, with arrow cluster and navigation keys:
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                                        //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE   PgDn  Up    PgUp  Home _Btn4_ | xxx   WhDn  MsUp  WhU   WhLft    Bksp
+     LCtl   Left  Down  Right End   Btn1  | Btn1  MsLft MsDn  MsRht WhRht    RCtl
+     LSht*- xxx   Acc2  Acc1  Acc0 _Btn5_ | Btn2  Btn3 _Home__PgUp_ _Up_   _PgDn_      //(toggle) on BASE
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp      _End_   _Left__Down__Right_
+                                      -*-<|>                                             //(hold) on BASE
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>         3>      2>   _±_    1>  
+                        …
+     flat layout (mouse movement on left hand):
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                                        //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE   WLft  WDn   WUp   WRht  xxx   | Btn3  PgUp  Home  End   PgDn     Bksp
+     LCtl   MLft  MDn   MUp   MRht  Btn1  | Btn1  Left  Up    Down  Right    RCtl
+     LSht*- Btn5  Btn4  Btn3  Butn2 xxx   | Btn2  Acc0  Acc1  Acc2  xxx      RSht      //(toggle) on BASE
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp  PgDn  LGUI  RAlt
+                      -*-<|>                                                             //(hold) on BASE
+     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+        …
+     flat layout, 'arrow' additional hardware key, with arrow cluster (difference marked _)
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                                        //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE   WLft  WDn   WUp   WRht  xxx   | Btn3  PgUp  Home  End   PgDn     Bksp
+     LCtl   MLft  MDn   MUp   MRht  Btn1  | Btn1  Left  Up    Down  Right    RCtl
+     LSht*- Btn5  Btn4  Btn3  Butn2 xxx   | Btn2  Acc0  Acc1  Acc2  xxx      RSht      //(toggle) on BASE
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp       _Left_ _Up_  _Down__Right_
+                                      -*-<|>                                           //(hold) on BASE
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>          3>     2>   _±_    1>  
+                        …
+     flat layout, 'arrow' additional hardware key, with arrow cluster and additional navigation keys:
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                                        //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE   WLft  WDn   WUp   WRht  xxx   |_Acc2_ PgUp  Home  End   PgDn     Bksp
+     LCtl   MLft  MDn   MUp   MRht  Btn1  | Btn1  Left  Up    Down  Right    RCtl
+     LSht*- Btn5  Btn4  Btn3  Butn2 xxx   |_Acc1_ Acc0 _PgUp__Home__End_   _PgDn_      //(toggle) on BASE
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp       _Left_ _Up_  _Down__Right_
+                                      -*-<|>                                             //(hold) on BASE
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>          3>     2>   _±_    1>  
+                        …
+     flat layout, 'arrow' additional hardware key, with arrow cluster, additional navigation keys, vi(1) layout:
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                                        //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE   WLft  WDn   WUp   WRht  xxx   |_Acc2_ PgUp  Home  End   PgDn     Bksp
+     LCtl   MLft  MDn   MUp   MRht  Btn1  | Left  Down  Up    Right Btn1     RCtl
+     LSht*- Btn5  Btn4  Btn3  Butn2 xxx   |_Acc1_ Acc0 _PgUp__Home__End_   _PgDn_      //(toggle) on BASE
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp       _Left_ _Down__Up_  _Right_
+                                      -*-<|>                                             //(hold) on BASE
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>          3>     2>   _±_    1>  
+                        …
+ */
+         /* Inner default navigation/mouse layout. 11 means row 1, column 1, etc.
+          * Configured for arrows on the right, mouse on the left (BTN* on the left side, that is).
+          */
+#     ifndef ARROWS_TRIANGLE
+#         define NAVI_11 KC_BTN3 // NAVI for 'navigation cluster', 11 for row 1, column 1, etc.
+#         define                 NAVI_12 KC_PGUP
+#         define                                 NAVI_13 KC_HOME
+#         define                                                 NAVI_14 KC_END
+#         define                                                                NAVI_15 KC_PGDN
+#         define NAVI_21 KC_BTN1
+#         define                 NAVI_22 KC_LEFT
+#         define                                 NAVI_23 KC_UP
+#         define                                                 NAVI_24 KC_DOWN
+#         define                                                                NAVI_25 KC_RIGHT
+#         define NAVI_31 KC_BTN2
+#         define                 NAVI_32 KC_ACL0
+#         define                                 NAVI_33 KC_ACL1
+#         define                                                 NAVI_34 KC_ACL2
+#         define                                                                NAVI_35 XXXXXXX
+          //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+          // Configured for left handed mouse, with xxx,BTN* on the right most column.
+#         define MOUS_11 KC_WH_L  // MOUS for mouse, etc.
+#         define                 MOUS_12 KC_WH_D
+#         define                                 MOUS_13 KC_WH_U
+#         define                                                 MOUS_14 KC_WH_R
+#         define                                                                MOUS_15 XXXXXXX
+#         define MOUS_21 KC_MS_L
+#         define                 MOUS_22 KC_MS_D
+#         define                                 MOUS_23 KC_MS_U
+#         define                                                 MOUS_24 KC_MS_R
+#         define                                                                MOUS_25 KC_BTN1
+#         define MOUS_31 KC_BTN5
+#         define                 MOUS_32 KC_BTN4
+#         define                                 MOUS_33 KC_BTN3
+#         define                                                 MOUS_34 KC_BTN2
+#         define                                                                MOUS_35 XXXXXXX
+#     endif
+// Alternative navigation/mouse layout: arrows in triangle, and left hand on the left 'wasd' location.
+// If you want these arrows on the right hand, you may want to edit this, to put right most column left, etc.
+#     ifdef ARROWS_TRIANGLE
+#         define NAVI_11 KC_PGDN
+#         define                 NAVI_12 KC_UP   
+#         define                                 NAVI_13 KC_PGUP
+#         define                                                 NAVI_14 KC_HOME
+#         define                                                                 NAVI_15 KC_BTN3
+#         define NAVI_21 KC_LEFT
+#         define                 NAVI_22 KC_DOWN
+#         define                                 NAVI_23 KC_RIGHT
+#         define                                                  NAVI_24 KC_END
+#         define                                                                 NAVI_25 KC_BTN1
+#         define NAVI_31 XXXXXXX
+#         define                 NAVI_32 KC_ACL2
+#         define                                 NAVI_33 KC_ACL1
+#         define                                                  NAVI_34 KC_ACL0
+#         define                                                                 NAVI_35 KC_BTN2
+          //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+          // If switching hands to put mouse left, same as for navigation side: switch outer columns by editing here.
+#         define MOUS_11 XXXXXXX
+#         define                 MOUS_12 KC_WH_D
+#         define                                 MOUS_13 KC_MS_U
+#         define                                                 MOUS_14 KC_WH_U
+#         define                                                                MOUS_15 KC_WH_L
+#         define MOUS_21 KC_BTN1
+#         define                 MOUS_22 KC_MS_L
+#         define                                 MOUS_23 KC_MS_D
+#         define                                                 MOUS_24 KC_MS_R
+#         define                                                                MOUS_25 KC_WH_R
+#         define MOUS_31 KC_BTN2
+#         define                 MOUS_32 KC_BTN3
+#         define                                 MOUS_33 KC_BTN4
+#         define                                                 MOUS_34 KC_BTN5
+#         define                                                                MOUS_35 XXXXXXX
+#     endif
+// Default left/right layout, meaning arrows right and mouse left.
+#     ifndef ARROWS_LEFT
+#         define LEFT_AA MOUS_11
+#         define LEFT_AB MOUS_12
+#         define LEFT_AC MOUS_13
+#         define LEFT_AD MOUS_14
+#         define LEFT_AE MOUS_15
+#         define LEFT_BA MOUS_21
+#         define LEFT_BB MOUS_22
+#         define LEFT_BC MOUS_23
+#         define LEFT_BD MOUS_24
+#         define LEFT_BE MOUS_25
+#         define LEFT_CA MOUS_31
+#         define LEFT_CB MOUS_32
+#         define LEFT_CC MOUS_33
+#         define LEFT_CD MOUS_34
+#         define LEFT_CE MOUS_35
+#         define RGHT_AA NAVI_11
+#         define RGHT_AB NAVI_12
+#         define RGHT_AC NAVI_13
+#         define RGHT_AD NAVI_14
+#         define RGHT_AE NAVI_15
+#         define RGHT_BA NAVI_21
+#         define RGHT_BB NAVI_22
+#         define RGHT_BC NAVI_23
+#         define RGHT_BD NAVI_24
+#         define RGHT_BE NAVI_25
+#         define RGHT_CA NAVI_31
+#         define RGHT_CB NAVI_32
+#         define RGHT_CC NAVI_33
+#         define RGHT_CD NAVI_34
+#         define RGHT_CE NAVI_35
+#     endif
+#     ifdef ARROWS_LEFT
+#         define LEFT_AA NAVI_11
+#         define LEFT_AB NAVI_12
+#         define LEFT_AC NAVI_13
+#         define LEFT_AD NAVI_14
+#         define LEFT_AE NAVI_15
+#         define LEFT_BA NAVI_21
+#         define LEFT_BB NAVI_22
+#         define LEFT_BC NAVI_23
+#         define LEFT_BD NAVI_24
+#         define LEFT_BE NAVI_25
+#         define LEFT_CA NAVI_31
+#         define LEFT_CB NAVI_32
+#         define LEFT_CC NAVI_33
+#         define LEFT_CD NAVI_34
+#         define LEFT_CE NAVI_35
+#         define RGHT_AA MOUS_11
+#         define RGHT_AB MOUS_12
+#         define RGHT_AC MOUS_13
+#         define RGHT_AD MOUS_14
+#         define RGHT_AE MOUS_15
+#         define RGHT_BA MOUS_21
+#         define RGHT_BB MOUS_22
+#         define RGHT_BC MOUS_23
+#         define RGHT_BD MOUS_24
+#         define RGHT_BE MOUS_25
+#         define RGHT_CA MOUS_31
+#         define RGHT_CB MOUS_32
+#         define RGHT_CC MOUS_33
+#         define RGHT_CD MOUS_34
+#         define RGHT_CE MOUS_35
+#     endif
+/* Definition of the additional arrow cluster with optional navigation keys, for the 'arrow' hardware layout.
+ *
+ * By default what becomes the up-arrow (row 2, 2nd key from right) is a no-action key on this layer,
+ * which can be displaced without worry.
+ * Keys that are displaced for the larger arrow cluster with navigation keys, get moved to the second definition
+ * of KC_BTN2 and KC_BTN3, which is on the non-mouse hand.
+ *
+ * Only the version where the triangle arrows are defined for the left hand, or the version where the flat line
+ * arrows are defined for the right hand, are supported.
+ *
+ * There are several configurations, worked down in order to keep this mess under control.
+ *                
+ *                                           v----------------------not-defined-------------v----------------v
+ *                                 !MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER   !MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION  !ARROWS_TRIANGLE  !ARROWS_LEFT             
+ * defined MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER   ......................            yes                    yes            yes
+ * defined MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION        yes                 .......................        yes          only for flat arrows
+ * defined ARROWS_TRIANGLE                yes                         yes               ...............      no  
+ * defined ARROWS_LEFT                    yes                    only for triangle          yes           ...........
+ *                                  MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER    MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION   ARROWS_TRIANGLE   ARROWS_LEFT             
+ *                                           ^--------------------------defined-------------^----------------^
+ *
+ * Definition order:
+ *  0 no arrow cluster (and therefore no additional navigation keys either)
+ *  1 triangle arrows with arrow cluster
+ *  2    ''                  ''          + additional navigation and repositioning displaced keys
+ *  3 flat arrows with arrow cluster
+ *  4    ''                  ''          + additional navigation and repositioning displaced keys
+ */
+                                               /* 0 (Nothing special, just the default keys)*/
+// Default layout without arrow cluster. (With a little imagination you can visualize the keyboard.)
+#     if !defined(MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER) 
+//                                                                             Default 
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY1                               KC_RSFT    
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY2                     RGHT_CE              // Key counting from the right to the left. 
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY3           RGHT_CD                        
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY4 RGHT_CC                                  
+//                                  ------------------------------------------
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY1                               KC_RALT    //                         ''
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY2                     MORE_key2            //                         ''
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY3           KC__YGUI                       //                         ''                 (etc)
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY4 KC_PGDN                                  
+//                <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,
+//                 |, 4>      , 3>      , 2>      , ±       , 1>         // ± is the additional hardware key
+#     endif                                                       
+                                              /* 1 (triangle arrows with arrow cluster) */
+// Patch in the arrows for arrow triangle layout
+#     if defined(MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER) && defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE)
+//                                                                             Arrow cluster
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY2                     KC_UP                
+//                                 ------------------------------------------
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY1                               KC_RIGHT   
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY2                     KC_DOWN              
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY3           KC_LEFT                        
+//                <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,
+//                 |, 4>      , 3>      , 2>      , ±       , 1> 
+#     endif
+// The default layout around the arrows
+#     if defined(MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER) && !defined(MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION) && defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE)      
+//                                                                             Default keys
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY1                               KC_RSFT    
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY3           RGHT_CD                        
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY4 RGHT_CC                                  
+//                                 ------------------------------------------
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY4 KC_PGDN                                  
+//                <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,
+//                 |, 4>      , 3>      , 2>      , ±       , 1> 
+#    endif                                     
+                                              /*  2 (  ''                  ''          + additional navigation and repositioning displaced keys) */
+// Patch in the navigation keys for the arrow in triangle layout.
+#     if defined(MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION) && defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE)        // Navigation additional keys (arrows implied).
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY1                               KC_PGDN    
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY3           KC_PGUP                        
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY4 KC_HOME                                  
+//                                 ------------------------------------------
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY4 KC_END                                   
+//                    <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,
+//                     |, 4>      , 3>      , 2>      , ±       , 1>         
+#     endif
+// We have now overwritten the positions of RGHT_CC and RGHT_CD, which could be useful keys.
+// You don't want to mess with BTN1 on the other hand, because it needs to select together with mouse moving in many applications.
+#     if defined(MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION) && defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE) && defined(ARROWS_LEFT)  // ARROWS_LEFT because the wider map is edited
+//        ... spelling this out to keep brain for exploding:
+//        Overwritten (copied from above):
+//         #define RGHT_CC MOUS_33
+//         #define                                 MOUS_33 KC_BTN4
+//         #define RGHT_CD MOUS_34
+//         #define                                                 MOUS_34 KC_BTN5
+//        'BTN4' and 'BTN5' are overwritten.
+//        Where are KC_BTN2 and KC_BTN3 on the non-mouse hand:
+//         #define                                                                 NAVI_15 KC_BTN3
+//         #define LEFT_AE NAVI_15
+//         #define                                                                 NAVI_35 KC_BTN2
+//         #define LEFT_CE NAVI_35
+//        'LEFT_AE' and 'LEFT_CE' provide room.
+#         undef  LEFT_AE
+#         define LEFT_AE KC_BTN4
+#         undef  LEFT_CE
+#         define LEFT_CE KC_BTN5
+#     endif
+                                              /* 3 (flat arrows with arrow cluster) */
+#     if defined(MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER) && !defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE)
+//                                                                         arrow cluster
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY1                               KC_RIGHT                                 
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY2                     KC_DOWN                        
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY3           KC_UP                
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY4 KC_LEFT    
+//                    <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,
+//                     |, 4>      , 3>      , 2>      , ±       , 1> 
+#     endif
+// The default layout around the arrows
+#     if defined(MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER) && !defined(MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION) && !defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE)      
+//                                                                         Default 
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY1                               KC_RSFT    
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY2                     RGHT_CE              // Key counting from the right to the left. 
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY3           RGHT_CD                        
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY4 RGHT_CC                                  
+//                    <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,
+//                     |, 4>      , 3>      , 2>      , ±       , 1> 
+#     endif
+                                              /* 4 (   ''                  ''          + additional navigation and repositioning displaced keys) */
+// The definitions for the additional navigation keys (HOME, etc)
+#     if defined(MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION) && !defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE)
+//                                                                         Additional navigation keys: flat
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY1                               KC_PGDN                                  
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY2                     KC_END                         
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY3           KC_HOME              
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW2_KEY4 KC_PGUP    
+//                    <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,
+//                     |, 4>      , 3>      , 2>      , ±       , 1>         
+#     endif
+// Replace the overwritten key positions:
+# if defined(MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION) && !defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE) && !defined(ARROWS_LEFT)   // !ARROWS_LEFT because the wider map is edited
+//        Overwritten (copied from above):
+//         #define RGHT_CC NAVI_33
+//         #define                                 NAVI_33 KC_ACL1
+//         #define RGHT_CD NAVI_34
+//         #define                                                 NAVI_34 KC_ACL2
+//        'KC_ACL1' and 'KC_ACL2' are overwritten.
+//        Where are BTN2 and BTN3 on the non-mouse hand:
+//         #define NAVI_11 KC_BTN3
+//         #define RGHT_AA NAVI_11
+//         #define NAVI_31 KC_BTN2
+//         #define RGHT_CA NAVI_31
+//        'RGHT_AA' and 'RGHT_CA' provide room.
+//         It seems best to count the acceleration keys from right to left/up on the keyboard.
+#         undef  RGHT_AA
+#         define RGHT_AA KC_ACL2
+#         undef  RGHT_CA
+#         define RGHT_CA KC_ACL1
+#     endif
+// Changes the home row on the right hand to become HJKL (as in Qwerty) vi(1) arrow keys,
+// and causes the arrow block to move one key to the left. The key lost on the left is
+// put back on the other end (pinky).
+// Row 3
+#     if defined(VI_SWITCHERYDOO) && !defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE) // For all hardware variants
+//                |, indx2>  , index>  , middl>   , ring>     , pinky>    , pink2>    ,
+//               <|,>        ,         ,          ,           ,           ,           ,
+#         undef  RGHT_BA
+#         define RGHT_BA KC_LEFT
+#         undef  RGHT_BB
+#         define RGHT_BB           KC_DOWN
+#         undef  RGHT_BC
+#         define RGHT_BC                     KC_UP
+#         undef  RGHT_BD
+#         define RGHT_BD                                KC_RIGHT
+#         undef  RGHT_BE
+#         define RGHT_BE                                            KC_BTN1
+#     endif
+// Row 1
+#     if defined(VI_SWITCHERYDOO) && !defined(ARROWS_TRIANGLE) && defined(MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER) // Only for 'arrow' hardware
+//                                                                         arrow cluster
+#         undef  _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY1 
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY1                               KC_RIGHT                                 
+#         undef  _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY2
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY2                     KC_UP                          
+#         undef  _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY3
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY3           KC_DOWN              
+#         undef  _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY4
+#         define _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY4 KC_LEFT    
+//                    <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,
+//                     |, 4>      , 3>      , 2>      , ±       , 1>         
+#     endif
+// (If you want to alter something in detail just for your keyboard, it is probably smart to just write in the keycodes (like KC_PGUP) in the final definitions here below.)
+//      <pink2   , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>  , index>  , middl>             , ring>              , pinky>             , pink2>             ,
+//               ,         ,         , -*-     ,         ,       <|,>        ,         ,                    ,                    ,                    ,                    ,
+        CTO_BASE , LEFT_AA , LEFT_AB , LEFT_AC , LEFT_AD , LEFT_AE , RGHT_AA , RGHT_AB , RGHT_AC            , RGHT_AD            , RGHT_AE            , KC_BSPC            ,
+        KC_LCTL  , LEFT_BA , LEFT_BB , LEFT_BC , LEFT_BD , LEFT_BE , RGHT_BA , RGHT_BB , RGHT_BC            , RGHT_BD            , RGHT_BE            , KC_RCTL            ,
+//      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        KC_LALT 
+                , TRANS_LEFT
+#     endif
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                , MORE_key1 
+#     endif
+                , KC_DEL , KC_ENT , _______ 
+                                            , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                            , KC_PGUP 
+                                                      , TRANS_RIGHT
+#     endif
+                                                      , _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY4 , _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY3
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                           , _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY2
+#     endif
+                                                                                                , _MOV_KEY_ROW1_KEY1
+//            ,          ,        , -*-   <|,>        ,                    ,                    ,
+//      <1 ±± , <2       , <3     , <4     |, 4>      , 3>                 , 2>                 , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+# ifndef BASESFILE_LAYER_RAR // Use a definition of this layer in the ./bases_* file, where this #define can be defined.
+    /* Layer _RAR: Various special keys.
+     *          - The key which switches between Default and Alternate base layer.
+     *          - Power keys
+     *            The power keys have to be pressed with Shift, as a safety guard.
+     *            Without shift they write their name, as if someone typed it.
+     *          - Media keys
+     *          - Brightness for screen keys (depends on computer system if it works)
+     *          - Leds of keyboard on/off
+     *          - Unicode input mode
+     *            ☑  precedes the Unicode input modes, as memory aid and tester
+     *               Note that ☑ has no letters in its Unicode, but press with Shift for 🗹 
+     *               which does. This matters when testing ‛descramble’ Dvorak mode.
+     *          - Capslock is on its normal position
+     *          - Insert
+     *          - APP (whatever it is) fakes being next to right GUI (though other layer).
+     *          - The traditional obsolete button like ScrLk/PrtSc are also included, in
+     *            case some program needs them.
+     *          - Speed measuring
+     *          - Text size measuring
+     *          - Some unused spots remaining.
+     */
+    [ _RAR ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     _RAR (RARe keys. Power keys, Unicode mode, Alternate BASE, Media, Brightness, Speed, leds, …)
+     <pink2<pinky <ring <middl <indexx<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky> pink2>
+                                           <|>      -*-                                //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE  Cnt/Mx Cnull CWmin  CRprt  Speed | SRprt Play  Next  Prev  Stop RSht(•)   
+     CapsL Power• Wake• Sleep• Pause• ScrLk | PrtSc xxx   Vol+  Vol-  Mute Insert     // • requires Shift
+     ☑     uLNX   uBSD  uOSX   uWIN   uWNC  | xxx   xxx   Bri+  Bri-  xxx     APP     // Ü(nicode) tester
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     SLed  MLeds RGUI  xxx  | !Alter  xxx   LGUI  ___            // Middle-led, Side-leds, ! 'alternate'
+                           <|>                    -*-                                   // (Hold) on BASE
+     <1 ±  <2  ± <3    <4   | 4>      3>    2>  ± 1>  
+        …                                       …
+ */
+//      <pink2    , <pinky           , <ring            , <middl           , <index           , <indx2           |, indx2>        , index>  , middl>           , ring>              , pinky>  , pink2>        ,
+//                ,                  ,                  ,                  , -*-              ,                 <|,>              ,         ,                  ,                    ,         ,               ,
+        CTO_BASE  , COUNT_TOG        , COUNT_NULL       , COUNT_WORDMIN    , COUNT_REPORT     , SPEED_TOG         , SPEED_REPORT  , KC_MPLY , KC_MNXT          , KC_MPRV            , KC_MSTP , KC_RSFT       ,
+        KC_CAPS   , C_KC_PWR         , C_KC_WAKE        , C_KC_SLEP        , C_KC_PAUS        , KC_SLCK           , KC_PSCR       , XXXXXXX , KC_VOLU          , KC_VOLD            , KC_MUTE , KC_INS        ,
+//      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LEDS_ON  
+                , TRANS_LEFT
+#     endif
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                , MORE_key1
+#     endif
+#     ifdef LEDS_OFF_BASE_DEF  // This messes with led effect on/off, so we need to track the state of this setting now.
+                , RGBTOG_ 
+#     else                     // Here we don't mess with led effect on/off, so we can use QMK key blindly.
+                , RGB_TOG
+#     endif
+                          , KC__XGUI , XXXXXXX 
+                                               , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                               , OTHER_BASE , XXXXXXX 
+                                                                      , TRANS_RIGHT
+#     endif                                                           
+                                                                      , KC__YGUI
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                           
+                                                                      , MORE_key2  
+#     endif                                                           
+                                                                                 , _______
+//              ,         ,          ,       <|,>        ,            ,          ,
+//      <1 ± ±  , <2      , <3       , <4     |, 4>      , 3>         , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+# ifndef REMOVE_PAD // This removes all references to _PAD in the code, therefore is not functionally the same as BASESFILE_LAYER_PAD
+#     ifndef BASESFILE_LAYER_PAD // Use a definition of this layer in the ./bases_* file, where this #define can be defined.
+#         ifndef NUMPAD_COMMON_SQUARE // Use default _PAD layer, where numbers are aligned as they are on _NSY.
+                                  // Conversely, if this is defined, this layer will resembel a numeric keypad.
+                                  // See also base_numpad.c 
+    /* Layer _PAD: Numbers pad, for numbers pad version of numbers (computer programs can see the difference).
+     *             Number pad navigation will be more or less useless, but there is a repetition of the Numpad
+     *             keys 4,2,8,6 row 4 for arrows, and 3,1,7,9 row 2 for navigation, to make it a little easier to find.
+     */
+    [ _PAD ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     Layer _PAD Numbers Pad (special symbol versions; regular '1' is not the same as this numpad '1', etc)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                    -*-                    <|>                                         //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE     xxx   xxx   .DEL  4LEFT 2DOWN | 8UP   6RGHT *     xxx   xxx      Bksp
+     LCtl     1END  2DOWN 3PGDN 4LEFT 5     | 6RGHT 7HOME 8UP   9PGUP 0INS        -
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   /     xxx   =     | +     3PGDN 1END  7HOME 9PGUP    RSht
+     -*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-*-  toggle on BASE
+     LAlt     Del   Tab   ENT  |  NUML  xxx   LGUI  RAlt
+                              <|>
+     <1   ±   <2    <3    <4   |  4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+          …                                       …
+ */
+//      <pink2   , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl      , <index  , <indx2     |, indx2>     , index>  , middl>         , ring>   , pinky>  , pink2>      ,
+//               ,         ,         ,             ,         , -*-       <|,>           ,         ,                ,         ,         ,             ,
+        KC_LCTL  , KC_KP_1 , KC_KP_2 , KC_KP_3     , KC_KP_4 , KC_KP_5     , KC_KP_6    , KC_KP_7 , KC_KP_8        , KC_KP_9 , KC_KP_0 , KC_KP_MINUS ,
+        KC_LSFT  , XXXXXXX , XXXXXXX , KC_KP_SLASH , XXXXXXX , KC_KP_EQUAL , KC_KP_PLUS , KC_KP_3 , KC_KP_1        , KC_KP_7 , KC_KP_9 , KC_RSFT     ,
+//      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        KC_LALT 
+#             ifdef TRANSMINIVAN_LEFTSIDE
+                , _______ // On Base layers this key typically defaults to MO ( _PAD )
+#             endif
+#             ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                , MORE_key1
+#             endif
+                , KC_DEL , KC_TAB , KC_KP_ENTER
+#             ifdef TRANSMINIVAN_MIDLEFT
+                                                , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#             endif
+                                                , KC_NUMLOCK , XXXXXXX , KC__YGUI
+#             ifdef TRANSMINIVAN_RIGHTSIDE
+                                                                                  , TRANS_RIGHT
+#             endif
+#             ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                  , MORE_key2  
+#             endif
+                                                                                  , KC_RALT
+//              ,        ,        ,           <|,>           ,         ,          ,
+//      <1  ± ± , <2     , <3     , <4         |, 4>         , 3>      , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+#         else // NUMPAD_COMMON_SQUARE 
+    [ _PAD ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     * Layer _PAD: Option for a different _PAD layer in the common layers system.
