4 - COMPLETE, Read SE.QA.09 to familiarise with the Java standards. (Point 33 of minutes of 31st March) ACTION: Everyone
5 - COMPLETE, Luke to create the project and set it up with Maven before pushing it to the src directory on git. (Point 34 of minutes of 31st March) ACTION: law39
7 - ONGOING, Tom to develop his Flashcard spikework more by looking further into the different JavaFX panes. (Point 36 of minutes of 31st March) ACTION: top19
8 - Any rough spikework should be pushed to your individual dev folder, before merging it with the directory src. (Point 37 of minutes of 31st March)
9 - ONGOING, Familiarise yourself with JavaFX by looking at the official documentation and videos to get an idea on how our program's demo code works. (Point 38 of minutes of 31st March) ACTION: Everyone
8 - ONGOING, Oscar to do spikework on reordering/sorting of the dictionary. (Point 39 of minutes of 31st March) ACTION: osp1
9 - ONGOING, Marcin to do spikework on the 'Match the Meanings' test, creating a demo in JavaFX. (Point 40 of minutes of 31st March) ACTION: maj83
13 - ONGOING, Henry to implement the program's 'Add Word' screen. (Point 44 of minutes of 31st March) ACTION: hjd3
14 - ONGOING, Oscar to make a start on implementing the program's Dictionary display. (Point 45 of minutes of 31st March) ACTION: osp1
15 - ONGOING, Tom and Luke to make the shared code controller, working out what it will contain. (Point 46 of minutes of 31st March) ACTION: top19, law39
16 - Anyone who is struggling with spikework can feel free to ask for help in the discord. (Point 47 of minutes of 31st March)