From f54b4771eb23027be1bd66a6fe1300713b593d58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jpetermans <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 11:20:50 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] keymap example update and tweak to set_led_bit function

 .../infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/keymap.c    |  6 ++---
 .../infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/   | 12 ++++-----
 keyboards/infinity60/led_controller.c         | 27 +++++++++----------
 3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/keyboards/infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/keymap.c b/keyboards/infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/keymap.c
index 8d19834b2f..cc4633b1b4 100644
--- a/keyboards/infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/keymap.c
+++ b/keyboards/infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/keymap.c
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ const uint16_t keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
         KC_TAB,    KC_Q,   KC_W,   KC_E,   KC_R,   KC_T,   KC_Y,   KC_U,   KC_I,   KC_O,   KC_P,   KC_LBRC,KC_RBRC,KC_BSPC,   \
         TT(_FNAV), KC_A,   KC_S,   KC_D,   KC_F,   KC_G,   KC_H,   KC_J,   KC_K,   KC_L,   KC_SCLN,KC_QUOT,KC_ENT,         \
         KC_LSFT,   KC_Z,   KC_X,   KC_C,   KC_V,   KC_B,   KC_N,   KC_M,   KC_COMM,KC_DOT, KC_SLSH,F(TILDE),KC_NO,          \
-        KC_LCTL,   KC_LGUI,KC_LALT,               KC_SPC,          KC_RALT,TG(_NUMPAD),MO(_MEDIA), KC_RCTL         \
+        KC_LCTL,   KC_LGUI,KC_LALT,            LT(_FNAV, KC_SPC),       KC_RALT,TG(_NUMPAD),MO(_MEDIA), KC_RCTL         \
     /* numpad */
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ const uint16_t keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
         _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, KC_P4, KC_P5, KC_P6, KC_PAST, _______,_______,_______, \
         MO(_FNAV),_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, KC_P1, KC_P2, KC_P3, KC_PMNS, _______,_______,      \
         _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, KC_P0,KC_COMM,KC_PDOT,KC_PPLS, _______,KC_NO,      \
-        _______,_______,_______,               MO(_BASE),           _______,_______,_______,_______   \
+        _______,_______,_______,               TO(_BASE),           _______,_______,_______,_______   \
     /* F-, arrow, and media keys */
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ void matrix_scan_user(void) {
         led_pin_byte = layer_state & 0xFF;
         msg=(7 << 8) | DISPLAY_PAGE;
         chMBPost(&led_mailbox, msg, TIME_IMMEDIATE);
-        msg=(1<<16) | (led_pin_byte << 8) | SET_FULL_ROW;
+        msg=(1 << 16) | (led_pin_byte << 8) | SET_FULL_ROW;
         chMBPost(&led_mailbox, msg, TIME_IMMEDIATE);
diff --git a/keyboards/infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/ b/keyboards/infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/
index 63fd88ec22..b83057ea7b 100644
--- a/keyboards/infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/
+++ b/keyboards/infinity60/keymaps/jpetermans/
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ digits mean "row" and "col", i.e. 45 means pin 4, column 5 in the IS31 datasheet
 *Unused in Alphabet Layout
-The IS31 includes 8 pages (or frames) 0-7 and each page consists of 144 bytes
+The IS31 includes 8 led pages (or frames) 0-7 than can be displayed, and each page consists of 144 bytes.
 - **bytes 0 - 17** - LED control (on/off).
-    * 18 pins which alternate between A and B matrices (CA1, CB1, CA2, CB2, ..).
+    * 18 pins which alternate between A and B matrices (A1, B1, A2, B2, ..).
     * Each byte controls the 8 leds on that pin with bits (8 to 1).
 - **bytes 8 - 35** - Blink control.
     * Same as LED control above, but sets blink on/off.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ In the Infinity60 project folder, led_controller.c sets up ability to write led
 One function is available to directly set leds without the mailbox:
-write_led_page(page#, array of leds by address, # of leds in array)
+write_led_page(page#, array of leds by address, # of addresses in array)
 This function saves a full page to the controller using a supplied array of led locations such as:
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ write_led_page(5, led_numpad, 16);
 Remaining led control is done through the led mailbox using these message types:
-- **SET_FULL_ROW** (3 bytes) - row#, message type, 8-bit mask. Sets all leds on one pin per the bit mask.
+- **SET_FULL_ROW** (3 bytes) - message type, 8-bit mask, and row#. Sets all leds on one pin per the bit mask.
 - **OFF_LED, ON_LED, TOGGLE_LED** (3 bytes) - message type, led address, and page#. Off/on/toggle specific led.
 - **BLINK_OFF_LED, BLINK_ON_LED, BLINK_OFF_LED** (3 bytes) - message type, led address, and page#. Set blink Off/on/toggle for specific led.
 - **TOGGLE_ALL** (1 byte) - Turn on/off full backlight.