+     *             This variety resembles the square layout of a numerical keyboard.
+     *             It is different from one of the Numpad Base layer compile options, in that
+     *             it only has a number pad for the right hand. It is also different in featuring
+     *             modifiers, and the overall layout is sligthly different (Enter, = symbol).
+     *
+     *             ‛Tab’ on key 3 left hand is the same as the other _PAD layer option (with the
+     *             numbers in a line, equal to the _NSY layer), to retain the same ability to
+     *             type Control-Tab. It seems better to have RAlt in its usual place, Enter in
+     *             its usual place, than to strictly follow a standard numeric keyboard layout
+     *             (which puts Enter somewhere on the right, row 1). It seems easy enough to
+     *             type Enter on this key as well, even with the right hand. Numlock is also
+     *             in its usual place. Note that ‛Del’ on the left, row 1, is not a numbers pad
+     *             Delete/Dot key, but standard Delete, also in the usual place.
+     *
+     *             This is probably the better one of the square layout numpads, unless you have a use
+     *             for the two hands version. This is also available on ‛Base’ Numpad.
+     * 
+     Layer _PAD (Number pad, with NumLock on)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     BASE     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | =     7     8     9    -   Bspc
+     LCtl     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | *     4     5     6    +   RCtl
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | /     1     2     3    ,   RSht  
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt   Del    Tab   Ent  | NumL  0     .     RAlt      
+                                           <|>           
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        …                   |                 …           
+     Layer _PAD (Number pad, with NumLock off)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring >pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     BASE     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | =     Home  Up    PgUp  -   Bspc
+     LCtl     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | *     Left  5     Right +   RCtl
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | /     End   Down  PgDn  ,   RSht  
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt   Del    Tab   Ent  | NumL  Ins   Del   RAlt      
+                                           <|>
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        …                   |                 …           
+//      <pink2   , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>         , index>  , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>      , pink2>  ,
+//               ,         ,         ,         ,         , -*-   <|,>               ,         ,         ,         ,             ,         ,
+//      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        KC_LALT 
+#             ifdef TRANSMINIVAN_LEFTSIDE
+                , TRANS_LEFT  
+#             endif
+#             ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                , MORE_key1
+#             endif
+                , KC_DEL     , KC_TAB , KC_KP_ENTER  
+#             ifdef TRANSMINIVAN_MIDLEFT
+                                                    , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#             endif
+                                                    , KC_NUMLOCK , KC_KP_0 
+// See comment in ./base_numpad.c on the first layout (double handed Base layer), about the next few keys:
+// This layer follows that layout Base Numpad.
+// ---⬇
+                                                                           , TRANS_RIGHT   
+#     endif                                                                                     
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                                                                     
+                                                                         //, MORE_key2   
+                                                                           , KC__YGUI
+#     endif                                                                                           
+// ---⬆
+                                                                           , KC_KP_DOT  
+                                                                                       , KC_RALT
+//              ,            ,        ,           <|,>           ,         ,           ,
+//      <1  ± ± , <2         , <3     , <4         |, 4>         , 3> ± ±  , 2>        ,       1>
+                      ),
+#         endif // NUMPAD_COMMON_SQUARE 
+#     endif // BASESFILE_LAYER_PAD
+# endif // REMOVE_PAD
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+# ifndef REMOVE_ACC // This cuts out the whole _ACC layer.
+#     ifndef BASESFILE_LAYER_ACC // Use a definition of this layer in the ./bases_* file, where this #define can be defined.
+    /* Layer _ACC: Accented and other unusual characters. It seems this would
+     *             cover Dutch, German, French, Scandinavia, Italy and Spain.
+     *          It should helps with remembering what keys are where, if one
+     *             knows the logic behind it (however flawed it might be).
+     *          This layer has the uncluttered Tab key (whoohoo!).
+     *
+     *          The logic is ... Versions of the vowels with accents are
+     *                              widened vertically on the board, from their
+     *                              normal position.
+     *                           Grave is a line going up, thus on upper row. é
+     *                           Acute is a line going down, thus on lower row. è
+     *                           Diaereses is dots going horizontal, thus middle. ë
+     *                           Diareses is umlaut which is most frequent if
+     *                              including German, thus home row. ë
+     *                           There is no room for Caret on the left, thus it is
+     *                              on the right, following same-finger logic (O 
+     *                              is ring finger, etc).
+     *                           Caret is on the lower row to make room for versions 
+     *                              of 'n' and 'c' near their normal position.
+     *                           There is no room for ÿŸ on the normal y, because
+     *                              íÍ is on it, which is more important, and to
+     *                              keep the logic of that block, therefore it is
+     *                              as close to it as can be.
+     *                           øØ and åÅ follow the same-finger logic (a is left
+     *                              hand pinky, etc), and are on remaining spots.
+     *                           œŒ and æÆ are also no remaining spots, both close
+     *                              to êÊ for the e in there, the œŒ being further
+     *                              to the left to follow the same finger logic on
+     *                              that right hand side: a on the right, o on the left.
+     *                           ¡ and ¿ had no more room on this layer, therefore,
+     *                              and because they are unusual, they are on the 
+     *                              _DRA(wings) layer. They are located under the keys
+     *                              that also have ! and ?, respectively.
+     *
+     */ 
+    [ _ACC ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     Layer _ACC (ACCented characters, see _RAR layer for input modes)
+     <pink2    <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                       -*-              <|>                                            //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE      áÁ    óÓ    éÉ    úÚ    íÍ    | ýÝ    ijIJ    çÇ    øØ    åÅ    Bksp
+     RCTL(Tab) äÄ    öÖ    ëË    üÜ    ïÏ    | ÿŸ    œŒ    æÆ    ñÑ     ß       μ
+     LSht      àÀ    òÒ    èÈ    ùÙ    ìÌ    | îÎ    ûÛ    êÊ    ôÔ    â    RSht
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | Spc   ___   ___   RAlt 
+          -*-             <|>                                                            //(hold) on BASE
+     <1 ± <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+        …                                    …
+ */
+//      <pink2          , <pinky    , <ring     , <middl    , <index    , <indx2   |, indx2>    , index>    , middl>    , ring>     , pinky>    , pink2>    ,
+//                      ,           ,           ,           ,           ,         <|,>-*-       ,           ,           ,           ,           ,           ,
+//      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        KC_LALT 
+                        , TRANS_LEFT
+#         endif
+#         ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                        , MORE_key1
+#         endif
+                        , _______ , _______ , KC_ENT  
+                                                     , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                                     , KC_SPC , _______ , _______ 
+                                                                                  , TRANS_RIGHT
+#         endif                                              
+#         ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                              
+                                                                                  , MORE_key2  
+#         endif                                              
+                                                                                  , KC_RALT
+//              , -*-     ,         ,      <|,>               ,         ,         , 
+//      <1 ± ±  , <2      , <3      , <4    |, 4>             , 3>      , 2>      , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+#     endif // BASESFILE_LAYER_ACC
+# endif // REMOVE_ACC
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+# ifndef REMOVE_DRA // This cuts out the whole _DRA layer
+#     ifndef BASESFILE_LAYER_DRA // Use a definition of this layer in the ./bases_* file, where this #define can be defined.
+    /* Layer _DRA: Drawings, like various Unicode symbols.
+     *   
+     */
+    [ _DRA ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     Layer _DRA (DRAwings, whatever else (rendering width varies in different applications))
+     <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                             -*-        <|>                                            //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE  “„    ”≤    £≥    ∅ ¢   ±ƒ    | ❦♥    🙂🙁  👍👎   ⁽₍    ⁾₎    Bksp
+     Tab   ¹₁    ²₂    ³₃    ⁴₄    ⁵₅    | ⁶₆    ⁷₇    ⁸₈     ⁹₉    ⁰₀    RCTL
+     LSht 「━    」─   °〇   •§    …·    | ⮘⮙   ⮚⮛     ¿¡    《┄    》┅   RSht
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | Spc   ___   ___   RAlt 
+                -*-       <|>      -*-                                                   //(hold) on BASE
+     <1 ± <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+        …                                    …
+ */
+//      <pink2   , <pinky    , <ring     , <middl    , <index    , <indx2   |, indx2>    , index>    , middl>    , ring>     , pinky>    , pink2>  ,
+//               ,           ,           ,           ,           ,         <|,>          , -*-       ,           ,           ,           ,         ,
+//      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        KC_LALT 
+                , TRANS_LEFT
+#         endif
+#         ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                , MORE_key1
+#         endif
+                , _______ , _______ , KC_ENT
+                                             , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                             , KC_SPC , _______ , _______ 
+                                                                          , TRANS_RIGHT
+#         endif
+#         ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                          , MORE_key2  
+#         endif                          
+                                                                          , KC_RALT
+//              ,         ,         ,      <|,>       ,         ,         ,
+//      <1 ± ±  , <2      , <3      , <4    |, 4>     , 3>      , 2>      , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+#     endif // BASESFILE_LAYER_RAR
+# endif // REMOVE_DRA
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+# ifndef REMOVE_BON // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+#     ifndef BASESFILE_LAYER_BON // Use a definition of this layer in the ./bases_* file, where this #define can be defined.
+ * Bonus layer: Enumeration numbers, some general purpose / mathematical symbols
+ * ⁻ is an exponential minus sign (the center-dot · can be used in exponents too)
+ * × is multiplication
+ * ‰ is promille, ‱ is pro-tenthousandth
+ * 
+ */
+    [ _BON ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+     Layer _BON (Bonus layer, a variety of more stuffs.)
+     <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                   -*-  <|>
+     BASE  ‛ 🛠  ’ ⬆   ¤ 🄯   ∑ ©   ‰ ‱   | ★ ٭   😊 ⍨  ×  ⃰   √     ⁻ ⁺    Bksp
+     `~    ① ⬅   ② ⬇   ③ ➡   ④ ┏   ⑤  ┓  | ⑥ ┃   ⑦ ┇   ⑧ ╋   ⑨     ⓪ ∞    — ≈    // — is a dash (larger), not hyphen
+     LSht  ‹     ›     ÷     ☞ ┗   ≠  ┛  | ✗ ┣   ✓ ┫   ⚠     «     »      RSht
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left  ___   ___   Ent  | Spc   ___   ___   Right
+           -*-   -*-       <|>      -*-                                                   // Activation on BASE
+     <1  ± <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+         …                                    …
+ */
+//      <pink2      , <pinky    , <ring     , <middl    , <index    , <indx2   |, indx2>    , index>    , middl>    , ring>     , pinky>    , pink2>    ,
+//                  ,           ,           ,           ,           ,         <|,>          ,           ,           ,           ,           ,           ,
+//      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        KC_LEFT 
+                , TRANS_LEFT
+#         endif
+#         ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                , MORE_key1
+#         endif                 
+                , _______ , _______ , KC_ENT
+                                             , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                             , KC_SPC , _______ , _______
+                                                                          , TRANS_RIGHT
+#         endif
+#         ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW                    
+                                                                          , MORE_key2  
+#         endif                                                                                           
+                                                                          , KC_RIGHT
+//              ,         ,         ,      <|,>       ,         ,         ,
+//      <1  ± ± , <2      , <3      , <4    |, 4>     , 3>      , 2>      , ± ± 1>
+                      ),
+#     endif // BASESFILE_LAYER_BON
+# endif // REMOVE_BON 
+        /* ⬆⬇ */
+# ifndef BASESFILE_LAYER_FUN // Use a definition of this layer in the ./bases_* file, where this #define can be defined.
+    /* Layer _FUN: Function keys until F20. Some combo modifiers control/alt/shift
+     * Toward any layer by toggle. Layer can be set to return to BASE after one F-key press (FUN<, row 1)
+     */
+    [ _FUN ] = LAYOUT_redefined ( 
+     Layer _FUN (F-keys, Layer access, Set BASE key direction)
+     <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+     toggl toggl set   toggl toggl toggl | toggl toggl                            // Type of layer switch
+                                        <|>                                       
+     BASE: NUMS: _PAD  _ACC  _DRA  _BON  | _MOV  _RAR  xxx   xxx   xxx    Bksp       //':' are dynamic ...
+     LCtl  F1    F2    F3    F4    F5    | F6    F7    F8    F9    F10    RCtl
+     LSht  F11   F12   F13   F14   F15   | F16   F17   F18   F19   F20    RSht     
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------*--       //-*-  toggle on BASE
+     LAlt  LCtl&  LCtl&  LSht&  | FUN< +LCtl&LSht LGUI   RAlt                        //... < toggle 'stay'
+           LSht   LAlt   LAlt   |      &LAlt                                    
+           +xxx   +xxx   +xxx   |      +xxx
+                               <|>
+     <1  ± <2     <3     <4     | 4>   3>         2>  ±  1>                
+         …                                            …
+ */
+//      <pink2   , <pinky   , <ring       , <middl   , <index   , <indx2    |, indx2>      , index>      , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>  , pink2>  ,
+//               ,          , -*-         ,          ,          ,          <|,>            ,             ,         ,         ,         ,         ,
+        KC_LCTL  , KC_F1    , KC_F2       , KC_F3    , KC_F4    , KC_F5      , KC_F6       , KC_F7       , KC_F8   , KC_F9   , KC_F10  , KC_RCTL ,
+        KC_LSFT  , KC_F11   , KC_F12      , KC_F13   , KC_F14   , KC_F15     , KC_F16      , KC_F17      , KC_F18  , KC_F19  , KC_F20  , KC_RSFT ,
+//      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        KC_LALT 
+                , TRANS_LEFT
+#     endif
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__COMMAND
+                , MORE_key1
+#     endif
+                                                                                                                                    , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                                                                                                                    , _FUN_STAY , MT ( MOD_LCTL | MOD_LSFT | MOD_LALT , XXXXXXX ) , KC__YGUI
+                                                                                                                                                                                                             , _______ // On Base layers this key typically defaults to MO ( _FUN )
+#     endif
+#     ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                                                                                                                                             , MORE_key2  
+#     endif
+                                                                                                                                                                                                             , KC_RALT
+//              ,                                     ,                                      ,                                    <|,>          ,                                                 ,          ,
+//      <1 ± ±  , <2                                  , <3                                   , <4                                  |, 4>        , 3>                                              , 2>       , ±  ±  1>
+                      ),
+        /* ⬆  */
+ * New layer template. Includes left/right movement arrows, deletion, modifiers.
+ * If you want a new layer, in the logic of this layout you would add a toggle on the
+ * _FUN layer top row on the first free key to it, and optionally alter the hold 
+ * layer switch keys on the base layers. (Check if a new layer will fit on the chip.)
+ *
+    [ _??? ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+// <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+//                                    <|>
+// BASE  xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx    Bksp
+// LCtl  xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx    RCtl
+// LSht  xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx    RSht
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// LAlt+Left Del   ___   Ent  | Spc   ___   ___   RAlt+Right
+//                           <|>
+// <1   ±    <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+//      …                                       …
+//      <pink2   , <pinky  , <ring   , <middl  , <index  , <indx2 |, indx2>  , index>  , middl>  , ring>   , pinky>  , pink2>  ,
+//               ,         ,         ,         ,         ,       <|,>        ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,
+//      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ) 
+                           , TRANS_LEFT
+# endif
+                           , MORE_key1
+# endif                 
+                           , KC_DEL , XXXXXXX , KC_ENT
+                                                       , TRANS_MIDLEFT
+#     endif
+                                                       , KC_SPC , XXXXXXX , XXXXXXX
+                                                                                    , TRANS_RIGHT
+# endif
+# ifdef MORE_KEY__ARROW
+                                                                                    , MORE_key2  
+# endif                                                                                          
+                                                                                    , RALT_T ( KC_RIGHT )
+//                         ,        ,         ,      <|,>       ,         ,         ,
+//      <1      ± ±        , <2     , <3      , <4    |, 4>     , 3>      , 2>      , ± ± 1>
+                      ),
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/minifan_config_compact.h b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/minifan_config_compact.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a48095f513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/minifan_config_compact.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * © 2020,2021 by Jos Boersema
+ */
+ * If MINIFAN_CONFIG_COMPACT in ./user_config.h ⬇
+ */
+//#define STARTUP_SPEED
+//#define STARTUP_COUNT
+//#define MORE_KEY__COMMAND 
+//#define MORE_KEY__ARROW  
+//#define TRANSMINIVAN_LAYOUT ....... 
+  #define TRANS_LEFT XXXXXXX    
+//#define MORE_key1_BASE TG ( _RAR ) 
+//#define MORE_key1_BASE KC_DEL     
+  #define MORE_key1_BASE KC__XGUI  
+//#define MORE_key1      KC_DEL   
+  #define MORE_key1      KC__XGUI
+  #define MORE_key2 _MOV_UP 
+//#define MORE_key2 KC_DEL 
+  #define SPEED_COUNTDOWN 25 
+  #define SPEED_HUE_STEP 8 
+  #define SPEED_HUE_START 160 
+  #define WORDS_PER_MINUTE 
+//#define BASE_RIGHT_ALT 
+  #define SWITCH_GUIS 
+//#define UNICODE_CURRENCY 0x20ac 
+//#define SWITCH_BASE_ROW1_23 
+//#define REMOVE_PAD 
+//#define REMOVE_ACC 
+//#define _ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER _BON 
+//#define _ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER _DRA 
+//#define REMOVE_DRA 
+//#define _DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER _ACC 
+//#define _DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER _BON
+//#define REMOVE_BON 
+//#define _BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER _ACC 
+//#define _BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER _DRA 
+  #define BOX_DRAWINGS 
+  #define SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+  #define FULL_DRA_2NDROW 
+  #define FULL_DRA_4THROW 
+  #define FULL_BON_4THROW 
+  #define LEDS_OFF_BASE_DEF 
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/readme.md b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..534f8b30ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1198 @@
+# Minivan 
+A 40% keyboard made first by TheVan Keyboards
+_https://thevankeyboards.com_ now taken over by TKC
+![Minivan layout all](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-visualization_vc.jpg)
+Table of Contents
+      1  Overview
+          1.1 Hardware compatibility
+          1.2 Software compatibility
+      2  'make' example
+      3  Base layouts
+          3.1  Normal layouts
+                3.1.1 Qwerty
+                3.1.2 Qwerty with arrows on Base
+                3.1.3 Dvorak
+                3.1.4 Dvorak² 
+                3.1.5 Colemak
+                3.1.6 Workman
+          3.2 Special layouts
+                3.2.1 Numbers pad
+      4 The common system
+          4.1 Main features 
+          4.2 Layer access
+          4.3 Layout in graphics
+          4.4 Layout in text
+          4.5 Movement layer options
+          4.6 Numbers pad layer options
+      5 Led colors for layers
+      6 Compile options
+      7 Language support
+          7.1 Input methods
+          7.2 Unicode symbols
+      8 Speed measuring
+          8.1 Speed Led color compilation assist
+      9 Text size measuring
+          9.1 Text size Usage
+     10 Making your own base layer(s)
+     11 Eviscerations
+     12 Key associations
+     13 Trouble shooting
+        • Compiling
+        • Unicode
+        • Leds
+        • Weird layer jumping
+        • Difficult/impossible key combinations ?
+     14 Why you want this layout
+     15 BUGS
+     16 Resources
+     17 Author(s)
+1 Overview
+_A layout for the demanding keyboard user (10 fingers / blind)._
+Designed for intuitive key placement, more symbols than standard English
+keyboard, speed and text size measuring.
+*400%* _the capability in_ *40%* _the size_ (by key function count).
+For some ‛common layers’ (numbers pad, movement), different versions
+can be chosen than shown just below in this by layer view:
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization_1500_vf.jpg)
+By key view:
+![Minivan illustration Overview layers by key](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-all-layers-clear-visualization-by-key_2000_vh.jpg)
+1.1 Hardware compatibility
+This keymap functions on _Minivan_ hardware variants with 44, 45 and
+46 keys.
+It may be fairly easily ported to 12x12x12x[11|12|13] keyboards.
+1.2 Software compatibility
+This keymap relies on Unicode, in an attempt to avoid the 
+“dead key” system for accented characters on many non-English keyboards.
+You need to have Unicode input working on your computer.
+On a Linux computer operating system, this keymap is designed to work
+with this keyboard/language setting:
+        > setxkbmap -layout us
+        > echo $LANG
+        `en_US.UTF-8`
+If that works for you, you can type the most important characters in
+the western European group of languages, native from the keyboard.
+This keymap might not function as expected if you want to use a
+different keyboard language setting in your operating system.
+See also chapter 6 _Language support_.
+2 'make' example
+     … Download the repository, resolve software dependencies etc..
+     … To change compile options: edit user_config.h (or `minifan_config_compact.h`)
+     > cd […]/qmk_firmware
+     > make thevankeyboards/minivan:josjoha
+     > su
+     # dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase
+     # dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash thevankeyboards_minivan_josjoha.hex
+     # dfu-programmer atmega32u4 start
+This “Mini*fan*” layout is explained in several readme files, with
+links to the others files in this readme. The common system is explained
+in this readme.md file. The options for the letters and number/symbol
+layer pairs (two pairs in the dual layout) are explained in their
+separate readme file, see immediately below. Compile options are detailed
+in `./user_config.h`.
+3 Base layouts
+Layouts are presented here in a sort of simplified keycaps view.  If a
+base layer pair has its own user configuration options, they are located
+in `./base_NAME.h`.
+3.1 Normal layouts
+These are layouts for commonly used configurations, such as Qwerty or Dvorak.
+3.1.1 Qwerty
+![Minivan layout impression](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_keycapview_qwerty_vc.jpg)
+For the readme about the Qwerty version, see ➡ ![base_qwerty.md](./base_qwerty.md) ⬅
+3.1.2 Qwerty with arrows on Base
+![Minivan layout impression](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_keycapview_qwerty_basearrow_vd.jpg)
+For the readme about this Qwerty variation, see ➡ ![base_qwerty_basearrow.md](./base_qwerty_basearrow.md) ⬅
+3.1.3 Dvorak
+![Minivan layout impression](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_keycapview_dvorak_vc.jpg)
+For the readme about the Dvorak version, see ➡ ![base_dvorak.md](./base_dvorak.md) ⬅
+3.1.4 Dvorak² 
+![Minivan layout impression](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_keycapview_dvorak_descramble_vb.jpg)
+Regular Dvorak for a computer already set to Dvorak.
+For the readme about the Dvorak² version, see ➡ ![base_dvorak_descramble.md](./base_dvorak_descramble.md) ⬅
+3.1.5 Colemak
+![Minivan layout impression](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_keycapview_colemak_vc.jpg)
+For the readme about the Colemak version, see ➡ ![base_colemak.md](./base_colemak.md) ⬅
+3.1.6 Workman
+![Minivan layout impression](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_keycapview_workman_va.jpg)
+For the readme about the Workman version, see ➡ ![base_workman.md](./base_workman.md) ⬅
+3.2 Special layouts
+These are unusual layouts. Most people will probably only want one of these on the ‛Alternate’ layout,
+with a normal layout on ‛Default’. How this works is explained below.
+3.2.1 Numbers pad
+![Minivan layout impression](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_keycapview_numpad_single_va.jpg)
+For the readme about the Numpad version, see ➡ ![base_numpad.md](./base_numpad.md) ⬅
+4 The common system
+![Minivan layout impression](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_keycapview_common_vc.jpg)
+4.1 Main features 
+     • Dual layout. Several layouts to choose from (example: Qwerty
+       and Dvorak dual layout). Easy to add more layouts.
+     • Expanded character set with western European accented characters
+       (ëøßœç…); sub- super-script numbers (¹₂…) quite a few additional
+       symbols such as 《 ± • ☑  ❦ √ ┣ ≠ 》…
+     • Typing speed measuring. Led changes color with your speed. You can 
+       ask for a report on your current and average typing speeds.
+     • Text size measuring. If you want to type some amount of words or
+       characters, the middle led will go from green to red as you go,
+       and prevent you going over the limit.
+4.2 Layer access
+This graphic shows how layers are reached from the ‛Default base’ layer.
+![Minivan layout Image associations](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-default-base-layer-activation_1500_vf.jpg)
+You can switch between the default base layer (typically letters), and
+another base layer, the alternate base layer (also typically letters),
+on the `_RAR` layer with key ‛Other Base’. Each base layer comes
+with its own second layer, typically numbers-symbols. The other 
+layers are used common between the default and alternate base layers.
+The Base layers and their numbers layer are detailed in files beginning
+with `./base_…` (links below).
+                   Layer overview:                    Defined in:
+        • Default Letters / Base                   ┓
+        • Default Numbers-symbols                  ┃
+                                                   ┣ ./base_….c/md files
+              • Alternate Letters / Base           ┃
+              • Alternate numbers-symbols layout   ┛
+           • Numbers pad                           ┓
+           • Accented characters                   ┃
+           • Additional Unicode characters         ┃
+           • More Additional Unicode characters    ┣ ./keymap.c(etc)/readme.md
+           • Movement arrows/mouse                 ┃   “The common system”
+           • Function keys / layer toggles         ┃
+           • Power, media, Speed, Text size, etc.  ┛
+There are some additional layer switching keys due to key transparency
+artefacts, allowing for example to go back to ‛Base’ from a toggled `_MOV` 
+layer with what is the ‛Enter’ key on Base.
+4.3 Layout in graphics
+![Minivan layout Image BASEdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_hide_def_base_ve.jpg)
+Layer: `DEF_BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image NSYdef](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_hide_def_base_vb.jpg)
+Layer: `DEF_NSY`
+![Minivan layout Image BASEalt](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_base_layer_hide_alt_base_ve.jpg)
+Layer: `ALT_BASE`
+![Minivan layout Image NSYalt](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_nsy_layer_hide_alt_base_vb.jpg)
+Layer: `ALT_NSY`
+![Minivan layout Image PAD](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_pad_layer_vc.jpg)
+Layer: `_PAD`
+^ See below for a different configuration of the numbers pad keys. See above for a Base layout for a numbers pad.
