CS221 Project: Group Project 20 Meeting: Weekly Project Meeting Persons present: All except Angus Kay (ank40) Place and date of meeting: C57a Llandinam, Tuesday 11th February 2020, 10:10am Circulation list: All project members, plus project manager Author: Brad Corbett Date of minutes: 11th February 2020 Version: 1.0 Matters arising: =========== 2.1 Oscar and Kain will continue work on material for the user interface document. ACTION: osp1, kab74. ONGOING 2.2 Henry has taken over from Brad on testing as Brad focuses on QA 3.1 Luke to continue working on JavaFX ONGOING 5 Complete - Decision was to use Word. 6 Complete - Tom, Oscar, and Luke to go to GitLab session. 7.1 Complete - Marcin reports that randomisation contains no obvious problem 7.2 Angus to continue finding other issues in live searches/live filtering, ONGOING New business: =========== 1 - Decided Kain Bryan-Jones(kab74) to be Group Leader, Henry Dugmore(hjd3)to be Deputy Project Leader, Brad Corbett(brc9) to be Quality Assurance Manager, Nathaniel Watts(ncw) to be Deputy Quality Assurance Manager ACTION: Everyone. 2.1 - Oscar and Kain to create draft of UI documents that will go through Quality Assurance. ACTION: kab74, osp1 2.2 - Nathaniel and Henry to write specification for the testing. ACTION: hjd3, maj83 3 - Brad to read at least documents 2, 4 and 7, ideally all 10 QA documents. ACTION: brc9