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ chMBPost(&led_mailbox, message, timeout);
 An example:
 //set the message to be sent. First byte (LSB) is the led address, and second is the message type
-msg=(42 << 8) | ON_LED
+msg=(42 << 8) | ON_LED;
 //send msg to the led mailbox
 chMBPost(&led_mailbox, msg, TIME_IMMEDIATE);
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ chMBPost(&led_mailbox, msg, TIME_IMMEDIATE);
-msg=(46 << 8) | BLINK_TOGGLE_LED
+msg=(46 << 8) | BLINK_TOGGLE_LED;
 chMBPost(&led_mailbox, msg, TIME_IMMEDIATE);
diff --git a/keyboards/infinity60/led_controller.c b/keyboards/infinity60/led_controller.c
index a66edb9277..04793cc01f 100644
--- a/keyboards/infinity60/led_controller.c
+++ b/keyboards/infinity60/led_controller.c
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 #include "hal.h"
 #include "print.h"
 #include "led.h"
-#include "action_layer.h"
 #include "host.h"
 #include "led_controller.h"
@@ -199,31 +198,25 @@ static THD_FUNCTION(LEDthread, arg) {
       case OFF_LED:
-      //on/off/toggle single led, msg_args[0] = row/col of led
+      //on/off/toggle single led, msg_args[0] = row/col of led, msg_args[1] = page
         set_led_bit(msg_args[1], control_register_word, msg_args[0], 0);
-        is31_write_data (msg_args[1], control_register_word, 0x02);
       case ON_LED:
         set_led_bit(msg_args[1], control_register_word, msg_args[0], 1);
-        is31_write_data (msg_args[1], control_register_word, 0x02);
       case TOGGLE_LED:
         set_led_bit(msg_args[1], control_register_word, msg_args[0], 2);
-        is31_write_data (msg_args[1], control_register_word, 0x02);
       case BLINK_OFF_LED:
       //on/off/toggle single led, msg_args[0] = row/col of led
         set_led_bit(msg_args[1], control_register_word, msg_args[0], 4);
-        is31_write_data (msg_args[1], control_register_word, 0x02);
       case BLINK_ON_LED:
         set_led_bit(msg_args[1], control_register_word, msg_args[0], 5);
-        is31_write_data (msg_args[1], control_register_word, 0x02);
       case BLINK_TOGGLE_LED:
         set_led_bit(msg_args[1], control_register_word, msg_args[0], 6);
-        is31_write_data (msg_args[1], control_register_word, 0x02);
       case TOGGLE_ALL:
@@ -282,6 +275,10 @@ static THD_FUNCTION(LEDthread, arg) {
         led_control_reg[0] = 0;
         __builtin_memset(led_control_reg+1, 0, 0x12);
         is31_write_data(msg_args[0], led_control_reg, 0x13);
+        //repeat for blink register
+        led_control_reg[0] = 0x12;
+        is31_write_data(msg_args[0], led_control_reg, 0x13);
       case TOGGLE_NUM_LOCK:
@@ -330,7 +327,7 @@ static THD_FUNCTION(LEDthread, arg) {
  *    led processing functions
  * ============================== */
-void set_led_bit (uint8_t page, uint8_t *led_control_reg, uint8_t led_addr, uint8_t action) {
+void set_led_bit (uint8_t page, uint8_t *led_control_word, uint8_t led_addr, uint8_t action) {
   //returns 2 bytes: led control register address and byte to write
   //action: 0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - toggle, 4 - blink on, 5 - blink off, 6 - toggle blink
@@ -341,11 +338,9 @@ void set_led_bit (uint8_t page, uint8_t *led_control_reg, uint8_t led_addr, uint
-  //check for blink bit
-  blink_bit = action>>2;
+  blink_bit = action>>2;//check for blink bit
   action &= ~(1<<2); //strip blink bit
-  //first byte is led control register address 0x00
   //led_addr tens column is pin#, ones column is bit position in 8-bit mask
   control_reg_addr = ((led_addr / 10) % 10 - 1 ) * 0x02;// A-matrix is every other byte
   control_reg_addr += blink_bit == 1 ? 0x12 : 0x00;//if blink_bit, shift 12 bytes to blink register
@@ -367,8 +362,9 @@ void set_led_bit (uint8_t page, uint8_t *led_control_reg, uint8_t led_addr, uint
   //return word to be written in register
-  led_control_reg[0] = control_reg_addr;
-  led_control_reg[1] = column_byte;
+  led_control_word[0] = control_reg_addr;
+  led_control_word[1] = column_byte;
+  is31_write_data (page, led_control_word, 0x02);
 void write_led_byte (uint8_t page, uint8_t row, uint8_t led_byte) {
@@ -403,13 +399,14 @@ void set_lock_leds(uint8_t led_addr, uint8_t led_action, uint8_t page) {
   //blink if all leds are on
   if (page == 0) {
     is31_read_register(0, 0x00, &temp);
+    chThdSleepMilliseconds(10);
     if (temp == 0xFF) {
       led_action |= (1<<2); //set blink bit
-  is31_write_data(page, led_control_word, 0x02);
 /* =====================