+![Minivan layout Image ACC](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_acc_layer_vd.jpg)
+Layer: `_ACC`
+![Minivan layout Image DRA](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_dra_layer_vd.jpg)
+Layer: `_DRA`
+![Minivan layout Image BON](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_bon_layer_vc.jpg)
+Layer: `_BON`
+![Minivan layout Image FUN](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_fun_layer_vb.jpg)
+Layer: `_FUN`
+![Minivan layout Image MOV](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_mov_layer_triangle_hw-basic-and-allkeys_vb.jpg)
+Layer: `_MOV`
+^ There is an alternative flat arrow configuration for this layer (see below),
+and options to compile with the 'arrow' hardware layout.
+![Minivan layout Image RAR](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_rar_layer_vc.jpg)
+Layer: `_RAR`
+4.4 Layout in text
+         Layer _DEF_BASE (Letters layer, see ./base* files for what comes on ‛__’)
+                                                  | Right hand
+         <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
+         -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- Base access
+         Esc        __    __    __    __    __    | __    __    __    __    __         Bksp
+         Tab+LCtl   __    __    __    __    __    | __    __    __    __    __           __
+         LSht+_PAD  __    __    __    __    __    | __    __    __    __    __    RSht+_FUN 
+             +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) RGUI    Right;_RAR 
+               hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
+               hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
+               ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
+     <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
+          ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
+        (LGUI)                                                               (_MOV)
+     ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
+     ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
+     ³) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
+     ⁴) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
+     ³ ⁴) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
+          a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
+     ⁵) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
+     ⁶) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
+Remarks: The left modifiers have a slight delay in combination with an outside pointer device (mouse, stylus).
+It seems this will be difficult to fix, because it is spread over two devices. To avoid the
+±0.2 second delay, activate a layer where the modifiers are direct (`_PAD`, `_MOV`), using the layer toggle on
+left shift. 
+The two keys with ';' (Del;`_ACC`, Right;`_RAR`) do not auto-repeat on double tap, like QMK normal layer-tap keys.
+There is an uncluttered _Delete_ on `_PAD`, an uncluttered _Right_ arrow on the `_MOV` layer.
+There is an uncluttered _Tab_ on both the `_DRA` and `_ACC` layers. They can be modified with _Control_ there.
+Holding both `_..._NSY` keys left and right of the "split space bar" (enter, space) results in layer `_DRA`.
+Holding either one of the just above mentioned `_..._NSY` layer keys (<3 and 3>), with the `_ACC` layer key
+(on <2) results in layer `_BON`.
+- - -
+     Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols, ./base* files for what comes on ‛__’)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+              -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
+     BASE     __    __    __    __    __    | __    __    __    __   __     Bspc
+     Tab+LCtl __    __    __    __    __    | __    __    __    __   __  __+RCtl
+     -+LSht   __    __    __    __    __    | __    __    __    __   __  __+RSht 
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                 Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   RGUI  Right+RAlt
+                                 -*-       <|>    -*-                        //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        ^                                   ^
+                      (LGUI)                              (_MOV)
+- - -
+     Layer _FUN (F-keys, Layer access)
+     <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+     toggl toggl set   toggl toggl toggl | toggl toggl                            // Type of layer switch
+                                        <|>                                       
+     BASE: NUMS: _PAD  _ACC  _DRA  _BON  | _MOV  _RAR  xxx   xxx   xxx   Bspc       //':' are dynamic ...
+     LCtl  F1    F2    F3    F4    F5    | F6    F7    F8    F9    F10   RCtl
+     LSht  F11   F12   F13   F14   F15   | F16   F17   F18   F19   F20   RSht     
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------*--       //-*-  toggle on Base
+              LAlt  LCtl&  LCtl&  LSht&  | FUN< +LCtl&LSht RGUI   RAlt              //... < toggle 'stay'
+                    LSht   LAlt   LAlt   |      &LAlt                                    
+                    +xxx   +xxx   +xxx   |      +xxx
+                                        <|>
+              <1  ± <2     <3     <4     | 4>   3>         2>  ±  1>                
+                  ^                                            ^
+                (LGUI)                                       (_MOV)
+Remarks.  FUN< toggles an immediate return to the Base layer after pressing an F-key, 
+or staying on the `_FUN` layer. Right led yellow indicates F-layer stays active.
+- - -
+This is the _triangle_ configuration for arrows, arrow are on left hand (WASD):
+     Layer _MOV (MOVement, mouse movement on right hand)
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                                
+     Base   PgDn  Up    PgUp  Home  Btn3  | xxx   WhDn  MsUp  WhU   WhLft Bksp
+     LCtl   Left  Down  Right End   Btn1  | Btn1  MsLft MsDn  MsRht WhRht RCtl
+     LSht   xxx   Acc2  Acc1  Acc0  Btn2  | Btn2  Btn3  Btn4  Btn5  xxx   RSht
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp  PgDn  RGUI  RAlt
+                                      -*-<|>                                                 
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        ^                                   ^
+                      (LGUI)                              (DOWN)
+Remarks. For the Minivan _arrow_ hardware layout with arrow cluster, you get this on ‛Base’:
+     (…)
+     LSht+_PAD ;:    qQ    jJ    kK    xX    | bB    mM    wW    vV    zZ    RSht+_FUN
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA) Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) RGUI  _MOV  Right;_RAR 
+                                                                               ^^^^     // new key (toggle)
+… and this on `_MOV` for the _triangle_ configuration:
+     (…)
+     LSht*- xxx   Acc2  Acc1  Acc0  Btn2  | Btn2  Btn3  Btn4  Btn5  _Up_  RSht
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp       PgDn  _Left__Down__Right_
+                                      -*-<|>                                 
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>         3>     2>   _±_    1>  
+                        ^
+                      (LGUI)
+… or this on `_MOV` for the _triangle_ arrow configuration with additional _navigation_ keys:
+     BASE   PgDn  Up    PgUp  Home _Btn4_ | xxx   WhDn  MsUp  WhU   WhLft Bksp
+     LCtl   Left  Down  Right End   Btn1  | Btn1  MsLft MsDn  MsRht WhRht RCtl
+     LSht*- xxx   Acc2  Acc1  Acc0 _Btn5_ | Btn2  Btn3 _Home__PgUp_ _Up_ _PgDn_
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp      _End_  _Left__Down__Right_
+                                      -*-<|>                                  
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>         3>     2>   _±_    1>  
+                        ^
+                      (LGUI)
+This is the _flat_ configuration for arrows, arrow are on right hand:
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                              
+     BASE   WLft  WDn   WUp   WRht  xxx   | Btn3  PgUp  Home  End   PgDn  Bksp
+     LCtl   MLft  MDn   MUp   MRht  Btn1  | Btn1  Left  Up    Down  Right RCtl
+     LSht*- Btn5  Btn4  Btn3  Butn2 xxx   | Btn2  Acc0  Acc1  Acc2  xxx   RSht
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp  PgDn  RGUI  RAlt
+                                      -*-<|>                                                
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                        ^                                   ^
+                      (LGUI)                              (DOWN)
+For the Minivan _arrow_ hardware layout with _flat_ arrow cluster, you get this on `_MOV`:
+     (…)
+     BASE   WLft  WDn   WUp   WRht  xxx   | Btn3  PgUp  Home  End   PgDn  Bksp
+     LCtl   MLft  MDn   MUp   MRht  Btn1  | Btn1  Left  Up    Down  Right RCtl
+     LSht*- Btn5  Btn4  Btn3  Butn2 xxx   | Btn2  Acc0  Acc1  Acc2  xxx   RSht
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp      _Left_ _UP_  _Down__Right_
+                                      -*-<|>                                 
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>         3>     2>   _±_    1>  
+                        ^   
+                      (LGUI)
+… or this on `_MOV` for the _flat_ arrow configuration with additional _navigation_ keys:
+     BASE   WLft  WDn   WUp   WRht  xxx   |_Acc2_ PgUp  Home  End   PgDn  Bksp
+     LCtl   MLft  MDn   MUp   MRht  Btn1  | Btn1  Left  Up    Down  Right RCtl
+     LSht*- Btn5  Btn4  Btn3  Butn2 xxx   |_Acc1_ Acc0 _PgUp__Home__End_ _PgDn_
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp      _Left_ _UP_  _Down__Right_
+                                      -*-<|>                                  
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>         3>     2>   _±_    1>  
+                        ^ 
+                      (LGUI)
+… or this on `_MOV` for the _flat_ arrow configuration, […], and vi(1) layout:
+     <pinky2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                         <|>-*-                                 
+     BASE   WLft  WDn   WUp   WRht  xxx   |_Acc2_ PgUp  Home  End   PgDn  Bksp
+     LCtl   MLft  MDn   MUp   MRht  Btn1  | Left  Down  Up    Right Btn1  RCtl         // vi as in Qwerty
+     LSht*- Btn5  Btn4  Btn3  Butn2 xxx   |_Acc1_ Acc0 _PgUp__Home__End_ _PgDn_
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     LAlt Del   Ent   ___ | PgUp      _Left_ _Down__Up_  _Right_       // vi as in Qwerty
+                                      -*-<|>                                  
+                     <1 ± <2    <3    <4  | 4>         3>     2>   _±_    1>  
+                        ^
+                      (LGUI)
+For the 'arrow' hardware layout (additional key on the right), keys on the first
+row are sacrificed and lost. The right most key on the second row is also lost.
+The two keys on places 3 and 4 when counting from the right on the second row,
+are being moved to the spots for Btn2 and Btn3 on the hand that also has the 
+arrows (those keys are otherwise twice defined for left and right hand).
+- - -
+     _RAR (RARe keys. Power keys, Unicode mode, Alternate Base, Media, Brightness, Speed, Size, leds, …)
+     <pink2<pinky <ring <middl <indexx<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky> pink2>
+                                           <|>      -*-                                //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE  Cnt/Mx Cnull CWmin  CRprt  Speed | SRprt Play  Next  Prev  Stop RSht(•)   
+     CapsL Power• Wake• Sleep• Pause• ScrLk | PrtSc xxx   Vol+  Vol-  Mute Insert     // • requires Shift
+     ☑     uLNX   uBSD  uOSX   uWIN   uWNC  | xxx   xxx   Bri+  Bri-  xxx     APP     // Ü(nicode) tester
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                     SLed  MLeds LGUI  xxx  | !Alter  xxx   RGUI  ___   // Mid-led, Side-leds, !Alternate
+                                           <|>                    -*-                   // (Hold) on Base
+                     <1  ± <2    <3    <4   | 4>      3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                         ^                                      ^
+                       (LGUI)                                 (_MOV)
+Remarks. !Alter switches between normal and alternate Base layer.
+☑ is a Unicode tester key. uLNX for Linux Unicode input encoding, uBSD
+for BSD Unix, uWIN for Windos, uWNC for another Windos encoding. The
+change is retained between on/off power cycles.
+MLed switches on/off the middle led, SLeds switches on/off the side leds.
+The keys marked with • require Shift to be activated, as a means of
+preventing accidents. Shift here is on (Base) 'Backspace' (upper/right key)
+which also reduces accidents (combinations which are never pressed
+normally). If you press these keys without 'shift' they print their own
+name between angled brackets. Example: pressing the 2nd key on the 3rd
+row prints `“<POWER>”`.
+Bri+, Bri-: screen brightness (if your system supports it.)
+Speed: toggles speed measuring on/off. SRprt: writes your speed.
+See topic about Speed measuring.
+Cnt/Mx, Cnull CWmin, CRprt: text size measuring. See topic.
+- - -
+     Layer _PAD Numbers Pad (special symbol versions; regular '1' is not the same as this numpad '1', etc)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                    -*-                    <|>                                         //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE     xxx   xxx   .DEL  4LEFT 2DOWN | 8UP   6RGHT *     xxx   xxx   Bspc
+     LCtl     1END  2DOWN 3PGDN 4LEFT 5     | 6RGHT 7HOME 8UP   9PGUP 0INS     -
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   /     xxx   =     | +     3PGDN 1END  7HOME 9PGUP RSht
+     -*-------------------------------------------------------------------------    //-*-  toggle on Base
+                  LAlt     Del   Tab   ENT  |  NUML  xxx   RGUI  RAlt
+                                           <|>
+                  <1   ±   <2    <3    <4   | 4>     3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                       ^                                       ^
+                     (LGUI)                                  (_MOV)
+Remarks: The keys between `.DEL` and `*`, `+` and `RSht` constitute sort of
+navigation clusters, to make it easier to find the number pad versions thereof.
+This is the variety for `_PAD` layer, which resembles a numerical keypad:
+     Layer _PAD (Number pad, square layout)
+     <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
+                                           <|>
+     BASE     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | =     7HOME 8UP   9PGUP -   Bspc
+     LCtl     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | *     4LEFT 5     6RGHT +   RCtl
+     LSht     xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxx   | /     1END  2DOWN 3PGDN ,   RSht  
+     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt   Del    Tab   ENT  | NUML  0INS  .DEL  RAlt      
+                                           <|>           
+                   <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>  ± 2>    1>  
+                        ^                               ^ 
+                      (LGUI)                          (RGUI)¹
+     ₁) Note anomaly, see Base Numpad for details `./base_numpad.md`.
+        Different placement and different meaning, compared to the usual common layers.
+- - -
+     Layer _ACC (ACCented characters, see _RAR layer for input modes)
+     <pink2    <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                       -*-              <|>                                            //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE      áÁ    óÓ    éÉ    úÚ    íÍ    | ýÝ    ijIJ    çÇ    øØ    åÅ    Bksp
+     LCTL(Tab) äÄ    öÖ    ëË    üÜ    ïÏ    | ÿŸ    œŒ    æÆ    ñÑ     ß       μ
+     LSht      àÀ    òÒ    èÈ    ùÙ    ìÌ    | îÎ    ûÛ    êÊ    ôÔ    â    RSht
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                       LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | Spc   ___   ___   RAlt 
+                            -*-             <|>                                        //(hold) on Base
+                       <1 ± <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                          …                                    …
+- - -
+     Layer _DRA (DRAwings, whatever else (rendering width might vary in different applications))
+     <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                             -*-        <|>                                            //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE  “„    ”≤    £≥    ∅ ¢   ±ƒ    | ❦♥    🙂🙁  👍👎   ⁽₍    ⁾₎    Bspc 
+     Tab   ¹₁    ²₂    ³₃    ⁴₄    ⁵₅    | ⁶₆    ⁷₇    ⁸₈     ⁹₉    ⁰₀    RCTL
+     LSht 「━    」─   °〇   •§    …·    | ☐☒   ☑🗹     ¿¡    《┄    》┅   RSht     //  ☐ ☒ ☑ 🗹 or ⮘ ⮙ ⮚ ⮛
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                   LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | Spc   ___   ___   RAlt 
+                              -*-       <|>      -*-                                     //(hold) on Base
+                   <1 ± <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                      ^                                    ^
+                    (LGUI)                               (_MOV)
+Remarks. ☐ ☒ ☑ 🗹 or ⮘ ⮙ ⮚ ⮛
+- - -
+     Layer _BON (Bonus layer, a variety of more stuffs.)
+     <pink2<pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pink2>
+                                   -*-  <|>                                            //(toggle) on _FUN
+     BASE  ‛ 🛠  ’ ⬆   ¤ 🄯   ∑ ©   ‰ ‱   | ★ ٭   😊 ⍨  ×  ⃰   √     ⁻ ⁺    Bksp
+     `~    ① ⬅   ② ⬇   ③ ➡   ④ ┏   ⑤  ┓  | ⑥ ┃   ⑦ ┇   ⑧ ╋   ⑨     ⓪ ∞    — ≈     // — is a dash (larger)
+     LSht  ‹     ›     ÷     ☞ ┗   ≠  ┛  | ✗ ┣   ✓ ┫   ⚠     «     »      RSht
+     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                  Left  ___   ___   Ent  | Spc   ___   ___   Right
+                        -*-   -*-       <|>      -*-                                // Activation on Base
+                  <1  ± <2    <3    <4   | 4>    3>    2>  ± 1>  
+                      ^                                    ^
+                    (LGUI)                               (_MOV)
+- - -
+4.5 Movement layer options
+The movement layer (`_MOV`) has several configuration options. You
+can either have _triangle_ configuration arrows on the _left_ hand
+(with navigation keys around it), or a _flat_ arrow configuration on
+the _right_ hand (with navigation above it).
+You can configure for the _arrow_ hardware layout (one additional hardware
+key on the right). The additional key on the Base layer can toggle to the
+movement layer, and than becomes part of the arrow cluster. For both
+versions (_triangle_ arrows left hand or _flat_ arrows right hand) you
+can compile this second arrow cluster to be completed with navigation keys
+(Home, End, PageUp, PageDown).
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3 defaultf](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_mov_layer_flat_hw-basic_vb.jpg)
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3b default](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_mov_layer_triangle_hw-basic_vb.jpg)
+^ `#define ARROWS_TRIANGLE`
+![Minivan illustration BASE towards 3](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_layer_illustration_base_mov_hw-arrow_vb.jpg)
+^ Illustration of accessing the arrows/navigation with a key on the Base layer
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3b + arrow](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_mov_layer_hardw-arrow_triangle_vb.jpg)
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3b + navig](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_mov_layer_hardw-arrow_triangle_addnav_vb.jpg)
+^ `#define ARROWS_TRIANGLE`, `MORE_KEY__ARROW`, `MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER`, `MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION`, `MORE_key2 _MOV_UP` (note change on previously BTN2/3)
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3 + arrows](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_mov_layer_hardw-arrow_flat_vb.jpg)
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3 + naviga](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_mov_layer_hardw-arrow_flat_addnav_vb.jpg)
+^ `#define MORE_KEY__ARROW`, `MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER`, `MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION`, `MORE_key2 _MOV_UP` (note change on previously BTN2/3)
+![Minivan layout Image MOV 3 vi arrow](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_mov_layer_vi_vb.jpg)
+4.6 Numbers pad layer options
+This concerns the numbers pad layer, the one that is part of the common layers.
+![Minivan layout Image PAD](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_pad_layer_vc.jpg)
+![Minivan layout Image PAD squared](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_pad_layer_squared_vb.jpg)
+5 Led colors for layers
+      • letters                          Led: low-white/teal/off⁽¹⁾          _DEF_BASE "Default base"
+        • letters (alternate)              Led: off/teal/low-white           _ALT_BASE "Alternate base"
+      • numbers                          Led: blue/blue/blue                 _DEF_NSY "Default Numbers SYmbols"
+        • numbers (alternate)              Led: blue/blue/low-white          _ALT_NSY "Alternate Numbers SYmbols"
+      • number pad symbol versions       Led: green/low-white/blue ⁽²⁾       _PAD "numbers PAD"
+      • accented characters é, ø, ß …    Led: cyan/cyan/cyan                 _ACC "ACCented"
+      • Unicode symbols, ¹, ±, ° …       Led: yellow/yellow/yellow           _DRA "DRAwings"
+      • Unicode symbols, ①, ‰, ÷ …       Led: off/yellow/off                 _BON "Bonus"
+      • function keys,                   Led: red/red/orange ⁽³⁾             _FUN "FUNction keys"
+      • and a movement layer             Led: green/green/green              _MOV "MOVement"
+      • keys like Power, Play,           Led: white/purple/purple ⁽⁴⁾        _RAR "RARe keys"
+      Leds:
+            • ⁽¹⁾ The low-white led is bright-white when capslock is on. Optionally the middle led (cyan) can
+                  show the color of the last layer that was active.
+            • ⁽²⁾ The colors are reversed blue/low-white/green when numlock is on. 
+                  Left led color memory aid: same as either numbers or movement layer for numlock on/off.
+            • ⁽³⁾ The colors are reversed to orange/red/red when set to de-activate after one F-key press.
+            • ⁽⁴⁾ The colors are reversed purple/purple/white, indicating which of the two base layers
+                  is active (see below).
+            • Middle led: Breathing effect. When not breathing, keyboard is not working normally with the computer.
+                        - When speed measurement is active, the middle led color indicates the speed, unless
+                          text size counting set to a maximum is active.
+                        - When text size counting is active and set to a maximum amount, the middle led color 
+                          indicates progress to the limit from green to red, flipping white/red on the limit.
+                        - When on Base layer it shows a teal color, or (compile option) the layer most recently active.
+                        - When the left/right leds are off, when on Base, it shows a teal color (not last active), even
+                          if so compiled.
+            • Leds can be switched on/off on the _RAR layer (SLeds, MLed).
+6 Compile options
+         Layout
+ • Several layouts to choose from: Qwerty, Dvorak, Colemak, Workman, Numpad.
+ • You can use the keyboard with two different letters/number-symbols layouts.
+         Hardware
+ • Hardware key configurations: _default_ (44), _arrow_ (45), _south paw_ (45), _arrow_ + _south paw_ (46).
+![Minivan illustration 0](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan_illustration_arrow_southpaw.jpg)
+   (On the `_RAR` layer, the additional _south paw_ key is more to the right.)
+ • What the additional hardware keys for _arrow,_ _south paw_ should be.
+         Navigation cluster
+ • An arrow cluster for _arrow_ hardware configuration, on the `_MOV` layer.
+ • All navigation keys around _arrow_ hardware configuration arrow cluster on `_MOV` layer.
+ • Navigation cluster in a triangle (WASD) (left hand), or flat layout with optional vi(1) layout.
+         Numpad (in common layers)
+ • Numpad with numbers in a row.
+ • Numpad with layers in a block form.
+         Special functions
+ • Set speed measuring on/off at keyboard startup.
+ • Set text size measuring on/off at keyboard startup.
+         Changing symbols
+ • Switching the GUIs left/right, and some other specific key changes.  
+ • Reduce firmware size/bloat: remove or eviscerate Unicode layer(s).
+ For the complete list, see `./user_config.h`.
+7 Language support
+7.1 Input methods
+There seem to generally be two ways in QMK for typing a language other than English.
+One is to use a language specific remapping on the computer operating side, and
+to use the QMK supplied symbols in the keymaps. This may include the use of a “dead key”.
+Presumably you can also still use the Unicode symbols. 
+⚠ *There are currently no such Base pair layouts available. If this is the method you want,
+you may want to look elsewhere.*
+The other way is to type the additional symbols in Unicode. _The computer
+operating must understand these special sequences._  Several Unicode
+input modes are available, which can be changed while the keyboard is
+running. There is no need for a “dead key”.  The language setting
+in the computer operating system can be set to English. This layout is
+designed for this method, to avoid the dead key problem.
+7.2 Unicode symbols
+For the remainder of this chapter the Unicode input method is assumed.
+You may be able to type your language, with the help of some of the Unicode
+layers and one of these layouts: Qwerty, Dvorak, Coleman, Workman. The following
+languages might work for you this way. 
+     • Dutch (éëèïijí)
+     • English (—“”‛’)
+     • French (çœæéèàòùîûêôâëïüÿ)
+     • German (äöüß)
+     • Norwegian, Danish (œæøå, éêèëóêò, üáà …)
+     • Spanish (¿¡ñ)
+     • Swedish (äåö …)
+The following quotation marks are available, which seems it would cover these languages: 
+     'test' "test" “test” „test” ‛test’ ,test’¹ «test» ‹test› 《test》 「test」 — test
+     ¹) Left side is a basic comma.
+See the `_ACC` _accented characters_ layer for all characters with diacretic markings.
+If you miss a symbol, you could replace one you don't use and add it yourself (by
+reprogramming the source code).
+8 Speed measuring
+      ‛Speed’ starts speed measuring.
+      ‛SRprt’ stands for ‛Speed Report’:
+                • Tap to get your speed report.
+                • Hold for a while for led color compilation (see below).
+      ☞ Text size counting (see below) middle led colors take precedence,
+        when a maximum is set, over layer colors or speed measurement.
+With the key ‛Speed’ on the `_RAR` layer, the speed of your latest
+completed batch of 25 keypresses is computed, as well as the average of
+all your batches of 25 keys. The speed is displayed as the color of the
+middle led, which otherwise shows the layer color. A bright white middle
+led indicates ‛Speed’ has just been activated.
+With the key ‛SRprt’ (short for ‛Speed Report’), the keyboard
+will write your typing speed either in keystrokes per second (k/s)
+or words-per-minute (wpm), depending on your compilation configuration.
+“Keystrokes per second” uses the following format: `<A k/s B.B k/s
+Cx25keys>`. A is the amount of key presses per second (k/s) of your
+last batch, B.B is your average over the last C batches of keys.
+When using “Words per minute”, A is in word-per-minute, B is also
+in words-per-minute: `<A wpm B wpm Cx25keys>`, no decimal precision.
+Example: <150wpm;108wpm20x25keys>
+Batches with 0 k/s are not counted to the average. You can take a
+longer break without it affecting your average.
+8.1 Speed Led color compilation assist
+If you hold the ‛Speed Report’ key for one second, it will increment the
+speed, and led color accordingly. This can be helpful when configuring
+your speed measuring compile settings. This works best with speed
+measuring set off.
+9 Text size measuring
+      ‛Cnt/Mx’ stands for ‛Count/Maximum’: 
+                • Tap to start counting, tap again to suspend.
+                • Hold > 0.5 seconds for maximum menu.
+      ‛Cnull’ stands for ‛Count null’:
+                • Tap to set the counts to zero.
+      ‛CWmin’ stands for ‛Count Word minus’:
+                • Tap to detract one word from the word count. 
+                • Hold > 0.5 seconds to detract 10 words.
+      ‛CRprt’ stands for ‛Count Report’:
+                • Tap to get a counting report. 
+      ☞ ‛Count’ and ‛Speed’ (see above) reports get added to the
+        character count, but not to the word count.
+      ☞ Auto-repeating keys do not get counted as characters.
+You can count your text by character and word, by activating the key
+‛Count’ on the `_RAR` layer. Pressing ‛Count’ again will suspend
+counting, pressing it yet again resumes where the count left off earlier.
+The middle led turns cyan when no maximum is set (see below),
+or to green when it is set.
+You can set a maximum to type, with the ‛Cnt/Mx’ key.  In your
+editor (or wherever typing these characters is harmless) you will get
+the following menu by pressing the ‛Cnt/MX’ key for at least half
+a second: `<Nc|w>`. In here: *N* stands for your numerical input, *c*
+for a maximum count in *characters* or *w* for a maximum in *words.*
+Start typing a number, finish with either *c* or *w* to make the maximum
+be counted in either characters or words. If you want to leave the
+menu before giving *c* or *w*, enter a *dot* ‛.’ or ‛Escape’,
+which will leave the maximum value at 0 (zero). A maximum value of zero
+implies there is no maximum.
+Setting a maximum of 1000 characters looks like so:
+        Hold ‛Cnt/MX’ results in: `<Nc|w>` 
+        Then type “1000” results in: `<Nc|w>1000`
+        Then type “c” results in: `<Nc|w>1000->1000c`
+        At this point the keyboard is out of this special input menu.
+        The keyboard indicates what it accepted as your input, by 
+        repeating the number, just before your last input is being printed.
+With a maximum established, the middle led color goes from green to red,
+as you type. When the maximum is reached, the keyboard will output a
+Backspace character for every key you subsequently press, making it
+impossible to go any further, until text size counting has been disabled,
+or the count is reduced. The middle led changes color between red and 
+white while at the maximum set size, for every new input character.
+To get your word count report, press ‛CReport’ short for: ‛Count
+Report’.  It comes in the form: `<Ac;Bw>`, where A is your character
+count, and B is your word count. Example: `<5420c;547w>`. 
+When a maximum is established, the report will only be given in
+either characters or words, and the maximum is given with it, like so:
+`<66w>[200w]`. 66 words have been written, a maximum of 200 words has
+been set.
+If you have a maximum established and use it across different articles,
+you no longer have the total count. You can activate speed measuring,
+which in its report includes the total characters pressed.
+9.1 Text size Usage
+It is assumed that you will take the report in the document you are
+editing, and then delete it. If you do character counting, the value of 
+the report itself is added to the character count. Therefore you should
+delete that without using an auto-repeating on the deletion key. That
+way the characters are subtracted again.
+If you count in words, the report is not added to the word count. You
+can delete it however you want.
+This works the same for a ‛*Speed* Report’ you might like to take.
+You can take it in the document, and then delete it in the same,
+without affecting the text size counting in characters or words.
+When deleting keys with Backspace or Delete, the character count goes down
+accordingly, the word count does not.
+Words are counted by counting Space and Enter key presses. Immediately
+repeating blanks do not add to the word count.  You can only manually
+subtract from the word count, using the key ‛CWmin’ short for ‛Count
+Word minus’. This means that if you delete sections in your document,
+you need to manually subtract the same words.
+Example: after typing something and then typing `<Enter>` twice to start a
+new paragraph, counts for one word. When deleting three words with their
+three blank areas, then tapping ‛Count Word minus’ three times,
+should result in an accurate word count. To add words to the count,
+type mock ones and then delete them: “x x x x” adds *three* words,
+“y y  y ” also adds three words (three separate blank spaces).
+Layer changes, shift and unusual/complex keys do not get counted.
+Navigation, arrow and mouse keys do not get counted. Auto-repeating
+of keys does not affect the *character* count, therefore should be avoided
+if you want to count in characters.
+10 Making your own base layer(s)
+You can insert your own `_DEF_BASE`, `_DEF_NSY` and/or `_ALT_BASE`, `_ALT_NSY`
+Base plus number/symbols layer pairs, integrate it nicely with the rest 
+of the code, and re-define a special characters layer to go with it if
+you want (etc). The idea is to make it easy to change the alphanumerical
+keys, while leaving the modifiers, layer switch keys etc. the same. 
+`YOUR_KEYMAP` stands for a name you choose.
+First we will look at a simple keymap, without its own configuration
+options or header file.
+     ① Make a file named: `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c`), with at least 
+       those two layers: _..._BASE and _..._NSY. It is probably best to
+       copy one of the existing `./base_....c` files, and edit that.
+     ② Add a #define to `./user_config.h`:
+       #define BASE_YOUR_KEYMAP__DEF_BASE
+       #define BASE_YOUR_KEYMAP__ALT_BASE
+       Under the topic ‛Base layers’ there is a comment to help you.
+     ③ Edit ./keymap.c to have your new file #included, using your just defined
+       preprocessor element. Close to the other #includes is a comment there to
+       help you. Look just under the line with this, in ./keymap.c:
+       const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
+       (…)
+       // // ⬇ insert your ./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c #include here:
+       // # if defined(BASE_YOUR_KEYMAP__DEF_BASE) || defined(BASE_YOUR_KEYMAP__ALT_BASE)
+       // #     include "./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c" // Your Keymap.
+       // # endif
+Now you have integrated your base layers alternative. To compile it:
+     ④ _Activate_ your #define BASES_YOUR_KEYMAP__DEF_BASE or 
+       BASES_YOUR_KEYMAP__ALT_BASE in `./user_config.h`,
+       _Remove_ any other base layers from being defined on the
+       same spot _DEF_BASE or _ALT_BASE to prevent a conflict.
+     ⑤ Check Pre-processing with:
+       > gcc -E keymap.c | less
+     ⑥ Compile and flash to your keyboard.
+You can redefine any layer in your new `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c`
+You can do that by setting one or more of the `BASESFILE_LAYER_...` defines in 
+your own `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c` file. See near the top of an existing 
+`./base_....c` file for clues.
+`_ACC` in particular is a layer meant to augment a keymap with special 
+characters for a given language/layout in the base layer(s). Perhaps you
+want to redefine it, for example.
+Example: Having done the above points ① ➡ ④ for a `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c` file. 
+Let's say you re-arranged keys on `_ACC` to suit ... French.
+     ⑦ In your `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c`:
+       #define `BASESFILE_LAYER_ACC`
+       The `_ACC` in ./keymap.c will now be ignored.
+You can re-define `_ACC` in your own file. 
+     ⑧ Copy an existing `_ACC` layer into `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c` 
+       Edit it so that French characters like ‛Ç’ ‛«»’, ‛œ’, ‛æ’,
+       ‛ô’, ‛é’ etc. are in positions that work best. You can look in
+       `unicode_weurope.h` to find some Unicode points already defined.
+     ⑨ Compile and flash to your keyboard.
+Now we will look at a more complicated keymap, where you are also altering
+preprocessor constants defined in `./user_config.h`. (Warning, perhaps this
+is overkill … ;-)
+Example: the `./base_numpad.c` has an option to entirely eviscerate the
+`_PAD` layer, for convenience. (Why is this even useful ? Good question !
+One reason could be that it can set up a default, so that anyone who chooses
+this `./base_numpad.c` Base layer, automatically is eviscerating the `_PAD`
+_common_ layer, without having to do anything else. On the downside, it
+could be confusing that one option is configured in two places.)
+Having done the above points ⑦ ➡ ⑧ as well, let's say for some reason you
+need to reverse Left GUI and Right GUI.
+      ⑨ Copy your User Configuration Block at the top of your `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.c`
+        and the GPL License, and place that in a new _header_ file: 
+        `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h` 
+      ① ⓪  Write the necessary code to set and unset the constant
+           `SWITCH_GUIS` in your `./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h` file You are encouraged
+           to write code which overrides any setting in `./user_config.h, for
+           those constants which you choose to affect, for simplicity sake. 
+           (This is not a C programming manual, so it won't get into this.)
+      ① ①  Look in `./user_config.h`, and #include your header file there, in
+           a similar way as was done for your C code file. It should be just
+           below the user configuration block, and has a template for you.
+      ① ②  Compile, flash and test.
+      ① ③  It would be nice to put a remark on the general preprocessor constants
+           which you might be affecting, that your keymap could be affecting them.
+           You would edit the ./user_config.h comments with a short one line notice,
+           such as:
+           *
+           * ⚠ Note: ./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h can overrides this setting, if compiled with that ‛Base’ layer.
+           */
+Putting your `*.h` header file in `./user_config.h` isn't strictly
+necessary, unless you alter “general preprocessor constants”
+defined in `./user_config` (not local constants for your keymap only).
+Perhaps a separate header file is overkill. On the other hand, whatever
+preprocessor logic is necessary after user configuration has been given,
+can be handled in one place, if #included as suggested. It allows you
+to override the settings in `./user_config.h` from your header file
+(because it is #included immediately below those). If a user is playing with
+keymaps Base compile choices, it could be convenient to play with
+`./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h` settings, have everything that could be relevant
+close at hand, then forgetting about those settings once compiling
+with another Base layer, and be able to return to it with previous
+configuration already done.
+You can also just #include your header file at the top of your 
+`./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h` file, if it does not touch anything else but your
+local keymap.
+11 Eviscerations
+Cutting down the keymap reduces the firmware size, and helps reducing
+mental clutter from having masses of symbols you might never want to use.
+You can compile as a single layout. Define only a ‛Default’ base pair,
+and set `MINIFAN_SINGLE_LAYOUT` (`./user_config.h`). The leds for the
+base layers letters and numbers&symbols, will show up as they would for
+the ‛Alternate’ layer in a dual layout compilation.
+You can remove the layers `_ACC`, `_DRA` and/or `_BON` (see
+`./user_config.h` around `REMOVE_ACC`). 
+You can remove a set of symbols from one or more of Unicode layers,
+such as not having box drawing characters on `_BON`, or no sub-script
+numbers on `_DRA`.
+12 Key associations
+The keymap was designed to have the same or similar keys on the same key
+or close to it, on different layers. Sometimes the association goes by
+what finger is used, and/or on what row. For example the symbol ‛(’
+on the numbers-symbols layer (`_NSY`), becomes the symbol ‛⁽’ on
+another layer.
+![Minivan layout Image associations](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/minivan-relationships_common_1500_vd.jpg)
+13 Trouble shooting
+  • Compiling
+  If the firmware is too large, you can try using a different version
+  of the compiler, or you may have to reduce size by removing certain
+  options.
+  • Unicode
+  Unicode is chaos: try going to `_RAR` layer, and hit the Unicode
+  operating system buttons.
+  • Leds
+  Leds not working after flashing firmware: try going to `_RAR` layer, 
+  and hit the key MLeds and SLeds, which switch Leds on/off.
+  • Weird layer jumping
+  You weirdly end up on the `_PAD`, `_FUN` or some other layer while
+  typing ? If you jump to layers which are on Shift key toggles, this
+  is a typing mistake. 
+  • Difficult/impossible key combinations ?
+  An example of a difficult key combination is: the modifier Control, 
+  Shift, or Alt, with media key “volume up” (or down, etc). It may 
+  work to press and hold “Control” (which should communicate “Control
+  depressed”), then activate `_RAR` layer with the hold key (which 
+  communicates nothing to the computer attached to the keyboard), 
+  press and let go “volume up” (which should communicate just that), let
+  go of the `_RAR` layer (which again communicates nothing), let go of
+  the Control key (which should communicate “Control released”).. 
+14 Why you want this layout
+☞  This layout seems easy to learn and predictable.
+☞  The normally most used layer after letters is “numbers & symbols” 
+  (123…, !@#…, []/…, called `_NSY`). This layer you can access by either
+  your left or right thumb, to spread fatigue.
+☞  Right hand pinky is no longer overused, as it is on regular keyboards.
+☞  0-9 enumerations / numbers, they are on the same fingers as a standard
+  keyboard. 
+☞  The symbols normally reached by shifting a number, are also still on
+  the same fingers.
+☞  Because one often uses an F-key only once, the layer can switch back
+  to Base after an F-key is used.
+☞  Modifier combination keys on `_FUN` layer for use with F-keys.
+☞  The movement layer has a bunch of layout options, and allows for mouse
+  use.
+☞  The layer with Power buttons protects you from accidental keystrokes
+  on the critical keys. 
+☞  If you need working with Control/Shift/Alt and a pointing device in
+  right hand, you can quickly get uncluttered such keys by tapping left shift.
+☞  The accented layer makes it possible to set the keyboard in a mode
+  on the computer side without dead-keys.
+☞  The second Unicode layer adds a fair amount of fun stuff to spice up 
+  your writing. Write H₂O, 2⁷·⁰=128, ±8 °C, §2.1, 2 ³/₈", a note⁴, £ 6.²⁵
+  etc.
+☞  The third Unicode layer adds a proper dash — and French style
+  quotations «»‹› and other stuff. ①  «Ça va bien», ②  5 × 3 ≠ 14,
+  ③  .083% ÷ 2 ≈ 4‱ ➡  4.₁₅‱
+                  ┏━━━━━━┓
+                  ┃ test ┃
+                ┅━╋━━━━━━┛
+                  ┇ ④
+☞  Speed and text size measuring, including to set a maximum on your text input.
+  These are features not part off regular keyboards.
+☞  Easy to create your own dual layout for letters / numbers.
+☞  If you do want to reprogram the code, it has a lot of comments to make
+  it easier to follow.
+15 BUGS
+  No real bugs known currently. Just some minor issues …
+  The tilde ~ on the numbers-symbols layer should logically be reached on the second
+  row without the need for _shift,_ however there seems to be a QMK limitation
+  with this. No work around has been attempted as of yet. (It seems to be a minor issue;
+  using shift for once seems OK.)
+  `LCTL_T` `( KC_TAB )` is not seen as a blank by word counting, use as Control is not
+  ignored in character counting. (This minor issue is ignored for now. Tab is not
+  normally used in text writing.)
+  The eviscerations may not have been worked out yet into the ultimate scrubbing of
+  everything that may have become redundent, because it does complicate the code with
+  a lot of #defines. Perhaps it should be done eventually, if there is an actual need.
+16 Resources
+This links to an external file, with some development resources like
+Gimp .xcf files, pre-compiled hex files, …
+[Resources](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/ "Additional resources")
+17 Author(s)
+  This keymap.c was edited from the Minivan default, original LED
+  support was copied/edited from ../jetpacktuxedo/ keymap. Thanks to 
+  QMK support for their help, especially Drashna.
+  _Personal note:_ This keymap came about because of a sudden need
+  for a replacement keyboard. It took over a year to make (≈ 1.5 h/day).
+  The goal became to make a good keymap for everyone without the time to
+  make one, in the best keyboard format: “40%”.
+![Keycaps blanks](http://socialism.nl/misc/minivan/keycaps_blanks_va.jpg)
+  Written on the Minivan: Jos Boersema. [contact](https://market.socialism.nl/author/ "get e-mail address there")
+  Contributions to this key map:
+      - …
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/rules.mk b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/rules.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6998240e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/rules.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Build Options
+#   change to "no" to disable the options, or define them in the Makefile in 
+#   the appropriate keymap folder that will get included automatically
+BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = no       # Virtual DIP switch configuration(+1000)
+MOUSEKEY_ENABLE = yes       # Mouse keys(+4700)
+EXTRAKEY_ENABLE = yes       # Audio control and System control(+450)
+CONSOLE_ENABLE = no         # Console for debug(+400)
+COMMAND_ENABLE = no         # Commands for debug and configuration
+NKRO_ENABLE = yes           # Nkey Rollover - if this doesn't work, see here: https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/wiki/FAQ#nkro-doesnt-work
+BACKLIGHT_ENABLE = no       # Enable keyboard backlight functionality
+AUDIO_ENABLE = no           # Audio output on port C6
+UNICODE_ENABLE = no         # Unicode
+BLUETOOTH_ENABLE = no       # Enable Bluetooth with the Adafruit EZ-Key HID
+RGBLIGHT_ENABLE = yes       # Enable Leds. If you set to “no”, that saves ≈ 13% of the firmware size.
+SLEEP_LED_ENABLE = no       # Breathing sleep LED during USB suspend
+LTO_ENABLE = yes            # To reduce firmware size
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/todo.md b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/todo.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ab2f795b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/todo.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+                       § Further development
+           The following seem interesting for further development. However following the “scratch your
+           own itch” rule, perhaps it should be someone else's interest.
+             ☐ It seems fun to have a user friendly front end to compile the available variations of this keymap.
+               Such a front end could edit minifan_config_compact.h 
+             ☐ Language specific keyboards, such as Qwertz and Azerty, etc.
+               Two option exist:
+               • Using an include like #include keymap_german.h (etc).
+               • If a language specific #include and computer language setting is not used, but merely some basics
+                 such as a matching basic alphabet ABC…XYZ on Base, with some additional Unicode symbols for that
+                 language on _ACC and or other Unicode layers, it might be simple to make, and avoid the dead key
+                 problem. To go another step and recreate a key like ‛<>’ (as it seems to exist in Qwertz), would
+                 seem to require macros in unicode_macros.c.
+                       § Other:
+             ☐ Testing all user configurations
+             ☐ Porting to Planck keyboard.
+             ☐ Review/fix C indendation. QMK indentation is not my preferred style, and 
+               therefore it is not entirely consistent. 
+            ?☐ A lock mode, so that others cannot type on it if you walk off ?
+            ?☐ Fun and games: game layer.
+            ?☒ User defining macros (record/play user input), another special Base layer ? Is there 
+               room for this, or how to create it if not.
+               ➡ It seems a bit odd to have a keyboard with internal registers. Probably better handled at the
+                 application level, so that the keyboard remains a basic input device.
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/unicode_macros.c b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/unicode_macros.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f213792484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/unicode_macros.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2272 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2019, 2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+/* This file contains mostly the Unicode and special macros.
+   It contains the function: process_record_user(...)
+ */
+#include "./unicode_macros.h"
+#include "./unicode_weurope.h"
+// Definition of ƒ (Dutch currency symbol).
+// Best changed in user_config.h, if you like a Euro symbol instead.
+# ifndef UNICODE_CURRENCY // Prior optional definition in user_config.h
+#     define UNICODE_CURRENCY 0x0192 // Hex number. The unicode hex number for position ƒ in the default keymap.
+# endif
+// 🛠
+#define CS_USER_DEFINED 0x1F6E0 // Hammer & wrench (place holder). 
+#define DIV10POINT TRUE // suggest to function write_number, to divide by 10 and print as a fraction: N.N
+// Converts integer value to Unicode. Also handles 'descramble' Unicode mode for DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE_HALF.
+// Unicode is a hexadecimal string (character) representation of the value, with a pre- and post-fix.
+void unicode_hex2output (long unsigned int unshifted, long unsigned int shifted) {
+    long unsigned int input; // which argument to work on
+    char output[10] ; // will hold the ascii for output
+    int index; // count backwards 'to left' in the string
+    long unsigned int bitmove; // move computation to next digit.
+    long unsigned int work; // temporary value for computation
+    // What to work on
+    if(shift_ison) input = shifted; // Trying to get everything possible here in this function, to reduce firmware size.
+    else input = unshifted;
+    //if (input < 0) input *= -1; // positive value
+    // Take the hex value 4 bits at a time, starting with the least significant, convert to ascii, store
+    index = 9;
+    output[index] = '\0'; // terminator
+    bitmove = 0x1; 
+    while ((work = (input / bitmove)) && (index >= 0)) {
+        index --;
+        work &= 0xF; 
+        if (work < 0xA){  // numbers
+            output[index] = work + 0x30; // pad to ASCII
+        }else{            // alphas
+# ifdef DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE_HALF // Do the letter descramble if needed.
+            if(_FULL_ == alternate){ // 0-9=0-9, a=a, b=n, c=i, d=h, e=d, f=y 
+                if (0xA == work) output[index] = 'a';
+                if (0xB == work) output[index] = 'n';
+                if (0xC == work) output[index] = 'i';
+                if (0xD == work) output[index] = 'h';
+                if (0xE == work) output[index] = 'd';
+                if (0xF == work) output[index] = 'y';
+            }else{
+                output[index] = work - 9 + 0x40; // normal mode
+            }
+# else // The above is not relevant for anything else.
+            output[index] = work - 9 + 0x40; // normal mode
+# endif
+        }
+        bitmove *= 0x10; // next digit
+    }
+    // Put character(s) out in correct mode
+# ifdef DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE_HALF // Do the letter descramble if needed.
+    if (_FULL_ == alternate) { // This is the special 'descramble' output mode for a computer already set to Dvorak
+        SEND_STRING ( SS_DOWN(X_LCTRL) SS_DOWN(X_LSHIFT) "f" SS_UP(X_LSHIFT) SS_UP(X_LCTRL) ) ; // lead-in for Unicode on Linux, 'descramble' mode
+        send_string (output + index); // pointer to argument with formatted string
+        SEND_STRING ( " " ) ; // Ends the Unicode numerical input mode, replacing input with desired character (Linux)
+    }else{
+        // normal QMK Unicode output mode
+        send_unicode_hex_string (output + index);  // pointer argument
+    }
+# else
+    send_unicode_hex_string (output + index);  // pointer argument
+# endif
+// Wrapper for unicode keys that do have the same on shift.
+void unicode_hex2output_single (long unsigned int either) {
+    unicode_hex2output (either, either) ;
+// Required by QMK Unicode
+const uint32_t PROGMEM unicode_map[] = {
+// Macro name definitions. The Unicode layers _ACC, _DRA and _BON are defined here,
+// because the Unicode map system does not have enough space (at time of this programming, year 2020).
+enum custom_keycodes {
+    // Macro, allowing the upper left button to switch to either _DEF_BASE base layer, or the _ALT_BASE base layer.
+    // Alternate is set on/half/off in the _RAR layer. The word "base" is used to avoid "default," because the default
+    // layer system call DF() is not being used.
+    CTO_BASE = SAFE_RANGE, // 'C' for costum, "TO" for to, "BASE" for chosen base layer
+    OTHER_BASE, // cycles modes: use _DEF_BASE, _ALT_BASE. For “dvorak²” layout (descramble) compile option, there is a third mode.
+# if defined(BASE_NUMPAD__ALT_BASE)
+    OTHER_BASE_GO, // Like OTHER_BASE, but also immediately switches to the other BASE layer.
+# endif
+    CTO_NUMS, // activates number-symbols layer, taking into account the dual layout mode
+    CTO_ACCE, //             accented        '' 
+    CTO_DRAW, //             drawings        ''
+    CHOLTAP_ACCE, // Go to accented layer, or others in combination with other keys.
+# endif 
+// Keys can be pressed together for a separate layer (like 'adjust layer' on the Planck).
+    DUO_HOLD,
+    CHOLTAP_RSHFT, // Go to _FUN layer, or shift modifier.
+    CHOLTAP_LSHFT, // Go to <configurable> layer, or shift modifier.
+    CHOLTAP_LAYR,  // Go to _RAR layer, or right arrow 
+// Special macro to make F-keys one-shot or not.
+    _FUN_STAY,
+// Layer toggle to be guaranteed on up-key, therefore macro definition here.
+    _MOV_UP,
+// These macros protect the critical keys like 'Power' from accidental press, by needing Shift to be pressed.
+    C_KC_PWR,  // Powers computer off.
+    C_KC_WAKE,
+    C_KC_SLEP, // sleep computer
+    C_KC_PAUS, // pauze computer
+// Toggles side leds on/off. 
+    LEDS_ON,
+    RGBTOG_, 
+// Typing speed measuring 
+// Word/character counting
+    COUNT_TOG,     // starts word counting
+    COUNT_REPORT,  // writes to the computer as if typing, gives count report
+    COUNT_WORDMIN, // reduces the word count
+    COUNT_NULL,    // resets count to zero
+    LT__MOV__KC_ENT, // move to layer _MOV, or <enter>
+// The _ACC layer, additional Unicode.
+# ifndef REMOVE_ACC // This cuts out the whole _ACC layer.
+    XP_ACC_AA ,
+    XP_ACC_AB ,
+    XP_ACC_AC ,
+    XP_ACC_AD ,
+    XP_ACC_AE ,
+    XP_ACC_AF ,
+    XP_ACC_AG ,
+    XP_ACC_AH ,
+    XP_ACC_AI ,
+    XP_ACC_AJ ,
+    XP_ACC_BA ,
+    XP_ACC_BB ,
+    XP_ACC_BC ,
+    XP_ACC_BD ,
+    XP_ACC_BE ,
+    XP_ACC_BF ,
+    XP_ACC_BG ,
+    XP_ACC_BH ,
+    XP_ACC_BI ,
+    XP_ACC_BJ ,
+    XP_ACC_BK ,
+    XP_ACC_CA ,
+    XP_ACC_CB ,
+    XP_ACC_CC ,
+    XP_ACC_CD ,
+    XP_ACC_CE ,
+    XP_ACC_CF ,
+    XP_ACC_CG ,
+    XP_ACC_CH ,
+    XP_ACC_CI ,
+    XP_ACC_CJ ,
+# endif // REMOVE_ACC 
+# ifndef REMOVE_DRA // This cuts out the whole _DRA layer
+// The _DRA layer, additional Unicode.
+    XP_DRA_AA ,
+    XP_DRA_AB ,
+    XP_DRA_AC ,
+    XP_DRA_AD ,
+    XP_DRA_AE ,
+    XP_DRA_AF ,
+    XP_DRA_AG ,
+    XP_DRA_AH ,
+    XP_DRA_AI ,
+    XP_DRA_AJ ,
+    XP_DRA_BA ,
+    XP_DRA_BB ,
+    XP_DRA_BC ,
+    XP_DRA_BD ,
+    XP_DRA_BE ,
+    XP_DRA_BF ,
+    XP_DRA_BG ,
+    XP_DRA_BH ,
+    XP_DRA_BI ,
+    XP_DRA_BJ ,// XP_DRA_BK , // no 'BK' key definition on this layer
+    XP_DRA_CA ,
+    XP_DRA_CB ,
+    XP_DRA_CC ,
+    XP_DRA_CD ,
+    XP_DRA_CE ,
+    XP_DRA_CF ,
+# endif // REMOVE_DRA
+    XP_DRA_CG , // Needed for ☑ on Unicode tester key in _RAR
+# ifndef REMOVE_DRA // This cuts out the whole _DRA layer
+    XP_DRA_CH ,
+    XP_DRA_CI ,
+    XP_DRA_CJ ,
+# endif // REMOVE_DRA
+// The _BON layer, additional Unicode.
+# ifndef REMOVE_BON // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+    XP_BON_AA ,
+    XP_BON_AB ,
+    XP_BON_AC ,
+    XP_BON_AD ,
+    XP_BON_AE ,
+    XP_BON_AF ,
+    XP_BON_AG ,
+    XP_BON_AH ,
+    XP_BON_AI ,
+    XP_BON_AJ ,
+    XP_BON_BA ,
+    XP_BON_BB ,
+    XP_BON_BC ,
+    XP_BON_BD ,
+    XP_BON_BE ,
+    XP_BON_BF ,
+    XP_BON_BG ,
+    XP_BON_BH ,
+    XP_BON_BI ,
+    XP_BON_BJ ,
+    XP_BON_BK ,
+    XP_BON_CA ,
+    XP_BON_CB ,
+    XP_BON_CC ,
+    XP_BON_CD ,
+    XP_BON_CE ,
+    XP_BON_CF ,
+    XP_BON_CG ,
+    XP_BON_CH ,
+    XP_BON_CI ,
+    XP_BON_CJ ,
+# endif // REMOVE_BON 
+// Pre-existing function, called for every key up and down.
+// This function is sortof the hub of the whole thing.
+bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
+    // User input for the word count menu
+    if (sizecount_menu) {
+         if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+             switch (keycode) {
+                 case KC_0: // read in how many is maximum
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10);
+                     break;
+                 case KC_1:
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10) + 1;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_2:
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10) + 2;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_3:
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10) + 3;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_4:
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10) + 4;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_5:
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10) + 5;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_6:
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10) + 6;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_7:
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10) + 7;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_8:
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10) + 8;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_9:
+                     sizecount_max = (sizecount_max * 10) + 9;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_C: // count characters
+                     sizecount_max_type = SIZECOUNT_CHAR;
+                     sizecount_menu = FALSE;
+                     break;
+                 case KC_W: // count words
+                     sizecount_max_type = SIZECOUNT_WORD;
+                     sizecount_menu = FALSE;
+                     break;
+                 // Anything else ends menu input.
+                 case KC_DOT:
+                 case KC_ESC:
+                     sizecount_menu = FALSE; // break out
+                     break;
+             }
+             if (!sizecount_menu) { // end
+                     send_string ("->");
+                     write_number (sizecount_max, FALSE);  // just indicate something
+             }
+         }
+    }
+    // Go back to base-layer after pressing an F-key, on key-up to avoid BASE key activation
+    if ((_fun_stay == FALSE) && // 
+        (((keycode >= KC_F1) && (keycode <= KC_F12))
+         ||
+        ((keycode >= KC_F13) && (keycode <= KC_F24)))) {  // assumes keycodes 1-12 and 13-24 are consequtive, which seems likely, although using 1-24 failed (probably not consequtive)
+         // Go back to base layer
+         if (!(record->event.pressed)) { // key up
+             if (alternate) { // 
+                 layer_move (_ALT_BASE); 
+             }else{
+                 layer_move (_DEF_BASE);
+             }
+        }
+    }
+    // Detect if Shift was pressed in isolation, by seeing if another key was pressed during the time
+    // the right shift key was held down.
+    // This system is also used by CHOLTAP_ACCE
+    // This helps make sure a tapped use of these keys is correctly differentiated from their use as a  
+    // modifier/layer-hold key. The Shift and CHOLTAP_ACCE should not normally interfere with each other.
+    if (isolate_trigger) { // speed: hoping this statement to execute a little quicker overall, than the next 
+        if ((keycode != CHOLTAP_RSHFT)   // not right shift up
+             &&
+            (keycode != CHOLTAP_LSHFT)   // not left shift up
+             &&
+            (keycode != CHOLTAP_ACCE)    // _ACC layer (and others)
+             &&
+            (keycode != CHOLTAP_LAYR)) { // _RAR layer, or RAlt/Alt-Gr
+            isolate_trigger = FALSE; // another key was pressed
+        }
+    }
+    // This block contains the complex macros, which should not count in speed counting or word/character counting,
+    // because they aren't typed characters.
+    switch (keycode) {
+        // Typing speed measuring
+        case SPEED_TOG: // Toggle speed measuring on/off
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (speed_measure) {
+                    speed_measure = FALSE;
+                    rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_PURPLE); // indicates stop (_RAR color)
+# endif
+                }else{
+                    // initialization of measurements
+                    speed_measure = TRUE; // activates
+                    speed = 0; // start at 0 k/s 
+                    speed_countdown = SPEED_COUNTDOWN; // reset, speed is measured in batches of keypresses
+                    speed_counttime = timer_read32 ();// get current time
+                    speed_add = 0;// speed average accumulator, it keeps adding the *speed* of each batch to this total
+                    speed_batches = 0; // divider for speed_add to get the average
+                    // set middle led
+                    rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_WHITE); // indicates start
+# endif
+                }
+                isolate_rgblight_set ();
+# endif
+            }
+            break; 
+        case SPEED_REPORT: // Report the current typing speed by writing it, as if typing
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // down
+                short added = 5; // This counts how many characters the report itself is adding into the current text,
+                                 // to later delete it from the character count for text-size counting.
+                if (speed_measure) {
+                    // The speed is recorded as an accumulation of keystrokes-per-second, times 10 for added precision.
+                    // This will be converted into words-per-minute by dividing by 5 characters for a word including
+                    // blank space and punctuation, and multiplied by 60 for seconds per minute. ⁶⁰/₅ = 12. Multiplied
+                    // by 12 is the simple conversion.
+                    send_string ("<"); // +1 character written // analogue to '<POWER>'
+                    added += write_number ((long int)((speed*12)/10), FALSE); // writes the speed 
+                    send_string ("wpm"); // +3 character written
+                    if (0 != speed_batches) {
+                        long int average_times_ten ;
+                        average_times_ten =(long int) ((speed_add * 12) / speed_batches); // *12 converts k/s to wpm
+                        send_string (";"); // +①   ''       
+                        added += write_number (average_times_ten / 10, FALSE); // writes the average speed, cannot use decimal because precision is not there
+                        send_string ("wpm"); // +③
+                        added += write_number ((long int) speed_batches, FALSE); // amount of batches
+                        send_string ("x"); // +①
+                        added += 9 + write_number ((long int) SPEED_COUNTDOWN, FALSE); // amount of batches
+                        send_string ("keys"); // +④ = ⑨
+                        speed_led ( (int) (average_times_ten / 12));// on report, show the average
+                                                                         // we need to convert back to k/s now
+                    }
+# else // keystrokes per second, k/s
+                    send_string ("<"); // +1 character written // analogue to '<POWER>'
+                    added += write_number ((long int)(speed/10), FALSE); // writes the speed 
+                    send_string ("k/s"); // +3 character written
+                    if (0 != speed_batches) {
+                        long int average_times_ten ;
+                        average_times_ten =(long int) (speed_add / speed_batches);
+                        send_string (";"); // +①   ''       
+                        added += write_number (average_times_ten, DIV10POINT); // writes the average speed 
+                        send_string ("k/s"); // +③
+                        added += write_number ((long int) speed_batches, FALSE); // amount of batches
+                        send_string ("x"); // +①
+                        added += 9 + write_number ((long int) SPEED_COUNTDOWN, FALSE); // amount of batches
+                        send_string ("keys"); // +④ = ⑨
+                        speed_led ( (int) average_times_ten );// on report, show the average. speed_led divides by 10
+                    }
+# endif
+                    send_string (">"); // +1 = 5
+                    if (sizecount_measure) sizecount_chars += added;   // the user is expected to hit <backspace>
+                }else{
+                    send_string ("<Soff>"); // indicates off
+                    if (sizecount_measure) sizecount_chars += 5;  // user: <backspace>, to take it down again
+                }
+                key_timer = timer_read ();
+            }else{ // key up
+                // This use of the key is for callibrating your colors; it is difficult otherwise to see.
+                // This is not part of normal usage, therefore it is kept bare bones to reduce firmware size
+                if (timer_elapsed (key_timer) > 999) { // held for one second
+                    speed += 10;
+                    write_number ((long int)(speed/10), FALSE); // writes the speed 
+                    speed_led (speed); // update led
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case COUNT_TOG: // Toggle start/stop text size measuring
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                key_timer = timer_read ();
+            }else{ // up
+                if (timer_elapsed (key_timer) < 500) { // held for less than half a second (tapped)
+                    if (sizecount_measure) {
+                        sizecount_measure = FALSE;
+                        rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_PURPLE); // indicates stop (color of _RAR)
+                        isolate_rgblight_set ();
+# endif
+                    }else{
+                        sizecount_measure = TRUE; // start counting
+                        sizecount_word = FALSE; // detect double blanks. leading blanks are not a word
+                        if (0 == sizecount_max) {
+                            rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_BLUE); // indicates start/activated, but only without maximum set
+                            isolate_rgblight_set (); // .. if maximum set, led goes green to red.
+                        }else{
+                            rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_GREEN); // indicates start/activated, but only without maximum set
+                            isolate_rgblight_set (); // .. if maximum set, led goes green to red.
+                        }
+# endif
+                    }
+                }else{ // held longer
+                    sizecount_menu = TRUE;
+                    send_string ("<Nc|w>"); // Menu: N amount, c|w character|word counting. Input is a number then ‛c’ or ‛w’
+                    sizecount_max = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case COUNT_NULL: // Sets the count to zero, which allows on/off to have a suspend/resume 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key up
+                sizecount_blanks = 0; // 
+                sizecount_chars = 0;
+                rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_CYAN); // indicates reset
+                isolate_rgblight_set ();
+# endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case COUNT_REPORT: // Report the current typing speed 
+            if (record->event.pressed) {
+                // We assume the user is writing a report in its active document, and then likely deleting it.
+                short added = 0; // This counts how much characters the report adds into the user document.
+                if (sizecount_measure) {
+                    send_string ("<"); // + 1 and ① characters (1 is one logical stream, ① another)
+                    if (0 == sizecount_max) { // no size counting maximum, print both characters and words
+                        added += write_number (sizecount_chars, FALSE); // returns how many characters where printed
+                        send_string ("c;"); // + 2
+                        added += write_number (sizecount_blanks, FALSE) + 5; // adds here
+                        send_string ("w>"); // + 2 = 5
+                    }else{ // Only show the one for which the maximum is set, don't throw off that mental focus
+                        if (SIZECOUNT_WORD == sizecount_max_type ) {
+                            added += write_number (sizecount_blanks, FALSE) + 3;
+                            send_string ("w>"); // + ② = ③
+                        }else{ // characters
+                            added += write_number (sizecount_chars, FALSE) + 3; // returns how many characters where printed
+                            send_string ("c>"); // + ② = ③
+                        }
+                        // add current maximum setting
+                        send_string ("["); // + 1
+                        added += write_number (sizecount_max, FALSE) + 3; 
+                        if (SIZECOUNT_WORD == sizecount_max_type) send_string ("w]"); // + 2
+                        else                                      send_string ("c]"); // + 2
+                    }
+                    sizecount_chars += added; // Account for the written characters in the report itself.
+                }else{ // no size counting, also here: keep the report terse
+                     send_string ("<Coff>"); // indicates off (no need to add to count, since counting is off)
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        // This allows the user to manually remove word counts, when he has deleted a word.
+        // This is not needed for character count, because <backspace> counts as minus.
+        case COUNT_WORDMIN: // Take down one word in the word-count.
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // down
+                key_timer = timer_read ();
+            }else{ // up
+                if (timer_elapsed (key_timer) < 500) { // held for less than half a second (tapped)
+                    sizecount_blanks--;
+                }else{
+                    sizecount_blanks -= 10;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+    // Shift detection system.
+                                                  // Disused because it turned out 'one shot' like Unicode input. Shift detection copied from.
+                                                  // https://github.com/kyleterry/qmk_firmware/blob/master/quantum/quantum.c
+                                                  //uint8_t shifted = get_mods() & (MOD_BIT(KC_LSHIFT)|MOD_BIT(KC_RSHIFT));
+        // Crude but self contained in this source file shift detection.
+        // ... right shift
+        case KC_RSFT:
+        // + ... left shift
+        case KC_LSFT:
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                shift_ison = 1; // shift depressed
+            }else{ // key up
+                shift_ison = 0; // shift released
+            }
+            // There are macros on Shift who also alter this variable.
+            break;
+        case OTHER_BASE: // Switching through the default/alternate BASE modes, and Descramble for that Dvorak compile
+            if (record->event.pressed) {
+                ;
+            }else{ // key up
+                // Cycles through the modes
+# ifdef DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE_HALF // version Dvorak+Dvorak-descramble has 3 modes
+                if (_NORMAL_ == alternate) {
+                    alternate = _FULL_;// alternate layers
+                    default_layer_set (_ALT_BASE_MASK); // This is needed only for a rare case,
+                                 //  where _DEF_BASE and _ALT_BASE their layer switching keys don't line up,
+                                 //  such as with Qwerty Base Arrow
+                } else if (_HALF_ == alternate) {
+                    alternate = _NORMAL_;// normal layers
+                    default_layer_set (_DEF_BASE_MASK);
+                }else{ // _FULL_ == alternate
+                    alternate = _HALF_;// alternate layers, without 'descramble' recomputing Unicode
+                    //default_layer_set (_ALT_BASE_MASK);
+                    // it cycles, and this comes always after it was set _FULL_
+                }
+# else          // Only switching the BASE layers between alternate and default
+                if (_NORMAL_ == alternate) {
+                    alternate = _FULL_;// alternate base layers
+                    default_layer_set (_ALT_BASE_MASK);
+                }else{
+                    alternate = _NORMAL_;// default base layers
+                    default_layer_set (_DEF_BASE_MASK);
+                } 
+# endif
+                indicate_base ();  // activate led change 
+            }
+            break; 
+# if defined(BASE_NUMPAD__ALT_BASE)
+        case OTHER_BASE_GO: // Switching through the default/alternate BASE modes, and Descramble for that Dvorak compile
+            if (record->event.pressed) {
+                ;
+            }else{ // key up
+                // Cycles through the modes
+# ifdef DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE_HALF // version Dvorak+Dvorak-descramble has 3 modes
+                if (_NORMAL_ == alternate) {
+                    alternate = _FULL_;// alternate layers
+                    default_layer_set (_ALT_BASE_MASK);
+                } else if (_HALF_ == alternate) {
+                    alternate = _NORMAL_;// normal layers
+                    default_layer_set (_DEF_BASE_MASK);
+                }else{ // _FULL_ == alternate
+                    alternate = _HALF_;// alternate layers, without 'descramble' recomputing Unicode
+                    //default_layer_set (_ALT_BASE_MASK);
+                    // it cycles, and this comes always after it was set _FULL_
+                }
+# else          // Only switching the BASE layers between alternate and default
+                if (_NORMAL_ == alternate) {
+                    alternate = _FULL_;// alternate base layers
+                    default_layer_set (_ALT_BASE_MASK);
+                }else{
+                    alternate = _NORMAL_;// default base layers
+                    default_layer_set (_DEF_BASE_MASK);
+                } 
+# endif
+                // make the switch to the other Base layer
+                if (alternate) { // 
+                    layer_move (_ALT_BASE); 
+                }else{
+                    layer_move (_DEF_BASE);
+                }
+            }
+            break; 
+# endif
+        //     Switching to layers:
+        case CTO_BASE:
+        // User pressed upper/left button, while not on BASE layer: ‛escape’ from a layer to BASE layer.
+        // On BASE itself, that key is <Escape>.
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                ;
+            }
+            else { // key up
+                if (alternate) { // go to the alternate version (bit of a hack maybe, but all alternate
+                       // ... modes are non-zero)
+                    layer_move (_ALT_BASE); 
+                }else{
+                    layer_move (_DEF_BASE); 
+                }
+            } 
+            break;
+        case CTO_NUMS: // activates number-symbols layer
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                ; 
+            }
+            else { // key up, so that upon key down the target layer isn't already activated, triggering that key on up
+                if (alternate) { // go to the alternate version
+                    layer_move (_ALT_NSY); 
+                }else{
+                    layer_move (_DEF_NSY); 
+                }
+            } 
+            break; 
+        case CTO_ACCE: // Unicode layer
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                ;
+            }
+            else { // key up
+# ifndef REMOVE_ACC // This cuts out the whole _ACC layer.
+                layer_move (_ACC); // activates normal accented layer
+# else
+#     ifdef _ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+                layer_move (_ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER); // Alternative layer user configuration
+#     endif
+# endif
+            }
+            break; 
+        case CTO_DRAW: // Unicode layer
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                ;
+            }
+            else { // key up
+# ifndef REMOVE_DRA // This cuts out the whole _DRA layer.
+                layer_move (_DRA); // activates normal accented layer
+# else
+#     ifdef _DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+                layer_move (_DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER); // Alternative layer user configuration
+#     endif
+# endif
+            } 
+          break; 
+        // The below are a simulated LT(layer,kc), layer-tap. 
+        // Double-tap-hold repeater functionality: not done. 
+        // They switch what layer to use depending on 'alternate' variable
+        // Basically it starts the right layer on key down, goes back to base layer on key up,
+        // and throws in a keypress as well if tapped.
+        // It also integrates with DUO_HOLD, to reach the _BON layer.
+# ifndef CHOLTAP_ACCE_NOP // When this key has been eviscerated, this macro becomes useless
+        case CHOLTAP_ACCE: // Works with DUO_HOLD macro to activate one of several layers.
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                key_timer = timer_read ();
+                isolate_trigger = TRUE; // keep track of whether another key gets pressed.
+                duo_press_acc_bon ++; // This signals to the two DUO_HOLD keys, whether a move to _BON is desired.
+                if (duo_press_nsy_dra) { // One or more of the DUO_HOLD layer keys was already pressed; move to _BON
+#     ifndef REMOVE_BON // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+                    layer_move (_BON); // Bonus Unicode layer
+#     else
+#         ifdef _BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+                    layer_move (_BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER); // Alternative layer user configuration
+#         endif
+#     endif 
+                }else{ // pressed in isolation
+#     ifndef REMOVE_ACC // This cuts out the whole _ACC layer.
+                    layer_move (_ACC); // Accented layer
+#     else
+#         ifdef _ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+                    layer_move (_ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER); // Alternative layer user configuration
+#         endif
+#     endif 
+                }
+            }else{ // key up
+                duo_press_acc_bon --;
+                if (1 == duo_press_nsy_dra) { // One DUO_HOLD layer keys is still pressed; move to numbers/symbols
+                    if (_FULL_ == alternate) {
+                        layer_move (_ALT_NSY); 
+                    }else{
+                        layer_move (_DEF_NSY); 
+                    }
+                }else if (2 == duo_press_nsy_dra) { // Two of the DUO_HOLD layer keys are still pressed: move to _DRA
+#     ifndef REMOVE_DRA // This cuts out the whole _DRA layer.
+                    layer_move (_DRA); // activates normal accented layer
+#     else
+#         ifdef _DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+                    layer_move (_DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER); // Alternative layer user configuration
+#         endif
+#     endif
+                }else{
+                    if (alternate) { // No _DEF_NSY layer keys remain pressed; Go back to base layer
+                        layer_move (_ALT_BASE); 
+                    }else{
+                        layer_move (_DEF_BASE);
+                    }
+                }
+                // Pressed in isolation
+                if (isolate_trigger) 
+                {
+                    if (timer_elapsed (key_timer) <= TAPPING_TERM_HOLTAP) { // tapped
+                        SEND_STRING (SS_TAP (X_DEL));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+# endif // CHOLTAP_ACCE_NOP
+        case CHOLTAP_LAYR: //to _RAR on hold, otherwise a keycode
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                key_timer = timer_read ();
+                isolate_trigger = TRUE; // keep track of whether another key gets pressed.
+                SEND_STRING (SS_DOWN (X_RALT)); 
+# else
+                layer_move (_RAR); // activates descrambled drawings layer
+# endif
+            }else{ // key up
+                // Go back to base layer
+                if (speed_measure) speed_led (speed); // The _RAR layer overwrites the middle led, 
+                  //.. for use with alternate _HALF_ led colors (middle); thus needs to be set back to speed
+                  // led color upon leaving.
+                SEND_STRING (SS_UP (X_RALT)); 
+# else
+                if (alternate) { 
+                    layer_move (_ALT_BASE); 
+                }else{
+                    layer_move (_DEF_BASE);
+                }
+# endif
+                // Pressed in isolation
+                if (isolate_trigger) 
+                {
+                    if (timer_elapsed (key_timer) <= TAPPING_TERM_HOLTAP) { // tapped
+                        SEND_STRING (SS_TAP (X_RIGHT));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+# ifndef DUO_HOLD_BASIC
+        // This is the normal 'big' version, dealing with switching between _DEF_NSY/_ALT_NSY, _ACC, _DRA and _BON, in 
+        // .. conjunction with the CHOLTAP_ACCE macro.
+        case DUO_HOLD: // The macro around the split space-bar. Both keys come to this macro.
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                duo_press_nsy_dra ++; // simple way to keep track of how many are pressed
+                if (duo_press_acc_bon){ // Preceded by holding the _ACC/_BON layer switch key: move to _BON
+#     ifndef REMOVE_BON // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+                    layer_move (_BON); // Bonus Unicode layer
+#     else
+#         ifdef _BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+                    layer_move (_BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER); // Alternative layer user configuration
+#         endif
+#     endif 
+                }else if (1 == duo_press_nsy_dra) { // This is the first press of either of the DUO_HOLD keys on BASE
+                    if (_NORMAL_ == alternate) {
+                        layer_move (_DEF_NSY); 
+                    }else{
+                        layer_move (_ALT_NSY); 
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (2 == duo_press_nsy_dra) { // both are pressed
+#     ifndef REMOVE_DRA // This cuts out the whole _DRA layer.
+                    layer_move (_DRA); // activates normal accented layer
+#     else
+#         ifdef _DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+                    layer_move (_DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER); // Alternative layer user configuration
+#         endif
+#     endif
+                }
+            }else{ // key up
+                duo_press_nsy_dra --; 
+                if (1 == duo_press_nsy_dra) {
+                    if (duo_press_acc_bon){ // Still holding the _ACC/_BON layer switch key, and one DUO_HOLD keys
+#     ifndef REMOVE_BON // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+                    layer_move (_BON); // Bonus Unicode layer
+#     else
+#         ifdef _BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+                    layer_move (_BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER); // Alternative layer user configuration
+#         endif
+#     endif 
+                    }else{
+                        if (_NORMAL_ == alternate) { 
+                            layer_move (_DEF_NSY); 
+                        }else{
+                            layer_move (_ALT_NSY); 
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else { // Has to be zero.
+                    if (duo_press_acc_bon){ // Still holding the _ACC/_BON layer switch key, but zero DUO_HOLD layer keys
+#     ifndef REMOVE_ACC // This cuts out the whole _ACC layer.
+                        layer_move (_ACC); // Accented layer
+#     else
+#         ifdef _ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+                        layer_move (_ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER); // Alternative layer user configuration
+#         endif
+#     endif 
+                    }else{
+                         if (alternate) { // Back to letters
+                            layer_move (_ALT_BASE); 
+                         }else{
+                            layer_move (_DEF_BASE);
+                         }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+# else
+        // This is the eviscerated version, compiled when all Unicode layers _ACC, _DRA, _BON are cut, and layer key
+        // .. combinations have not been assigned other uses.
+        case DUO_HOLD: // The macro for the keys around the split space-bar. Both keys come to this macro.
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                duo_press_nsy_dra ++; // simple way to keep track of how many are pressed
+                if (0 != duo_press_nsy_dra) { // One or more of the DUO_HOLD keys is pressed
+                    if (_NORMAL_ == alternate) {
+                        layer_move (_DEF_NSY); 
+                    }else{
+                        layer_move (_ALT_NSY); 
+                    }
+                }
+            }else{ // key up
+                duo_press_nsy_dra --; 
+                if (0 == duo_press_nsy_dra) { // None of the DUO_HOLD keys remains pressed
+                    if (alternate) { // Back to letters
+                       layer_move (_ALT_BASE); 
+                    }else{
+                       layer_move (_DEF_BASE);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+# endif // DUO_HOLD_BASIC
+        //   When held the key is shift. When tapped it is computed if the tap is short enough,
+        // and if no other key was pressed, in which case: right-shift-up is a toggle to the _FUN layer.
+        // The timing is meant to be able to undo an erroneous shift press just by holding longer,
+        // and the test if another key was pressed is to prevent an erroneous detection when typing
+        // very fast.
+        //   The reason for this on shift is to isolate GUI, where _FUN was previously more easily
+        // located. No alternative tapping function with GUI because some systems do not treat GUI
+        // purely as a modifier it seems. Since it is a toggle anyway, _FUN can fit away from the thumb-hold row.
+        case CHOLTAP_RSHFT: // When tapped it toggles the _FUN layer, when held it is Shift
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                SEND_STRING (SS_DOWN (X_RSFT)); 
+                shift_ison = 1; // shift depressed
+                key_timer = timer_read ();
+                isolate_trigger = TRUE; // keep track of whether another key gets pressed until key-up
+            }else{ // key up
+                SEND_STRING (SS_UP (X_RSFT)); 
+                shift_ison = 0; // shift released
+                if (isolate_trigger) { // no other key was hit since key down 
+                    // Held medium long: _PAD, long: _MOV.
+                    // The reason to have a switch to _MOV on the left hand, is to be able to reach arrows on a toggle,
+                    // all by the left hand, when the right hand is on the mouse.
+                    if ((timer_elapsed (key_timer) <= 200)) { // tapped medium-long (milliseconds)
+# ifndef SWITCH_RSHIFT_FUN_RAR // user config to reverse what this key its timing toggles to
+                        layer_move (_FUN); // activates function layer as a toggle
+                    } else { // held for longer
+                        layer_move (_RAR); 
+# else
+                        layer_move (_RAR); // activates function layer as a toggle
+                    } else { // held for longer
+                        layer_move (_FUN); 
+# endif
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        // The left-shift version of the above keycode. User can configure something (_PAD is default)
+        case CHOLTAP_LSHFT: // When tapped it toggles the _MOV layer, when held it is Shift
+                            // _RAR was the first idea, but some of its keys are too dangerous regarding accidents.
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                SEND_STRING (SS_DOWN (X_LSFT)); 
+                shift_ison = 1; // shift depressed
+# ifndef REMOVE_PAD // The _PAD layer exists, we will use a timer …
+                key_timer = timer_read ();
+# endif
+                // This variable is re-used, for speed and because using both shifts is useless,
+                // .. thus very rare, and also not a usage problem if it occured.
+                isolate_trigger = TRUE; // keep track of whether another key gets pressed.
+            }else{ // key up
+                SEND_STRING (SS_UP (X_LSFT)); 
+                shift_ison = 0; // shift released
+                if (isolate_trigger) { // no other key was hit since key down 
+# ifndef REMOVE_PAD // The _PAD layer exists, differentiate meaning by timer.
+                    // Held medium long: _PAD, long: _MOV.
+                    // The reason to have a switch to _MOV on the left hand, is to be able to reach arrows on a toggle,
+                    // all by the left hand, when the right hand is on the mouse.
+                    if ((timer_elapsed (key_timer) <= 200)) { // tapped medium-long (milliseconds)
+#     ifndef SWITCH_LSHIFT_PAD_MOV // user config to reverse what this key its timing toggles to
+                        layer_move (_PAD); 
+                    } else { // held for longer
+                        layer_move (_MOV); 
+#     else
+                        layer_move (_MOV); 
+                    } else { // held for longer
+                        layer_move (_PAD); 
+#     endif
+                    }
+# else // _PAD layer was eviscerated
+                        layer_move (_MOV); 
+# endif
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case _FUN_STAY: // toggles if the f-keys return _FUN layer to BASE after one press
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (_fun_stay == FALSE) { 
+                    _fun_stay = TRUE;
+                }else{
+                    _fun_stay = FALSE;
+                }
+                indicate_fun_stay (); // leds
+            }
+            break;
+        case _MOV_UP: // To be sure it activates on up key, and not already has triggered the _MOV layer during up-key.
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+               ;
+            }else{ // key up
+               layer_move (_MOV);
+            }
+            break;
+# endif
+        // These keys are so disruptive on an erroneous key press, that they are behind a shift lock.
+        // When used unshifted, they print a memory aid string: their name.
+        case C_KC_PWR: 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (shift_ison) { 
+                    SEND_STRING (SS_TAP (X_PWR)); 
+                }else{
+                    SEND_STRING ("<POWER>"); // Memory aid
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case C_KC_WAKE:
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (shift_ison) { 
+                    SEND_STRING (SS_TAP (X_WAKE)); 
+                }else{
+                    SEND_STRING ("<WAKE>"); // Memory aid
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case C_KC_SLEP:
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (shift_ison) { 
+                    SEND_STRING (SS_TAP (X_SLEP)); 
+                }else{
+                    SEND_STRING ("<SLEEP>"); // Memory aid
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case C_KC_PAUS:
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (shift_ison) { 
+                    SEND_STRING (SS_TAP (X_PAUS)); 
+                }else{
+                    SEND_STRING ("<PAUSE>"); // Memory aid
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case LEDS_ON: // Toggles left/right leds on or off
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (leds_on == FALSE) { 
+                    leds_on = TRUE;
+                }else{
+                    leds_on = FALSE;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+# ifdef LEDS_OFF_BASE_DEF  // This messes with led effect on/off, so we need to track the state of this setting now.
+        case RGBTOG_: // Toggles middle led on or off
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (led_middle_on == FALSE) { 
+                    led_middle_on = TRUE;
+                    rgblight_enable_noeeprom (); 
+                }else{
+                    led_middle_on = FALSE;
+                    rgblight_disable_noeeprom (); 
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+# endif   
+        // Some keycodes treated specially for the two counting systems (speed, text size)
+        // Deletions:
+        case KC_BSPC: // non-counting speed
+        case KC_DEL: // non-counting speed
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (sizecount_measure) sizecount_chars--; // minus count for text size (removed a character)
+            }
+            break;
+        // White space for counting words
+        case LT__MOV__KC_ENT: // We want to count the <enter> for word-counts, sadly this looses the key repetition of LT(…)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                key_timer = timer_read ();
+                layer_move (_MOV);
+            }else{ // key up
+                 if (alternate) { // Back to letters
+                     layer_move (_ALT_BASE); 
+                 }else{
+                     layer_move (_DEF_BASE);
+                 }
+                 if (timer_elapsed (key_timer) <= TAPPING_TERM_HOLTAP) { // tapped
+                     send_string ("\n");
+                     if (sizecount_measure) {
+                         sizecount_chars++;
+                         if (sizecount_word) sizecount_blanks++; // count a word
+                         sizecount_word = FALSE; // don't count immediately next blank as a word
+                     }
+                 }
+            }
+            break;
+        // Word counting
+        case KC_SPC:
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (sizecount_measure) {
+                    sizecount_chars++;
+                    if (sizecount_word) sizecount_blanks++; // count a word
+                    sizecount_word = FALSE; // don't count immediately next blank as a word
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        // These are excluded from counting for text size/speed, they prevent the “default“ in the case statement to execute.
+        case KC_LEFT:
+        case KC_UP:
+        case KC_DOWN:
+        case KC_RIGHT:
+        case KC_PGUP:
+        case KC_PGDN:
+        case KC_HOME:
+        case KC_END:
+        case LALT_T ( KC_LEFT ):
+            if (speed_measure) speed_countdown++; // Navigation could be integral to someone typing and correcting mistakes,
+                                                  // but those keys don't add any text.
+        // Mouse movement is discounted in both speed and text size
+        case KC_WH_L:
+        case KC_WH_D:
+        case KC_WH_U:
+        case KC_WH_R:
+        case KC_MS_L:
+        case KC_MS_D:
+        case KC_MS_U:
+        case KC_MS_R:
+        case KC_BTN1:
+        case KC_BTN5:
+        case KC_BTN4:
+        case KC_BTN3:
+        case KC_BTN2:
+            break;
+        default: // If something else, it is a speed- and text measurement counting key
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                if (speed_measure) speed_countdown--;
+                if (sizecount_measure) sizecount_chars++; 
+            }
+    }
+    // If speed measuring is on, count keypresses
+    // The idea is to more/less follow common standard with typing speed counting: shift is not counted,
+    // layer-switching or its equivalent is neither. Arrows are not counted. 
+    if (speed_measure) {
+        if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+            if (0 >= speed_countdown) {
+                // key presses per second, but times ten for added precision of one digit
+                // This calculation quickly looses precision if not calculated with high enough numbers, but low enough to fit.
+                speed = (int) ( (SPEED_COUNTDOWN * 1000 ) / ((timer_read32 () - speed_counttime)/10) ); // counts time in ms
+                speed_led (speed); // updates led
+                // record for average
+                if (0 < (speed/10)) { // ignore 0 k/s batches, we assume the typer took a break
+                    speed_batches++; 
+                    speed_add += speed; 
+                }
+                // reset for next batch
+                speed_countdown = SPEED_COUNTDOWN; // reset
+                speed_counttime = timer_read32 ();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // For word-counting, ignore double blanks
+    if (sizecount_measure) {
+        if (record->event.pressed) { 
+            bool within = TRUE; // When text size is maximized, this indicates we are not yet at that maximum.
+            unsigned short size_fraction = 0; // Used to compute led color as a fraction of a set maximum which is already typed.
+# endif
+            // ignoring blanks wordcount
+            if ((keycode != KC_SPC)
+                 &&
+                (keycode != KC_TAB) // This is ok, but a tab on BASE layer combo with Control, is not caught by this XXX (problem ignored, I never write Tab in a text worth counting)
+                 &&
+                (keycode != LT__MOV__KC_ENT)
+                 &&
+                (keycode != LT__MOV__KC_ENT)) {
+                sizecount_word = TRUE; // current key is not a blank, so we set this trigger for next key press
+            }
+            // computing maximum count effects: leds
+            if (0 != sizecount_max) { 
+                if (SIZECOUNT_WORD == sizecount_max_type) {
+                    if (sizecount_blanks > sizecount_max) within = FALSE;
+                }else{ // count chars
+                    if (sizecount_chars > sizecount_max) within = FALSE;
+                }
+                // led colors
+                if (within) { // green to red middle led
+                    if (SIZECOUNT_WORD == sizecount_max_type) {
+                        size_fraction = (90 * sizecount_blanks) / sizecount_max; 
+                    }else{
+                        size_fraction = (90 * sizecount_chars) / sizecount_max;
+                    } 
+                    rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (90 - size_fraction , 255, 255); // green to red, full saturation, full lit
+# endif
+                }else{ // when at or over the limit: blink led red/white
+                    if ((KC_BSPC != keycode) 
+                         && (KC_DEL != keycode) // User already deleting, doubling is confusing
+                         && (CHOLTAP_LAYR != keycode)) { // This brings up the _RAR layer, to access the Count settings.
+                        SEND_STRING (SS_TAP(X_BSPC)); // refuses to type further, the user is stopped from typing to make it obvious
+                    }
+                    if (sizecount_chars & 0x1) { // flip by every keypress
+                        rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_RED);
+                    }else{
+                        rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom (HSV_WHITE); 
+                    }
+# endif
+                }
+                rgblight_set (); // only center led is altered, no need to go through isolate_rgblight_set()
+# endif
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Simple macros, printing a character.
+    switch (keycode) {
+        /* _ACC layer definitions. */
+   // ------------------------- row 4
+# ifndef REMOVE_ACC // This cuts out the whole _ACC layer.
+        case XP_ACC_AA: // because a 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CAL_ACU, CAU_ACU);//  á Á
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_AB: // because o (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (COL_ACU, COU_ACU);// ó Ó
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_AC: // because e (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CEL_ACU, CEU_ACU);// é É
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_AD: // because u (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CUL_ACU, CUU_ACU);// ú Ú
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_AE: // because i (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CIL_ACU, CIU_ACU);// í Í 
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_AF: // Because near Y 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CYL_ACU, CYU_ACU);// ý Ý
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_AG: // because near Y 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CIJL_BI, CIJU_BI);// ij IJ
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_AH: // because c (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CCL_CDL, CCU_CDL);// ç Ç
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_AI: // because ring-finger left is o (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (COL_STK, COU_STK);// ø Ø
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_AJ: // because pinky finger left is a 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CAL_RNG, CAU_RNG);// å Å
+            }
+            break;
+   // ------------------------- row 3
+        case XP_ACC_BA: // because a 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CAL_DIA, CAU_DIA);// ä Ä
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BB: // because o (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (COL_DIA, COU_DIA);// ö Ö
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BC: // because e (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CEL_DIA, CEU_DIA);// ë Ë
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BD: // because u (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CUL_DIA, CUU_DIA);// ü Ü
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BE: // because i
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CIL_DIA, CIU_DIA);// ï Ï
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BF: // because near y
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CYL_DIA, CYU_DIA);// ÿ Ÿ
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BG: // because vague logic about other hand having ae near on similar fingers
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (COEL_BI, COEU_BI);// œ Œ
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BH: // because near œ, toward the side of a (pinky)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CAEL_BI, CAEU_BI);// æ Æ
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BI: // because n
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CNL_TLD, CNU_TLD);// ñ Ñ
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BJ: // because s
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CSL_SHP);// ß ß
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_BK: // because roughly the location on French keyboard
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output_single (C_MU_L);// μ
+            }
+            break;
+   // ------------------------- row 2
+        case XP_ACC_CA: // because a
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CAL_GRA, CAU_GRA);//à À
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_CB: // because o (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (COL_GRA, COU_GRA);// ò Ò
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_CC: // because e (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CEL_GRA, CEU_GRA);// è È
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_CD: // because u (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CUL_GRA, CUU_GRA);// ù Ù
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_CE: // because i (Dvorak)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CIL_GRA, CIU_GRA);// ì Ì
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_CF: // because other hand same finger i
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CIL_CAR, CIU_CAR);// î Î
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_CG: // because  other hand same finger u 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CUL_CAR, CUU_CAR);// û Û
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_CH: // because  other hand same finger e 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CEL_CAR, CEU_CAR);// ê Ê
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_CI: // because  other hand same finger o 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (COL_CAR, COU_CAR);// ô Ô
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_ACC_CJ: // because  other hand same finger a 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CAL_CAR, CAU_CAR);// â Â
+            }
+            break;
+# endif // REMOVE_ACC // This cuts out the whole _ACC layer.
+        /* _DRA layer definitions. */
+# ifndef REMOVE_DRA // This cuts out the whole _DRA layer
+   // ------------------------- row 4
+        case XP_DRA_AA: // because '", the opening „“ at the ‛open’ of the keyboard (left/up)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_DQUHR, CS_DQUL);// “ „
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_DQUHR);// “
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_AB: // because to the right of opening “, ≤ on <
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#    ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_DQUH, CS_ELTHAN);// ” ≤
+#    else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_DQUH);// ”
+#    endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_AC: // because this is where the £ is on an English keyboard, on 'any' money symbols ¤; ≥ on >
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_POUND, CS_EGTHAN);// £ ≥
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_POUND);// £
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_AD: // because ∅ looks like ¢, and ¢ (cent) is on $ (money) ?
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_NONE, CS_CENT);// ∅ ¢
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_AE: // because percentages %‰‱ and money ƒ are numerical ?
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_PLMI, CS_LGULDEN);// ± ƒ
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_PLMI);// ±
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_AF: // Because left of 🙂, on top of ★
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_FLEUR, CS_HEART);// ❦ ♥
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_HEART);// ♥
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_AG: // because 😊 ⍨ 
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_SMIL, CS_SAD_);// 🙂 🙁
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_AH: // because «no reason», next to 😊 (emoticons)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_THUP, CS_THDN);// 👍 👎
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_AI: // because (
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_OPSUP, CS_OPSUB);// ⁽ ₍
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_AJ: // because )
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_CPSUP, CS_CPSUB);// ⁾ ₎
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+   // ------------------------- row 3
+        case XP_DRA_BA: // because 1
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_1SUP, CN_1SUB);// ¹ ₁
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_1SUP);// ¹ 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_BB: // because 2
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_2SUP, CN_2SUB);// ² ₂
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_2SUP);// ²
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_BC: // because 3
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_3SUP, CN_3SUB);// ³ ₃
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_3SUP);// ³
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_BD: // because 4
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_4SUP, CN_4SUB);// ⁴ ₄
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_4SUP);// ⁴
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_BE: // because 5
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_5SUP, CN_5SUB);// ⁵ ₅
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_5SUP);// ⁵
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_BF: // because 6
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_6SUP, CN_6SUB);// ⁶ ₆
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_6SUP);// ⁶
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_BG: // because 7
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_7SUP, CN_7SUB);// ⁷ ₇
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_7SUP);// ⁷
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_BH: // because 8
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_8SUP, CN_8SUB);// ⁸ ₈
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_8SUP);// ⁸
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_BI: // because 9
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_9SUP, CN_9SUB);// ⁹ ₉
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_9SUP);// ⁹
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_BJ: // because 0
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS 
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_0SUP, CN_0SUB);// ⁰ ₀
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_0SUP);// ⁰
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+   // ------------------------- row 2
+        case XP_DRA_CA: // because [
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_OCBRA, CB_HHORI);// 「 ━
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CB_HHORI);// ━
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_CB: // because ]
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_CCBRA, CB_LHORI);// 」 ─
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CB_LHORI);// ─
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_CC: // because «no reason»
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_DEGREE, CS_CIRCLE);// ° 〇
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_DEGREE);// °
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_CD: // because «no reason»
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_BULLET, CS_PARA);// • §
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_BULLET);// •
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_CE: // because «no reason»
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_ELLIPS, CS_MIDDOT);// … ·
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_ELLIPS);// … 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_CF: // because «no reason» (+ resembles ‛☒’ ?), ✗
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_CHECK_B, CS_CHECK_N);// ☐ ☒
+            }
+            break;
+# endif
+        // This one must be included for _RAR layer
+        case XP_DRA_CG: // because next to ✗ ☐ ☒
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_CHECK_Y, CS_CHECK_H);// ☑ 🗹
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_CHECK_Y);// ☑ 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+# ifndef REMOVE_DRA // This cuts out the whole _DRA layer
+        case XP_DRA_CH: // because ?
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CQU_INV, CEX_INV);// ¿ ¡
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_CI: // because {, ┄ «no reason» (opposite side from ━)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_ODABRA, CB_LHORID);// 《 ┄ 
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CB_LHORID);// ┄ 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_DRA_CJ: // because }, ┅ «no reason» (opposite side from ─)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_CDABRA, CB_HHORID);// 》 ┅
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CB_HHORID);// ┅
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+# endif // REMOVE_DRA
+        /* _BON layer definitions. Due to running out of X(…), XP(…) space.*/
+   // ------------------------- row 4
+# ifndef REMOVE_BON // Removes this layer entirely, if set.
+        case XP_BON_AA: // because of ' "
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_HQUOSB, CS_USER_DEFINED);// ‛ 🛠
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_HQUOSB);// ‛ 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_AB: // because of <, because "WASD" on _MOV
+   //  0x2019, single quotation mark: ’
+   // 0x2B06 arrow up: ⬆
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_HQUOSE, CS_ARR_UP);// ’ ⬆
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_AC: // because of >
+   // 0x00A4 any currency symbol: ¤
+   // 0x1F12F  Copyleft: 🄯 (means free to copy, see also © for not free to copy.)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+            unicode_hex2output (CS_CURREN, CS_COPYL);// ¤ 🄯 
+#     else
+            unicode_hex2output_single (CS_CURREN);// ¤
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_AD: // because $ and ¢ can be about money, and money is often added together
+                        // because … no reason, left over space.
+   //  0x2211,  summation: ∑
+   //  0xA9, copyright: ©
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+            unicode_hex2output (CS_CUMMU, CS_COPY);// ∑ ©
+#     else
+            unicode_hex2output_single (CS_CUMMU);// ∑
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_AE: // because % for percent
+   //  0x2030,//  promille: ‰
+   //  0x2031,//  pro ten thousandth: ‱
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_PROM, CS_PROTT);// ‰ ‱
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_PROM);// ‰
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_AF: // Because ♥ is a star, ❦ and stars can be used as bullet points
+   //  0x2605, star: ★
+   //  0x066D, star small: ٭
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_STARB, CS_STARL);// ★ ٭
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_STARB);// ★
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_AG: // because of 🙂 🙁
+   //  0x1f60A,// <smile> ^^  😊
+   //  0x2368,//  "Squiggly" face <sad>  ⍨
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_SMILP, CS_SQUIG);// 😊 ⍨
+            }
+#     endif
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_AH: // because * also for multiply, because asterisk *
+   //  0x00D7,//  multiply: ×
+   //  0x20F0     high asterisk:  ⃰(this thing seems to behave a bit weird in vim(1) or terminal)
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_MULT, CS_ASTL);// ×  ⃰
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_MULT);// × 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_AI: // because ø sort of seems to divide something, and √ also does that, and close to ⁻⁺ (exponential)
+   //  0x221A,//  square root: √
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+            unicode_hex2output_single (CS_SQRT);// √ 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_AJ: // because å points in the circle where this exponential minus goes, and it is right/"up" on the board
+                        // because ⁻⁺ belong together
+   //  0x207B,//  exponential minus sign: ⁻
+   //  0x207A,//  exponential plus: ⁺
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_EXPMIN, CS_EXPPLS);// ⁻ ⁺
+            }
+#     endif
+            break;
+   // ------------------------- row 3
+        case XP_BON_BA: // because 1, because "WASD" on _MOV (depending on setup)
+   //  0x2460,   "1" : ①
+   //  0x2B05, arrow left: ⬅
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_1CIRC, CS_ARR_LE);// ① ⬅
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BB: // because 2, because "WASD" on _MOV (depending)
+   //  0x2461,   "2" : ② 
+   //  0x2B07, arrow down: ⬇
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_2CIRC, CS_ARR_DN);// ② ⬇
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BC: // because 3, because "WASD" on _MOV (depending)
+   //  0x2462,   "3" : ③
+   //  0x27A1, arrow right: ➡
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_3CIRC, CS_ARR_RI);// ③ ➡
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BD: // because 4, because ┏ forms a box with the other box drawings to the right/down
+   //  0x2463,   "4" : ④
+   //  0x250F, box drawing heavy: ┏
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_4CIRC, CB_C_RIDN);// ④ ┏
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_4CIRC);// ④
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BE: // because 5, because ┓ forms a box
+   //  0x2513,box drawing heavy: ┓
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_5CIRC, CB_C_LEDN);// ⑤ ┓
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_5CIRC);// ⑤ 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BF: // because 6, because ┃ continues box block
+   //  0x2465,   "6" : ⑥
+   //  0x2503, box drawing heavy: ┃
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_6CIRC, CB_VE);// ⑥ ┃
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_6CIRC);// ⑥ 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BG: // because 7, because ┇ continues box block
+   //  0x2466,   "7" : ⑦
+   //  0x2507,    dotted line verticle (heavy): ┇
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_7CIRC, CB_VE_DOT);// ⑦ ┇
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_7CIRC);// ⑦ 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BH: // because 8, ╋ because 8 also has a crossing line in it
+   //  0x254B, crossing lines: ╋
+   //  0x2467,   "8" : ⑨
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#     ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_8CIRC, CB_VE_BI);// ⑧ ╋
+#     else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_8CIRC);// ⑧ 
+#     endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BI: // because 9
+   //  0x2468,   "9" : ⑨
+   //  0x2513,box drawing heavy: ┓
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CN_9CIRC);// ⑨ 
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BJ: // because 0, because a "0" can also be a symbol for infinity, round & round
+   //  0x24EA,   "0" : ⓪
+   //  0x221E,//  infinity:∞
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CN_0CIRC, CS_INFIN);// ⓪ ∞
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_BK: // because -, because ~
+   //  0x2014,// dash: — (might not render differently than a hyphen - in some applications. Dash is longer).
+   //  0x2248,// about equal to: ≈
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_DASH, CS_ABOUT);// — ≈
+            }
+            break;
+   // ------------------------- row 2
+        case XP_BON_CA: // because 1 above, because 「[
+   //  0x2039, opening single corner quotation: ‹
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_GUILSLE);//  ‹
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_CB: // because 2 above, because 」]
+   //  0x203A, closing sinle corner quotation: ›
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_GUILSRI);//  ›
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_CC: // because 3 above, because / (division)
+   //  0x00F7,//  division: ÷
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_DIVI);//  ÷
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_CD: // because 4 above, ┗ because forms box
+   //  0x261E, hand bullet point: ☞
+   //  0x2517, box drawing heavy: ┗
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#    ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_FINGER, CB_C_RIUP);//  ☞ ┗
+#    else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_FINGER);//  ☞
+#    endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_CE: // because 5 above, because =, ┛ because forms box
+   //  0x2260,//  inequal: ≠
+   //  0x251B, box drawing heavy: ┛
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#    ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_UNEQL, CB_C_LEUP);//  ≠ ┛
+#    else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_UNEQL);//  ≠
+#    endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_CF: // because ☒ , ┣ box drawings block, some place
+   //  0x2717, cross mark: ✗ (complements ✓)
+   //  0x2523, box drawing: ┣
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#    ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_BOTCH, CB_VE_RI);//  ✗ ┣
+#    else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_BOTCH);//  ✗ 
+#    endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_CG: // because 7 above, because ☑ 🗹 , ┫ complements with key to its left
+   //  0x2713, checkmark: ✓ 
+   //  0x252B, box drawing: ┫
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+#    ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS
+                unicode_hex2output (CS_CHECK, CB_VE_LE);//  ✓ ┫
+#    else
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_CHECK);//  ✓
+#    endif
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_CH: // because 8 above, because ¡ (inverted exclamation mark)
+   //  0x26A0,//  alert: ⚠
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_ALERT);//  ⚠
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_CI: // because 9 above, because 《
+   //  0xAB, French quotation opening: «
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_GUILLE);//  «
+            }
+            break;
+        case XP_BON_CJ: // because 0 above, because 》
+   //  0xBB, French quotation closing: »
+            if (record->event.pressed) { // key down
+                unicode_hex2output_single (CS_GUILRI);//  »
+            }
+            break;
+# endif // REMOVE_BON 
+    }
+    return true;
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/unicode_macros.h b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/unicode_macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5969525ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/unicode_macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Remainder: © 2019 by J.B. <joshb@xs4all.nl>
+ *
+ */
+#pragma once
+/* This file contains function declarations for functions used in
+ * unicode_macros.c
+ */
+#define PRESCRAMBLED_U "f"  // This is the letter 'u' for Unicode input, as effective on GNU/Debian/Linux 10 set to Dvorak
+static uint16_t key_timer; // Used in _DDL to differentiate layer switching in half or full descramble mode.
+                           // In 'full' mode it goes to _DDD and _DDA Unicode layers, in 'half' mode to _DRA and _ACC.
+short duo_press_nsy_dra = 0; // This remembers how many of the duo-press keys are being pressed: _NSY / _DRA layers
+short duo_press_acc_bon = 0; // This remembers how many of the duo-press keys are being pressed: _ACC / _BON layers
+void deactivate_all_but (int layer);
+void activate_this_layer (int layer);
+void indicate_base (void);
+void leds_show_off (void);
+void speed_report (int speed);
+void speed_led (int speed);
+void indicate_fun_stay (void);
+int write_number (long int input, short divide10); 
+void isolate_rgblight_set (void);
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/unicode_weurope.h b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/unicode_weurope.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56a50b80c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/unicode_weurope.h
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Author: © 2019, 2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+/*        An amount of Unicode #defines
+ *        - western european accented characters
+ *        - various punctuation symbols, different number formats, math symbols, other symbols. 
+ */
+    // a lower case variants
+#define CAL_ACU  0xe1 //   'C' for Costum 'A' for a, 'L' for lower, "ACU" for acute: á
+#define CAL_CAR  0xe2 //        ''              ''        ''        "CAR" for caret: â
+#define CAL_DIA  0xe4 //        ''              ''        ''        "DIA" for diaereses: ä
+#define CAL_GRA  0xe0 //        ''              ''        ''        "GRA" for grave: à
+      // A upper case variants
+#define CAU_ACU  0xc1 //        ''              ''   'U' for upper, "ACU" for acute: Á
+#define CAU_CAR  0xc2 //        ''              ''        ''        "CAR" for caret: Â
+#define CAU_DIA  0xc4 //        ''              ''        ''        "DIA" for diaereses: Ä
+#define CAU_GRA  0xc0 //        ''              ''        ''        "GRA" for grave: À
+    // A with ring (Scandinavia)
+#define CAL_RNG  0xe5 //        ''        'A' for a, 'L' for lower, "RNG" for Ring: å
+#define CAU_RNG  0xc5 //        ''             ''    'U' for upper,        ''     : Å
+    // AE (French)          
+#define CAEL_BI  0xe6 //        ''        "AE" for ae, 'L' for lower        ''              : æ
+#define CAEU_BI  0xc6 //        ''              ''     'U' for upper,       ''              : Æ
+    // OE (French)
+#define COEL_BI  0x153 //       ''        "AO" for ao, 'L' for lower, "BI" for two-character: œ
+#define COEU_BI  0x152 //       ''              ''     'U' for upper,       ''              ; Œ
+   // Mu (French)
+#define C_MU_L   0x03BC //      ''        "MU" for Mu (Greek letter), 'L' for lower: 
+    // C with cedilla
+#define CCL_CDL  0xe7 //        ''        'C' for c, 'L' for lower, "CDL" for cedilla: ç 
+#define CCU_CDL  0xc7 //        ''             ''    'U' for upper,        ''        : Ç
+    // e lower case variants
+#define CEL_ACU  0xe9 //   'C' for Costum 'E' for e, 'L' for lower, "ACU" for acute: é
+#define CEL_CAR  0xea //        ''              ''        ''        "CAR" for caret: ê
+#define CEL_DIA  0xeb //        ''              ''        ''        "DIA" for diaereses: ë
+#define CEL_GRA  0xe8 //        ''              ''        ''        "GRA" for grave: è
+      // E upper case variants
+#define CEU_ACU  0xc9 //        ''              ''   'U' for uuper, "ACU" for acute: É
+#define CEU_CAR  0xca //        ''              ''        ''        "CAR" for caret: Ê
+#define CEU_DIA  0xcb //        ''              ''        ''        "DIA" for diaereses: Ë
+#define CEU_GRA  0xc8 //        ''              ''        ''        "GRA" for grave: È
+    // i lower case variants
+#define CIL_ACU  0xed //        ''         'I' for i, 'L' for lower, "ACU" for acute: í
+#define CIL_CAR  0xee //        ''              ''         ''        "CAR" for caret: î
+#define CIL_DIA  0xef //        ''              ''         ''        "DIA" for diaereses: ï
+#define CIL_GRA  0xec //        ''              ''         ''        "GRA" for grave: ì
+      // I upper case variants
+#define CIU_ACU  0xcd //        ''              ''    'U' for upper, "ACU" for acute: Í
+#define CIU_CAR  0xce //        ''              ''         ''        "CAR" for caret: Î
+#define CIU_DIA  0xcf //        ''              ''         ''        "DIA" for diaereses: Ï
+#define CIU_GRA  0xcc //        ''              ''         ''        "GRA" for grave: Ì
+    // N with tilde
+#define CNL_TLD  0xf1 //        ''        'N' for n, 'L' for lower, "TLD" for tilde: ñ
+#define CNU_TLD  0xd1 //        ''             ''    'U' for upper,        ''      : Ñ
+    //Spanish additional symbols:
+#define CEX_INV  0xa1 //        ''        "EX" for exclamation mark, "INV" for inverted: ¡
+#define CQU_INV  0xbf //        ''        "QU" for question mark,           ''         : ¿
+    // o lower case variants
+#define COL_ACU  0xf3 //   'C' for Costum 'O' for a, 'L' for lower, "ACU" for acute: ó
+#define COL_CAR  0xf4 //        ''              ''        ''        "CAR" for caret: ô
+#define COL_DIA  0xf6 //        ''              ''        ''        "DIA" for diaereses: ö
+#define COL_GRA  0xf2 //        ''              ''        ''        "GRA" for grave: ò
+      // O upper case variants
+#define COU_ACU  0xd3 //        ''              ''   'U' for upper, "ACU" for acute: Ó
+#define COU_CAR  0xd4 //        ''              ''        ''        "CAR" for caret: Ô
+#define COU_DIA  0xd6 //        ''              ''        ''        "DIA" for diaereses: Ö
+#define COU_GRA  0xd2 //        ''              ''        ''        "GRA" for grave: Ò
+    // O with stroke (Scandinavia)
+#define COL_STK  0xf8 //        ''        'O' for o, 'L' for lower, "STK" for Stroke: ø
+#define COU_STK  0xd8 //        ''             ''    'U' for upper,        ''       : Ø
+    // u lower case variants
+#define CUL_ACU  0xfa //    'C' for Costum 'U' for u, 'L' for lower, "ACU" for acute: ú
+#define CUL_CAR  0xfb //        ''              ''        ''        "CAR" for caret: û
+#define CUL_DIA  0xfc //        ''              ''        ''        "DIA" for diaereses: ü
+#define CUL_GRA  0xf9 //        ''              ''        ''        "GRA" for grave: ù
+      // U upper case variants
+#define CUU_ACU  0xda //        ''        'U' for u, 'U' for upper, "ACU" for acute: Ú
+#define CUU_CAR  0xdb //        ''              ''        ''        "CAR" for caret: Û
+#define CUU_DIA  0xdc //        ''              ''        ''        "DIA" for diaereses: Ü
+#define CUU_GRA  0xd9 //        ''              ''        ''        "GRA" for grave: Ù
+    // Y with acute
+#define CYL_ACU  0xfd //        ''        'Y' for y, 'L' for lower, "ACU" for Acute: ý
+#define CYU_ACU  0xdd //        ''             ''    'U' for upper,        ''      : Ý
+    // Y with diaereses
+#define CYL_DIA  0xff //        ''        'Y' for y, 'L' for lower, "DIA" for Diareses: ÿ
+#define CYU_DIA  0x178 //       ''             ''    'U' for upper,        ''         : Ÿ
+    // Dutch IJ 
+#define CIJL_BI  0x133 //       ''        'IJ' for ij, 'L' for lower, BI for two-character: ij
+#define CIJU_BI  0x132 //       ''              ''   , 'U' for upper      ''              : IJ
+    //German:
+     // sharp s 
+#define CSL_SHP  0xdf //        ''         'S' for s, 'L' for lower, "SHP" for sharp: ß
+    // Some Unicode symbols that might be handy
+      // Happy symbols:
+#define CS_SMIL  0x1f642 // "C" for costum, "S" for symbol , "SMIL"  for <smile> 🙂 
+#define CS_SMILP 0x1F60A //     ''        ,     ''         , "SMIL" for smile, "P" for plus: 😊
+#define CS_THUP  0x1f44d //     ''        ,     ''         , "THUP"  for <thumb up> 👍 
+      //Sad symbols
+#define CS_SAD_  0x1f641 //     ''        ,     ''         , "SAD_"   for  <sad face>  🙁 
+#define CS_SQUIG 0x2368 //      ''        ,     ''         , "SQUIG" for squigly face: ⍨
+#define CS_THDN  0x1f44e //     ''        ,     ''         , "THDN"  for <thumb down>  👎 
+// Punctuation
+#define CS_ASTL    0x20F0 //    ''     ,    ''       , "AST" for asterisk, "L" for little:  ⃰
+#define CS_DASH    0x2014 //    ''     ,    ''       , "DASH" for dash (a longer hyphen, if rendered correctly): —
+#define CS_DQUH    0x201D //    ''     ,    ''       , "D" for double, "QU" for quote, "H" for high: ”
+#define CS_DQUHR   0x201C //    ''     ,    ''       ,     ''       ,       ,,       ,     ''      , "R" for reverse: “
+#define CS_DQUL    0x201E //    ''     ,    ''       ,                               , "L" for low: „
+#define CS_GUILLE  0xAB //      ''     ,    ''       , "GUIL" for guillemet (French quotation), "LE" for left-pointing: «
+#define CS_GUILRI  0xBB //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                              , "RI" for right-pointing: »
+#define CS_GUILSLE 0x2039 //    ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                              , "S" for simple, "LE" for left-pointing: ‹
+#define CS_GUILSRI 0x203A //    ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                              ,     ''        , "RI" for right-pointing: ›
+#define CS_HQUOSB  0x201B //    ''     ,    ''       , "H" for high, "QUO" for quote, "S" for single, "B" for begin: ‛
+#define CS_HQUOSE  0x2019 //    ''     ,    ''       ,     ''              ''             ''        , "E" for end: ’
+     // Unusual parenthesis types
+#define CS_OCBRA  0x300c //     ''     ,    ''       , "O" for opening, "C" for corner, "BRA" for bracket:「
+#define CS_CCBRA  0x300d //     ''     ,    ''       , "C" for closing,     ''                ''         : 」
+#define CS_ODABRA 0x300a //     ''          ''       , "O" for opening, "D" for double, "A" for angled, "BRA" for bracket:《
+#define CS_CDABRA 0x300b //     ''     ,    ''       , "C" for closing,     ''              ''                ''         : 》
+     // currency
+#define CS_LGULDEN  UNICODE_CURRENCY //    ''        , "L" for lower, "GULDEN" for gulden (guilder): ƒ
+                // ^ special case for easy user configuration
+#define CS_CURREN 0xA4 //       ''     ,        ''   , "CURREN" for currency, 'any currency' symbol: ¤
+#define CS_POUND  0xA3 //       ''     ,        ''   , "POUND" for pound: £
+#define CS_CENT   0xA2 //       ''     ,        ''   , "CENT" for cent: ¢
+    // legal
+#define CS_COPY   0xA9 //       ''     ,        ''   , "COPY" for copyright: 
+#define CS_COPYL  0x1F12F  //   ''     ,        ''   , "COPY" for Copyright, "L" for left: 
+     // circle, dots, bullet points
+#define CS_BULLET 0x2022 //     ''     ,        ''   , "BULLET" for bullet: •
+#define CS_CIRCLE 0x3007 //     ''     ,        ''   , "CIRCLE" for circle: 〇
+#define CS_DEGREE 0xB0   //     ''     ,        ''   , "DEGREE" for degree: °
+#define CS_ELLIPS 0x2026 //     ''     ,        ''   , "ELLIPS" for bullet: …
+#define CS_FINGER 0x261E //     ''     ,        ''   , "FINGER" for finger: ☞
+#define CS_MIDDOT 0x00B7 //     ''     ,        ''   , "MIDDOT" for mid dot: ·
+#define CS_PARA   0x00A7 //     ''     ,        ''   , "PARA" for paragraaf: §
+     // super and sub script numbers
+#define CN_0SUB  0x2080 //      ''     , N for number, "SUB" for sub-script or "SUP" for super-script:₀
+#define CN_0SUP  0x2070 //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :⁰
+#define CN_1SUB  0x2081 //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                                     :₁
+#define CN_1SUP  0xB9   //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :¹
+#define CN_2SUB  0x2082 //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                                     :₂
+#define CN_2SUP  0xB2   //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :²
+#define CN_3SUB  0x2083 //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                                     :₃
+#define CN_3SUP  0xB3   //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :³
+#define CN_4SUB  0x2084 //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                                     :₄
+#define CN_4SUP  0x2074 //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :⁴
+#define CN_5SUB  0x2085 //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                                     :₅
+#define CN_5SUP  0x2075 //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :⁵
+#define CN_6SUB  0x2086 //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                                     :₆
+#define CN_6SUP  0x2076 //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :⁶
+#define CN_7SUB  0x2087 //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                                     :₇
+#define CN_7SUP  0x2077 //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :⁷
+#define CN_8SUB  0x2088 //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                                     :₈
+#define CN_8SUP  0x2078 //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :⁸
+#define CN_9SUB  0x2089 //      ''     ,    ''       ,        ''                                     :₉
+#define CN_9SUP  0x2079 //      ''     ,    ''       ,                           ''                  :⁹
+// Exponent symbols
+#define CS_CPSUB  0x208E //   ''     ,    ''       , "C" for closing, "P" for paranthesis, "SUB" for subscript: ₎
+#define CS_OPSUB  0x208D //   ''     ,    ''       , "O" for opening,     ''             ,       ''           : ₍
+#define CS_CPSUP  0x207E //   ''     ,    ''       , "C" for closing,     ''             , "SUP" for superscript: ⁾
+#define CS_OPSUP  0x207D //   ''     ,    ''       , "O" for opening:     ''             ,       ''             : ⁽
+#define CS_EXPMIN 0x207B //   ''     ,    ''       , "EXP" for exponent, "MIN" for minus : ⁻
+#define CS_EXPPLS 0x207A //   ''     ,    ''       ,       ''          , "PLS" for plus : ⁺
+// Math
+#define CS_ABOUT  0x2248 //   ''     ,    ''       , "ABOUT" for about equal: ≈
+#define CS_CUMMU  0x2211 //   ''     ,    ''       , "CUMMU" for cummulative: ∑
+#define CS_DIVI   0xF7 //     ''     ,    ''       , "DIVI" for division: ÷
+#define CS_EGTHAN 0x2265 //   ''     ,    ''       , "E" for equal, "G" for or-greater, "THAN" for than: ≥
+#define CS_ELTHAN 0x2264 //   ''     ,    ''       , "E" for equal, "L" for or-less, "THAN" for than: ≤
+#define CS_INFIN  0x221E //   ''     ,    ''       , "INFIN" for infinity: ∞
+#define CS_MULT   0xD7 //     ''     ,    ''       , "MULTI" for multiplication: ×
+#define CS_NONE   0x2205 //   ''     ,    ''       , "NONE" for empty-set / no-solution: ∅ 
+#define CS_PLMI   0xB1   //   ''     ,    ''       , "PLMI" for plus-minus; ±
+#define CS_PROM   0x2030 //   ''     ,    ''       , "PROM" for promille: ‰
+#define CS_PROTT  0x2031 //   ''     ,    ''       , "PRO" for pro-, "TT" for ten-thousandth: ‱
+#define CS_SQRT   0x221A //   ''     ,    ''       , "SQRT" for square root: √
+#define CS_UNEQL  0x2260 //   ''     ,    ''       , "UNEQL" for unequal: ≠
+    // pointers
+#     define CS_CHECK_H 0x2B9B // ''     ,    ''       , "H" for Down,          ''      : ⮛
+#     define CS_CHECK_B 0x2B98 // ''     ,    ''       , "L" for Left, "ARROW" for arrow: ⮘
+#     define CS_CHECK_Y 0x2B9A // ''     ,    ''       , "R" for Right,         ''      : ⮚
+#     define CS_CHECK_N 0x2B99 // ''     ,    ''       , "U" for UP,            ''      : ⮙
+# else
+    // checkboxes
+#     define CS_CHECK_H 0x1F5F9 // ''  ,    ''       , "CHECK" for check mark, "H" for heavy: 🗹
+#     define CS_CHECK_B 0x2610 //  ''  ,    ''       ,         ''            , "B" for blank: ☐ 
+#     define CS_CHECK_Y 0x2611 //  ''  ,    ''       ,         ''            , "Y" for yes: ☑ 
+#     define CS_CHECK_N 0x2612 //  ''  ,    ''       ,         ''            , "N" for no: ☒ 
+# endif
+// More arrows
+#define CS_ARR_DN 0x2B07 //     ''     ,    ''       , "ARR" for arrow, "DN" for down: ⬇
+#define CS_ARR_LE 0x2B05 //     ''     ,    ''       , "ARR" for arrow, "LE" for left: ⬅
+#define CS_ARR_RI 0x27A1 //     ''     ,    ''       , "ARR" for arrow, "RI" for right: ➡
+#define CS_ARR_UP 0x2B06 //     ''     ,    ''       , "ARR" for arrow, "UP" for up: ⬆
+// More checkmarks
+#define CS_BOTCH 0x2717 //      ''     ,    ''       , "BOTCH" for botched: ✗
+#define CS_CHECK 0x2713 //      ''     ,    ''       , "CHECK" for check mark: ✓
+// circled numbers
+#define CN_0CIRC  0x24EA //   ''     , "N" for number, "0" for , "CIRC" for circled: ⓪
+#define CN_1CIRC  0x2460 //   ''     ,     ''        , "1" for 1, "CIRC" for circled: ①
+#define CN_2CIRC  0x2461 //   ''     ,     ''        , "2" for 2, "CIRC" for circled: ②
+#define CN_3CIRC  0x2462 //   ''     ,     ''        , "3" for 3, "CIRC" for circled: ③
+#define CN_4CIRC  0x2463 //   ''     ,     ''        , "4" for 4, "CIRC" for circled: ④
+#define CN_5CIRC  0x2464 //   ''     ,     ''        , "5" for 5, "CIRC" for circled: ⑤
+#define CN_6CIRC  0x2465 //   ''     ,     ''        , "6" for 6, "CIRC" for circled: ⑥
+#define CN_7CIRC  0x2466 //   ''     ,     ''        , "7" for 7, "CIRC" for circled: ⑦
+#define CN_8CIRC  0x2467 //   ''     ,     ''        , "8" for 8, "CIRC" for circled: ⑧
+#define CN_9CIRC  0x2468 //   ''     ,     ''        , "9" for 9, "CIRC" for circled: ⑨
+#define CN_10CIRC 0x2469 //   ''     ,     ''        , "10" for 10, "CIRC" for circled: ⑩
+#define CN_11CIRC 0x246A //   ''     ,     ''        , "11" for 11, "CIRC" for circled: ⑪
+#define CN_12CIRC 0x246B //   ''     ,     ''        , "12" for 12, "CIRC" for circled: ⑫
+#define CN_13CIRC 0x246C //   ''     ,     ''        , "13" for 13, "CIRC" for circled: ⑬
+#define CN_14CIRC 0x246D //   ''     ,     ''        , "14" for 14, "CIRC" for circled: ⑭
+#define CN_15CIRC 0x246E //   ''     ,     ''        , "15" for 15, "CIRC" for circled: ⑮
+#define CN_16CIRC 0x246F //   ''     ,     ''        , "16" for 16, "CIRC" for circled: ⑯
+#define CN_17CIRC 0x2470 //   ''     ,     ''        , "17" for 17, "CIRC" for circled: ⑰
+#define CN_18CIRC 0x2471 //   ''     ,     ''        , "18" for 18, "CIRC" for circled: ⑱
+#define CN_19CIRC 0x2472 //   ''     ,     ''        , "19" for 19, "CIRC" for circled: ⑲
+// Box drawings
+#define CB_C_LEDN 0x2513 //   ''     , "B" for box drawing, "C" for corner, "LE" for left, "DN" for down: ┓
+#define CB_C_LEUP 0x251B //   ''     ,     ''             , "C" for corner, "LE" for left, "UP" for up: ┛
+#define CB_C_RIDN 0x250F //   ''     ,     ''             , "C" for corner, "RI" for right, "DN" for down: ┏
+#define CB_C_RIUP 0x2517 //   ''     ,     ''             , "C" for corner, "RI" for right, "UP" for up: ┗
+#define CB_VE     0x2503 //   ''     ,     ''             , "VE" for verticle: ┃
+#define CB_VE_BI  0x254B //   ''     ,     ''             , "VE" for verticle, "BI" for bi (two): ╋
+#define CB_VE_DOT 0x2507 //   ''     ,     ''             , "VE" for verticle, "DOT" for dotted: ┇
+#define CB_VE_LE  0x252B //   ''     ,     ''             , "VE" for verticle, "LE" for left: ┫
+#define CB_VE_RI  0x2523 //   ''     ,     ''             , "VE" for verticle, "RI" for right: ┣
+// Horizontal lines, can be used with box drawings
+#define CB_HHORI  0x2501 //   ''     ,     ''             , "H" for heavy,         ''           : ━
+#define CB_HHORID 0x2505 //   ''     ,     ''             , "H" for heavy,         ''           , "D" for dashes: ┅
+#define CB_LHORI  0x2500 //   ''     ,     ''             , "L" for light, "HORI" for horizontal: ─
+#define CB_LHORID 0x2504 //   ''     ,     ''             , "L" for light,         ''           , "D" for dashes: ┄
+// Signs, unusual
+#define CS_ALERT 0x26A0 //    ''     , "S" for symbol, "ALERT" for alert/warning: ⚠
+#define CS_STARB 0x2605 //    ''     ,    ''         , "STAR" for star, "B" for big: ★
+#define CS_STARL 0x66D  //    ''     ,    ''         , "STAR" for star, "L" for little: ٭
+#define CS_FLEUR 0x2766 //    ''     ,    ''         , "FLEUR" for fleur (flower): ❦
+#define CS_HEART 0x2665 //    ''     ,    ''         , "HEART" for heart: ♥
diff --git a/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/user_config.h b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/user_config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aad9ec2339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/thevankeyboards/minivan/keymaps/josjoha/user_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+ * License (GPL):
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * © 2019,2020 by Jos Boersema
+ *
+ */
+// ------------------------------------- ⬇ --------------------------------------
+//                                 Configuration:
+// ------------------------------------- ⬇ --------------------------------------
+  // (For the non-coders: “_Remove_” means to place ‛//’ in front of a line. The rest of the line becomes a comment.
+  //                      Placing ‛//’ in front of a line, means whatever follows it will be ignored during compilation.
+  //                      “_Activate_”   means to *delete* the two ‛//’ in front. Now the rest of the line *will* be compiled
+  //                      /* ... */ is another a way to turn “...” into being a comment which is ignored during compilation.
+  //                      (The documentation here is geared toward people who have no understanding about programming.)
+       /*
+        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                                                          ----
+                                                                                            --
+                                                                                             -
+          Table of Contents:
+                            -0- ➡ Compact configuration file ⬅
+                            -1- ➡ Letters / Numbers & Symbols layouts ⬅
+                    • Qwerty
+                    • Qwerty with Base arrows
+                    • Dvorak
+                    • Dvorak descramble mode
+                    • Colemak
+                    • Workman
+                    • Numpad
+                            -2- ➡ Eviscerations ( ① / ② ) ⬅
+                    • Single layout
+                            -3- ➡ Startup settings ⬅
+                    • Alternate Base
+                    • Leds on/off at startup.
+                    • Speed measuring
+                    • Text size counting ⬅
+                            -4- ➡ How many hardware keys 1st row ⬅
+                            -5- ⚠ ≠ Minivan ⬅
+                            -6- ➡ Defining the meaning of the additional hardware keys ⬅
+                    • Defining the additional key for 'South paw' (also called 'Command')
+                    • Defining 'Arrow' hardware layout additional keys
+                            -7- ➡ Arrows/Navigation cluster ⬅
+                    • Navigation cluster configuration
+                    • VI editor arrows
+                            -8- ➡ Number pad Configuration⬅
+                            -9- ➡ Speed measuring ⬅
+                           -10- ➡ Some alternative keys ⬅
+                    • Right Alt or hold(_RAR) on Base
+                    • GUI left/right
+                    • Alternate currency symbol
+                    • Check boxes or Pointers
+                    • Switch _ACC/_BON and *left* side _NSY/_DRA hold keys
+                    • Switch _PAD and _MOV on Left Shift toggle
+                    • Switch _FUN and _RAR on Right Shift toggle
+                           -11- ➡ Eviscerations ( ② / ② ) ⬅
+                    • Removing the numbers pad _PAD layer
+                    • Removing one or more of the Unicode layers _ACC, _DRA or_BON
+                    • Removing groups of characters
+                           -12- ➡ Leds ⬅
+        - 
+        --
+        ----
+        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        */
+       /*                   -0- ➡ Compact configuration file ⬅
+        *
+        * If you _activate_ this, this whole heavily documented configuration block below
+        * gets skipped, and instead a bare bones configuration file with all these same options
+        * gets read. There is no functional difference.
+        * 
+        * (You can use the compact configuration if you like that better. It can make communicating
+        * a configuration easier. The fully documented configuration is left in a state of default
+        * when uploaded to QMK, so that it gives the most commonly used layout: Qwerty with Numpad,
+        * basic 44 Minivan keys. The compact version its state is whatever it is.)
+        */
+  #define MINIFAN_CONFIG_COMPACT // _Activate_ this, to load the configuration in ./minifan_config_compact.h (note: mini‛f’an).
+#ifndef MINIFAN_CONFIG_COMPACT // (don't alter this)
+       /*                   -1- ➡ Letters / Numbers & Symbols layouts ⬅
+        *
+        * Here you can configure what letters layer (BASE layer), and number&symbols layer you
+        * want. This is a dual layout system, so you can choose a second pair as well. You can
+        * switch between them with a key on the _RAR layer. All the other layers are the same,
+        * regardless of your choice in letter/number&symbol layers.
+        *
+        * The letters layer is the BASE layer, from which you also reach all other layers.
+        * The letters it has is the alphabet in its simplest form: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.
+        * The numbers & symbols layer has what you find on any regular keyboard: 123… !@#… []/…
+        * The numbers & symbols layer is made to fit the Letters layer, due to small differences
+        * between layouts like Qwerty and Dvorak (in this case the symbols ‛-’, ‛/’, ‛?’, and ‛_’).
+        *
+        * Example: A Qwerty letters layer, with a fitting numbers & symbols layer, as ‛Default’.
+        *          A Dvorak letters layer, with a fitting numbers & symbols layer, as ‛Alternate’.
+        *
+        * You will be asked to configure one layout as ‛Default’ and another as ‛Alternate’.
+        *
+        * A bases layout may have locally re-defined one or more of the common layers. If you
+        * choose two bases layouts who re-define the same common layer locally, you will need
+        * to choose either one by commenting out the other.
+        */
+        // 
+        //          • Qwerty
+        //                   (a regular Qwerty layout)
+        //  _Activate_ one of these two, _remove_ the other.
+  #define BASE_QWERTY__DEF_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Qwerty on the ‛Default’ spot
+//#define BASE_QWERTY__ALT_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Qwerty on the ‛Alternate’ spot
+        //                   Note: you still need to set if you have the additional ‛arrow’ hardware key. You
+        //                         can ignore what it should be defined as, because it will be a plain arrow on Base.
+        // 
+        //          • Qwerty with Base arrows
+        //                   (provides direct access to arrows)
+        //  _Activate_ one of these two, _remove_ the other.
+//#define BASE_QWERTY_BASEARROW__DEF_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Qwerty with Base arrows on the ‛Default’ spot
+//#define BASE_QWERTY_BASEARROW__ALT_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Qwerty with Base arrows on the ‛Alternate’ spot
+        //
+        //          • Dvorak
+        //                  (a regular Dvorak layout)
+        // _Activate_ one of these two, _remove_ the other.
+//#define BASE_DVORAK__DEF_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Dvorak on the ‛Default’ spot
+//#define BASE_DVORAK__ALT_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Dvorak on the ‛Alternate’ spot
+        // 
+        //          • Dvorak descramble mode
+        //                  (Dvorak for a computer already remapping to Dvorak)
+        //  This layout is only available on ‛Alternate’, because of the special _HALF_ descramble mode.
+//#define BASE_DVORAK_DESCRAMBLE__ALT_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Dvorak on the ‛Alternate’ spot
+        // 
+        //          • Colemak
+        //                   (a regular Colemak layout)
+        //  _Activate_ one of these two, _remove_ the other.
+//#define BASE_COLEMAK__DEF_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Colemak on the ‛Default’ spot
+//#define BASE_COLEMAK__ALT_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Colemak on the ‛Alternate’ spot
+        // 
+        //          • Workman
+        //                   (a regular Workman layout)
+        //  _Activate_ one of these two, _remove_ the other.
+//#define BASE_WORKMAN__DEF_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Workman on the ‛Default’ spot
+//#define BASE_WORKMAN__ALT_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Workman on the ‛Alternate’ spot
+        // 
+        //          • Numpad
+        //                   (a numerical keypad, one for left hand and one for right hand)
+        //  _Activate_ to get Numpad on Alternate. There is no option for Numpad on ‛Default’ base.
+  #define BASE_NUMPAD__ALT_BASE // _Activate_ if you want Numpad on the ‛Alternate’ spot
+        // ➡ ➡ ➡ This Base layer has configuration options at the top of its file. See ./base_numpad.c
+        //
+        /*                  -2- ➡ Eviscerations ( ① / ② ) ⬅
+         */
+        /*          • Single layout
+         *
+         * Removes the ‛Alternate’ base layers, and removes the switch key on _RAR.
+         * ⚠ You have to not define a ‛Alternate’ base layer pair. Define only a ‛Default’ pair.
+         */
+//#define MINIFAN_SINGLE_LAYOUT // _Activate_ to only have the ‛Default’ base layers, _remove_ to also have ‛Alternate’.
+        /*                  -3- ➡ Startup settings ⬅
+         */
+        /*          • Alternate Base
+         *
+         * You can define which of the two BASE layers is on when powering up the keyboard.
+         */
+//#define STARTUP_ALTERNATE // Example: For BASES_QWERTY_DVORAK defined: _remove_ is startup in Qwerty, _active_ is
+                            //          startup in Dvorak
+        /*          • Leds on/off at startup.
+         */
+//#define STARTUP_SIDE_LEDS_OFF // _Activate_ to have side leds be off at keyboard startup (when you plug it in / computer powers on).
+//#define STARTUP_MID_LED_OFF // _Activate_ to have middle led be off at keyboard startup.
+        //
+        /*          • Speed measuring
+         */
+//#define STARTUP_SPEED // _Activate_ for default speed measuring on, _remove_ to set off at startup.
+        //
+        /*          • Text size counting ⬅
+         */
+//#define STARTUP_COUNT // _Activate_ for default character/word counting on, _remove_ to set off at startup.
+        /*                  -4- ➡ How many hardware keys 1st row ⬅
+         *
+         * Define how many keys your keyboard has.
+         */
+         // Default               (12x12x12x8 keys)
+         //'Command'              (12x12x12x9 keys) + key on the left
+         //'Arrow'                (12x12x12x9 keys) + key on the right
+         //'South paw' + 'Arrow'  (12x12x12x10 keys)
+//#define MORE_KEY__COMMAND // Additional key 1st row on the left. This hardware layout is called 'Command' or 'South paw'.
+//#define MORE_KEY__ARROW   // Additional key 1st row (counting from row with space-bar) on the right, called 'Arrow' layout. 
+         //
+         // See below for how to define your additional key(s).
+        /*                  -5- ⚠ ≠ Minivan ⬅
+         *
+         * This section is for when you want to flash this keymap unto a board with more
+         * keys than the Minivan has. 
+         *
+         *       Trans-Minivan keymap: 12x12x12x11, 12x12x12x12, 12x12x12x13 keys
+         *                                          Example board: Planck (12x12x12x12)
+         *
+         * It is assumed that you enabled MORE_KEY__ARROW and
+         * MORE_KEY__COMMAND, to get to 12x12x12x10 keys. With this you
+         * can get to one, two or three more keys on row 1, without manually
+         * editing all layers. You could first edit the definition on layers that you have
+         * a specific meaning for these keys, and let the rest be patched with the definitions
+         * here.
+         *
+         * It can help to inspect the preprocessing with > gcc -E keymap.c | less
+         *
+         *                        Planck keyboard
+         *
+         * The identifier TRANSMINIVAN_MIDLEFT could help compile the layout on a Planck keyboard,
+         * if it has a two unit large spacebar. You compile without TRANSMINIVAN_LEFTSIDE in that case.
+         * All keys on the left, row 1 (closest to the user) shift one unit to the left, with TRANS_MIDLEFT
+         * inserted on what would be the left key of the two unit spacebar (assuming that is a key).
+         *
+         *                         Other keyboards formats
+         *
+         * It is always possible to just padd the rows somewhere, if you have even more keys. On the other
+         * hand, to try to cut this layout down to fewer keys than it has at minimum (12x12x12x8), is likely
+         * going to reduce its functionality, and will require some puzzling to keep a well organized BASE
+         * layer, and have “hold key” layer switching work correctly.
+         *
+         * FIXME: not been compiled or tested for any boards.
+         */
+//#define TRANSMINIVAN_LAYOUT ....... // Set this to something with the needed amount of keycodes.
+                          // Your values are inserted here: [ _LTR ] = LAYOUT_redefined (
+                          //                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (throughout all layers)
+//#define TRANSMINIVAN_LEFTSIDE  // _Activate_ to get yet one more key on the left side row 1
+  #define TRANS_LEFT XXXXXXX     // Define what the TRANSMINIVAN_LEFTSIDE key should be, where it is not otherwise defined.
+                                 // (Ignored if TRANSMINIVAN_LEFTSIDE is _removed_).
+                                 //
+//#define TRANSMINIVAN_MIDLEFT   // _Activate_ to get yet one more key on the first key from center, row 1.
+  #define TRANS_MIDLEFT XXXXXXX  // Define what the TRANSMINIVAN_RIGHTSIDE key should be on all layers at once.
+                                 // (Ignored if TRANSMINIVAN_MIDLEFT is _removed_).
+                                 //
+//#define TRANSMINIVAN_RIGHTSIDE // _Activate_ to get yet one more key on the right side row 1
+  #define TRANS_RIGHT XXXXXXX    // Define what the TRANSMINIVAN_RIGHTSIDE key should be, where it is not otherwise defined.
+                                 // (Ignored if TRANSMINIVAN_RIGHTSIDE is _removed_).
+        /*                  -6- ➡ Defining the meaning of the additional hardware keys ⬅
+         *
+         * Some possibilities you might like:
+         *
+         * ① Number-pad and F-keys layers are only on a toggle. If you want them accessible on a hold key, you can use
+         *   these additional hardware keys. Make sure to use a transparent key on that location on those layers.
+         *
+         * ② You can use the right side additional key for quick access to an arrow/navigation cluster (see below).
+         *
+         * ③ Other uses, such as a delete key and/or a special interface key your system needs.
+         */
+        /*          • Defining the additional key for 'South paw' (also called 'Command')
+         *
+         * Left side additional key. This is ignored if MORE_KEY__COMMAND is not defined.
+         */
+        // Configure here what this key is on the BASE layers (excluding Base Numpad compile option).
+//#define MORE_key1_BASE TG ( _RAR ) // _Activate_ this to get a toggle to layer _RAR.  MO(_RAR) does not follow a BASE switch by ‛Other Base’.
+//#define MORE_key1_BASE KC_DEL      // Could be useful if you like to toggle to certain layers and stay there for a while.
+  #define MORE_key1_BASE KC__XGUI    // (Default) (Using KC__XGUI makes sure it is the *other* GUI, relative to KC__YGUI.)
+        //
+        // Configure here what this key is on all other layers
+//#define MORE_key1      KC_DEL   // Configure here what this key is on all other layers (and Base Numpad).
+  #define MORE_key1      KC__XGUI // (Default)
+        //
+        //
+        /*          • Defining 'Arrow' hardware layout additional keys
+         *
+         * You can create an arrow-cluster with your additional MORE_key2 hardware key on the _MOV layer.
+         * Either way: this new key can toggle to _MOV layer, with the key that on the _MOV layer becomes the down-arrow,
+         * in the middle of an arrow cluster. To do that, uncomment MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER.
+         * The keys that are by default defined on those keys on _MOV layer, will now be overwritten (they are not typically
+         * that much used there).
+         *
+         * Arrow cluster for 'arrow' layout: _activate_ MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER and _activate_ #define MORE_key2 _MOV_UP
+         * No arrow cluster for 'arrow' layout: _remove_ MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER, and set MORE_key2 to whatever you want.
+         */
+  #define MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER // Arrow cluster on _MOV layer. This is ignored if MORE_KEY__ARROW is not defined.
+                             // This will cost you 'Right Alt' and 'GUI' on the _MOV layer.
+//#define MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION // Additional navigation keys around arrow cluster MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER. Ignored if MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER is not defined.
+                                // Note: this will cause mouse buttons 'BTN4' and 'BTN5' on the _MOV layer to be moved.
+        /*
+         * Define the key you want on the additional key. Leave it to _MOV_UP if you want an arrow cluster, easily
+         * accessed with this key.
+         *
+         * If you want to be able to type all arrow cluster keys with both GUI keys, than you cannot have this additional
+         * arrow cluster around the ‛arrow’ additional hardware key, because it eats away the GUI just to the left of
+         * that additional hardware key. 
+         *
+         * For typing both GUIs with the navigation cluster, you also need the left side additional hardware key. In this
+         * case, you can still set the optional hardware key on the right to _MOV_UP, but that is marginally useful
+         * as you already have that on Left Shift. 
+         *
+         * When aiming to type all normally available keys on a 100% keyboard with all modifiers including GUIs, you
+         * could use the right hand side optional hardware key (‛arrow’), because it causes the right side GUI to be
+         * available there. (This kind of stuff affects rare or even never used keyboard shortcuts.)
+         */
+  #define MORE_key2 _MOV_UP // Right side additional key. This is ignored if MORE_KEY__ARROW is not defined.
+//#define MORE_key2 KC_DEL  // More or less a random suggestion. Harmonizes well with “.DEL” on Numbers Pad.
+                            // It is convenient to have an uncluttered Delete key on the Base layer.
+//#define MORE_key2 <...your choice...> // Right side additional key.
+        //
+        /*                  -7- ➡ Arrows/Navigation cluster ⬅
+         */
+        /*          • Navigation cluster configuration
+         * 
+         * _Activate_ below line to use a "WASD" type layout (on the spot where WASD is in Qwerty).
+         * _Remove_ if you prefer a flat type layout, with arrows in a row, on the right hand.
+         */
+  #define ARROWS_TRIANGLE // Implies mouse is also similarly in a triangle.
+        /*
+         *          • VI editor arrows
+         *
+         * Vi is a famous editor, with its own peculiar text cursor movement arrangement (arrows).
+         * This option modifies the flat arrows layout on the right hand, to be like the “HJKL” 
+         * arrows in the editor vi(1). “HJKL” meaning: the 7th to 10th key on the 3rd row.
+         * The arrows on the additional MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER also get harmonized to be like vi.
+         */
+//#define VI_SWITCHERYDOO //  You have to _remove_ ARROWS_TRIANGLE, or this gets ignored.
+        /*                  -8- ➡ Number pad Configuration⬅
+         *
+         * This concerns the Numbers Pad layer, which is part of the common layers (not the Bse
+         * layer, which also has a Numbers Pad option).
+         *
+         * There are two compile versions for the number pad layer ‛_PAD’, in the common layers. 
+         *
+         * _Activate_ the below to have the numbers pad _PAD layer resemble the squared layout of
+         * a numerical keyboard, allowing to type all numbers with the right hand.
+         * _Remove_ the below to have the numbers in this layer follow the layout of the _NSY layer,
+         * with the numbers on a line from left to right on the home row, across both hands.
+         */
+//#define NUMPAD_COMMON_SQUARE // _Activate_ to resemble a one handed numerical keyboard.
+        /*                  -9- ➡ Speed measuring ⬅
+         */
+        /*
+         * Led color configuration. You can see the speed you have configured below directly on the keyboard,
+         * after you compiled and flashed it.
+         * Set speed measuring to <off>.
+         * Hold the 'Report' key for one second, then release. The keyboard prints a number, which is the
+         * amount of characters per second for which that color is then being shown. Hold it again for
+         * a second, and it increments. Toggle speed measuring on/off to restart.
+         * You can play with the below settings until you like the result.
+         *
+         * The default values (8, 160 respectively) are starting at blue, avoiding confusion with default
+         * cyan for BASE layer, going to purple and further avoiding confusion with text size counting.
+         * Very fast typers could reach red, and then it goes further to yellow, etc.
+         */
+  #define SPEED_COUNTDOWN 25 // After how many keypresses to update the effect(s).
+  #define SPEED_HUE_STEP 8 // For each key/sec faster, the hue value of HSV goes this step further.
+  #define SPEED_HUE_START 160 // The starting hue for 0 k/s (0 = 255 = red).
+        /*
+         * Speed report in words-per-minute (wpm) rather than keystrokes-per-second (k/s). wpm = k/s * ⁶⁰/₅ = k/s * 12
+         */
+  #define WORDS_PER_MINUTE // _Activate_ to get speed report in words-per-minute, _remove_ to get it in keystrokes-per-second (k/s).
+        /*                 -10- ➡ Some alternative keys ⬅
+         */
+        /*
+         *          • Right Alt or hold(_RAR) on Base
+         *
+         * _Activate_ below line to get Right-Alt or Alt-Gr (same thing) on Base.
+         * A short tap results in RAlt briefly pressed, plus Right-Arrow.
+         * When pressed with another key, however short, results only in RAlt, and no Right-Arrow.
+         * Held a little longer than tapping it, results in only RAlt being pressed, no Right-Arrow.
+         *
+         * _Remove_ to have a layer hold key to the _RAR layer there, instead of RAlt, together with tapped Right-Arrow.
+         */
+//#define BASE_RIGHT_ALT // _Activate_ to get Right-Alt instead of _RAR on Base layer.
+        /*
+         *          • GUI left/right
+         *
+         * _Activate_ below line to have LGUI (also called OS or Win key, etc) where RGUI is, 
+         * and RGUI where LGUI is.
+         */
+//#define SWITCH_GUIS // _Activate_ this if you want LGUI on the BASE layer rather than RGUI, despite that spot being on the right.
+        /*
+         *          • Alternate currency symbol
+         *
+         * _Activate_ the below to get a Euro symbol, where ƒ (Dutch Guilder) is on the default map (_DRA layer).
+         */
+  #define UNICODE_CURRENCY 0x20ac // Hex number, euro symbol €. The unicode hex number for position ƒ in the default keymap.
+        /*    
+         *          • Check boxes or Pointers
+         *
+         * You can have these symbols (checkboxes):  ☐  ☒  ☑  🗹
+         *                     or these (pointers):  ⮘  ⮙  ⮚  ⮛
+         */
+//#define POINT_ON_CHECKBOXES // _Activate_ to get arrows, _remove_ to get checkboxes on _DRA layer.
+        /*    
+         *          • Switch _ACC/_BON and *left* side _NSY/_DRA hold keys
+         *
+         * If you type a lot of _ACC layer (accented keys), and not much _DRA layer, you might like to
+         * switch the _ACC hold key, and the left side _NSY key, if you find it awkward to reach to the
+         * left with your thumb. These two keys are next to each other. Only the Base layer is affected. 
+         */
+//#define SWITCH_HOLD_ACC_NSY // _Activate_ to switch the *left* _NSY and _ACC layer hold keys, on Base layer.
+        /*    
+         *          • Switch _PAD and _MOV on Left Shift toggle
+         *
+         * Recommended if you use _MOV more than _PAD
+         */
+//#define SWITCH_LSHIFT_PAD_MOV // _Activate_ to make _MOV layer be on the fast tap, and _PAD on a short hold toggle
+        /*    
+         *          • Switch _FUN and _RAR on Right Shift toggle
+         *
+         * Recommended if you use _RAR more than _FUN
+         */
+//#define SWITCH_RSHIFT_FUN_RAR // _Activate_ to make _RAR layer be on the fast tap, and _FUN on a short hold toggle
+        /*                 -11- ➡ Eviscerations ( ② / ② ) ⬅
+         */
+        /*          • Removing the numbers pad _PAD layer
+         *
+         * You may have no use for this common layer, if you have a numerical keypad on the Alternate Base already.
+         *
+         * ⚠ Note: ./base_numpad.h can overrides this setting, if compiled with that ‛Base layers’.
+         */
+//#define REMOVE_PAD // _Activate_ to strip out the _PAD layer, _remove_ to have the _PAD layer.
+        //
+        /*          • Removing one or more of the Unicode layers _ACC, _DRA or_BON
+         */
+        /* Removes the _ACC layer, optionally redirect its key. This can save some 750 bytes. 
+         */
+//#define REMOVE_ACC // _Activate_ to strip out the _ACC layer, _remove_ to have the _ACC layer.
+        /* Unless REMOVE_ACC is _active_, the next defines which redirect the _ACC key(s) are ignored. */
+//#define _ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER _BON // _Activate_ to make the key(s) that normally goes to _ACC, go to _BON instead.
+//#define _ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER _DRA // _Activate_ to make the key(s) that normally goes to _ACC, go to _DRA instead.
+        /*
+         *
+         * Removes the _DRA layer, optionally redirect its key. Also saves some 750 bytes.
+         */
+//#define REMOVE_DRA // _Activate_ to strip out the _DRA layer, _remove_ to have the _DRA layer.
+        /* Unless REMOVE_DRA is _active_, the next defines which redirect the _DRA key(s) are ignored. */
+//#define _DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER _ACC // _Activate_ to make the key(s) that normally goes to _ACC, go to _ACC instead.
+//#define _DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER _BON // _Activate_ to make the key(s) that normally goes to _ACC, go to _BON instead.
+        /*
+         *
+         * Removes the _BON layer, optionally redirect its key. Also saves some 750 bytes.
+         */
+//#define REMOVE_BON // _Activate_ to strip out the _BON layer, _remove_ to have the _BON layer.
+        /* Unless REMOVE_BON is _active_, the next defines which redirect the _BON key(s) are ignored. */
+//#define _BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER _ACC // _Activate_ to make the key(s) that normally goes to _BON, go to _ACC instead.
+//#define _BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER _DRA // _Activate_ to make the key(s) that normally goes to _BON, go to _DRA instead.
+        /*
+         *
+         *          • Removing groups of characters
+         */
+        /*
+         * The below cut out an amount of symbols on a given layer, to simplify and/or reduce firmware size a little.
+         */
+//#define ALL_DRA_BON_EVISCERATIONS // _Activate_ this to _remove_ the below all at once. (Seems to save only ±114 bytes)
+                                    //
+  #define BOX_DRAWINGS // _Activate_ to get box drawings on _BON. Horizontal lines (━─┄┅) on _DRA are not affected.
+                   // Affected on rows 2 and 3: ┣┫┏┗┃┇┛┓
+                   // Full, 3rd row, boxdr.:  Ctrl   ① ⬅   ② ⬇   ③ ➡  ④ ┏  ⑤  ┓  ⑥ ┃  ⑦ ┇   ⑧ ╋  ⑨    ⓪ ∞   — 
+                   // Full, 2nd row, boxdr.:  LSht   ‹     ›     ÷    ☞ ┗  ≠  ┛  ✗ ┣  ✓ ┫   ⚠    «    »     RSht
+                   //
+                   // 3rd row, no boxdrawing: Ctrl   ① ⬅   ② ⬇   ③ ➡  ④    ⑤     ⑥    ⑦     ⑧    ⑨    ⓪ ∞   — 
+                   // 2nd row, no boxdrawing: LSht   ‹     ›     ÷    ☞    ≠     ✗    ✓     ⚠    «    »     RSht
+                   //
+  #define SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS // _Activate_ to get subscript numbers (₁₂₃…₀) on _DRA.
+                      // Affected on row 3: ₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₀
+                      // Thinned out 3rd row: xxx   ¹     ²     ³    ⁴    ⁵    ⁶     ⁷     ⁸     ⁹     ⁰   xxx
+                      // Full 3rd row:        xxx   ¹₁    ²₂    ³₃   ⁴₄   ⁵₅   ⁶₆    ⁷₇    ⁸₈    ⁹₉    ⁰₀  xxx
+                      //
+  #define FULL_DRA_2NDROW // _Activate_ to have symbols on all unshifted + shifted positions on _DRA, 2nd row.
+                      // Affected: 「 」 〇 § · 🗹  《 》
+                      // Full 2nd row:        LSht  「━   」─   °〇  •§   …·   ☐ ☒   ☑ 🗹   ¿¡ 《┄   》┅    Rsht
+                      // Thinned out 2nd row: LSht  ━     ─     °    •    …    ☐ ☑   ☑     ¿¡  ┄    ┅      RSht
+                      //
+  #define FULL_DRA_4THROW // _Activate_ to have symbols on all unshifted + shifted positions on _DRA, 4th row.
+                      // Affected 4th row: „ ≤ ≥ ∅ ¢ ƒ ❦ 🙂 🙁 👍 👎 ⁽ ₍ ⁾ ₎
+                      // Full 4th row:        BASE  “„    ”≤    £≥   ∅ ¢  ±ƒ   ❦ ♥   🙂🙁  👍👎 ⁽₍   ⁾₎    Bkspc
+                      // Thinned out 4th row: BASE  “     ”     £         ±    ♥                           Bkspc
+                      //
+  #define FULL_BON_4THROW // _Activate_ to have symbols on all unshifted + shifted positions on _BON, 4th row.
+                        // Affected 4th row: 🛠 ¤ ∑ ‱ ٭ 😊 ⍨  ⃰ ⁻ ⁺ 🄯 ©
+                        // Full 4th row:        BASE  ‛🛠   ’⬆    ¤ 🄯   ∑ ©  ‰‱   ★٭   😊⍨    × ⃰   √    ⁻⁺    Bkspc
+                        // Thinned out 4th row: BASE  ‛     ’⬆               ‰    ★           ×               Bkspc
+                        //
+        /*                 -12- ➡ Leds ⬅
+         *
+         * Leds off for the Default Base Layer.
+         * Implies: no indication on Default Base for: Caps-lock, typing speed, typing amount done of a limit.
+         * Speed / typing amount will be visible by going to another layer.
+         */
+//#define LEDS_OFF_BASE_DEF // _Activate_ to make leds dark when in ‛Default Base’ layer.
+// ------------------------------------- ⬆ --------------------------------------
+//            Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
+//            There may be configuration options in the layout ./bases_....h file you chose.
+// ------------------------------------- ⬆ --------------------------------------
+#else                            // (ignore this)
+#    include "./minifan_config_compact.h"
+// ------------------------------------- ⬇ --------------------------------------
+//                                 Base layer headers
+// ------------------------------------- ⬇ --------------------------------------
+//                         * Numpad *
+# if defined(BASE_NUMPAD__ALT_BASE)
+#     include "./base_numpad.h" // Numbers pad header
+# endif
+//                         * Qwerty Base Arrow *
+#     include "./base_qwerty_basearrow.h" // Your Keymap header/configuration file.
+# endif
+// // ⬇ insert your ./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h #include here:
+//                         * YOUR KEYMAP *
+// #     include "./base_YOUR_KEYMAP.h" // Your Keymap header/configuration file.
+// # endif
+// // ⬆
+// ------------------------------------- ⬆ --------------------------------------
+// Base layer headers are best #included here, so the preprocessor statements 
+// following the user configuration block can pick up on anything that was set.
+// Example: base_numpad.h _activate_ ‛REMOVE_PAD’. Based upon that, the preprocessor
+// constant ‛_PAD’ is changed into ‛_FUN’ in the below statements.
+// ------------------------------------- ⬆ --------------------------------------
+// The below sets some things up based on the above #defines.
+// This is sort of a hack. It re-defines _ALT_BASE and _ALT_NSY to point to the same
+// layer as _DEF_BASE and _DEF_NSY, because there are quite a few references to the
+// former and putting #if then around each one complicated the code even more. If needed,
+// it can be changed later. This option already reduces firmware size, so we should be
+// well below the maximum.
+#     define _ALT_BASE _DEF_BASE
+#     define _ALT_NSY _DEF_NSY
+# endif
+// This triggers the compilation of special _HALF_ descramble mode, where you access
+// the Unicode layers without passing them through the descramble system (middle led
+// lit on _RAR_ when cycling through the base layers with ‛Other Base’ key).
+# endif
+// Prevent likely erroneous configuration. If no 'Arrow' hardware layout, then not patching in an arrow cluster.
+# if !defined(MORE_KEY__ARROW) && defined(MOREKEY2_ARROW_CLUSTER)
+# endif
+# if !defined(MORE_KEY__ARROW) && defined(MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION)
+# endif
+#     undef MOREKEY2_ADD_NAVIGATION // Only navigation keys, when the are arrows defined.
+# endif
+// When choosing 'triangle' arrows, then they go left. Not 'triangle' arrows, than right.
+         /* _Activate_ below line to put the arrows on the left, comment out to have arrows right. */
+#     define ARROWS_LEFT // Implies mouse is right
+# endif
+// Set up user GUI choice:
+# ifndef SWITCH_GUIS
+#     define KC__XGUI KC_LGUI // Name logic is alphabetic order left to right …X (…) …Y in layout definitions..
+#     define KC__YGUI KC_RGUI // .. meaning KC__XGUI is left on the keymap, KC__YGUI is right.
+# endif
+# ifdef SWITCH_GUIS
+#     define KC__XGUI KC_RGUI
+#     define KC__YGUI KC_LGUI
+# endif
+// Define the layout macro for the amount of hardware keys.
+// These for Minivan are defined up in the code tree.
+# if !defined(MORE_KEY__COMMAND) && !defined(MORE_KEY__ARROW)
+#     define LAYOUT_redefined LAYOUT                // Default (8 keys on 1st row)
+# endif
+# if !defined(MORE_KEY__COMMAND) && defined(MORE_KEY__ARROW)
+#     define LAYOUT_redefined LAYOUT_arrow          // Additional key 1st row on the right. 'Arrow'
+# endif
+# if defined(MORE_KEY__COMMAND) && !defined(MORE_KEY__ARROW)
+#     define LAYOUT_redefined LAYOUT_command        // Additional key 1st row on the left. 'Command'
+# endif
+# if defined(MORE_KEY__COMMAND) && defined(MORE_KEY__ARROW)
+#     define LAYOUT_redefined LAYOUT_arrow_command  // Additional keys 1st row both left and right. 'Arrow' + 'Command'
+# endif
+#     undef LAYOUT_redefined
+#     define LAYOUT_redefined TRANSMINIVAN_LAYOUT
+# endif
+// Process user config setting for speed measuring
+# else
+# endif
+// Process user config setting for text size measuring
+# else
+# endif
+// Get all key reductions at once
+#     ifdef BOX_DRAWINGS   
+#         undef BOX_DRAWINGS   
+#     endif
+#     ifdef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS
+#         undef SUB_SCRIPT_NUMS
+#     endif
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+#         undef FULL_DRA_2NDROW
+#     endif
+#     ifdef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+#         undef FULL_DRA_4THROW
+#     endif
+#     ifdef FULL_BON_4THROW
+#         undef FULL_BON_4THROW
+#     endif
+# endif
+// This resolves compiling “TO (_BON)” on the _FUN layer.
+# ifdef REMOVE_BON
+#     undef _BON
+#     ifdef _BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER
+#         define _BON _BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER  // To what user wants
+#     else
+#         define _BON _FUN                // void behavior
+#     endif
+# endif
+// This resolves compiling “TO (_PAD)” on the _FUN layer.
+# ifdef REMOVE_PAD
+#     undef _PAD
+#     define _PAD _FUN                // void behavior
+# endif
+// If the _ACC layer hold key has no function anymore because the layers _ACC and _BON to which it
+// switches have been removed, and no alternative use been set, that key reverts to being KC_DEL,
+// and the whole macro CHOLTAP_ACCE it normally activates gets cut.
+# if  defined(REMOVE_ACC) \
+  && !defined(_ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER) \
+  &&  defined(REMOVE_BON) \
+  && !defined(_BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER)
+#     define CHOLTAP_ACCE KC_DEL // replaces in the keymap
+#     define CHOLTAP_ACCE_NOP    // cuts CHOLTAP_ACCE out of macros
+# endif
+// Here all Unicode layers _ACC, _DRA and _BON have been removed, and none of their key(s) has
+// been re-assigned to a useful purpose. That makes that whole system redundant, so it is simplified.
+# if  defined(REMOVE_ACC) \
+  && !defined(_ACC_KEY_ALT_LAYER) \
+  &&  defined(REMOVE_DRA) \
+  && !defined(_DRA_KEY_ALT_LAYER) \
+  &&  defined(REMOVE_BON) \
+  && !defined(_BON_KEY_ALT_LAYER)
+#     define CHOLTAP_ACCE KC_DEL // replaces in the keymap
+#     define CHOLTAP_ACCE_NOP    // cuts CHOLTAP_ACCE out of macros
+#     define DUO_HOLD_BASIC   // cuts out the long DUO_HOLD macro, replaces it with a simple 'descramble'-aware hold(_NSY/_DDN) 
+# endif